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The Space between Pet dog and Stray cat – recap May 2014

the space between dog and cat
The space between pet dog and stray cat. Sepia tinted.

The month of May came and went. I was away for a week and finally felt I have caught up with things. And then I realised the recap for last month is late. :P

So anyway, a total of 23 posts were published in May.

Here’s a rundown of the top 10 posts in May that got the most views from you:

  1. Nail Cutting and Chicken – Pet diary
  2. Adoptable dogs in Singapore Ikea store – Singapore
  3. Cafe for dogs: III Cafe, Singapore – Singapore
  4. Top 10 Online Pet Shops in Singapore – Singapore
  5. Pose, Stay, Say cheese – Pet diary
  6. Donna finds shelter from Thunder Phobia – Pet diary
  7. Dogs on Things in Pet Photography – Pet Photography
  8. Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 12 – Mix It Up – Pet Photography
  9. Ian Dunbar – Dog-friendly training – Pet diary
  10. Where goes tuesdayChallenge? – Pet Photography

Topics pertaining to Singapore do particularly well.

General topics to do with Donna and dogs show more variable views probably because it depends on how interesting the particular topics are to you the reader. In fact, Donna at 1:00pm got the most comments and was the second most liked post by WordPress users, but isn’t even in the top 10 list.

Photography topics may look less popular compared to the others, but longer term, people with specialised interests do find their way to these pages. So in all, I think there is still a good mix here.


As Snappy H’appy wrapped up, I also started to serialise more. I don’t think it was particularly planned, sometimes I just got an idea in my head and I just plunge into it.


Here are the series that started in May and are on-going:

Cafe reviews (Monthly)

Shopping (Monthly)

1 day 1 World (Weekly)

Considering the Singapore-specific articles are getting more views, this is definitely something I will continue.

The 1 day 1 world series also made me capture candid moments that I probably would have missed, if I wasn’t doing this project started by NWFrameofMind. And it ended up quite popular in terms of views and interaction with you.

So if you are considering a photo project like this, I’ll say “Go for it!” ;)


Here are the series that started in June and are on-going:

Dogspotting in Taiwan (Weekly)

Themes in Pet Photography (Weekly)

All these series will go on for some weeks yet.

I hope you enjoy them or find them fun, interesting or helpful in some way. Thanks! :)


Most liked dog photo on our Instagram account in the month of May, 2014.



These dogs own the streets at Pingxi


Dog trick: Wave left, wave right!


  1. You’ve had a busy month! It’s really fun to see that your 1D1W posts have been popular with your readers – thanks for joining the project. :)

  2. That cat looks like my cat bro Bert!

    • Oh but Bert is lucky he’s not a stray :) heehee… maybe they can be long lost siblings across the ocean… haha :P

  3. Great photo. :-) So much fascinating stuff I need to read! I’d better get started!

  4. dollythedoxie

    We are following you on FB now, didn’t realize you had an account, that way we can keep up with your blog better, sorry we have missed so many! I chased the last stray cat I saw, how do you do that? Love Dolly

    • No worries. We practise sit-stay alot, and the human and I go downstairs where I sit-stay and take turns with the stray cats to get treats. ;) So I learnt not to bother them after a while. Although sometimes I got too engrossed sniffing and missed the cat hiding in the grass and get startled/slapped by them anyway – – !! No worries, I was safe… no scratches or anything.

  5. You always have great photography. I enjoy your blog immensely.

  6. Your doggie has the best smile : )

  7. That first picture is fabulous. Caught up. What is that?

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