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Category: General Health

Missed Miscarriage & Coping with Grief

By the end of this year the world would have been trying to live with Covid-19 for 2 or close to 2 years now (depending on your location). I think we have lots of good reasons not to turn up, whether it’s to meet up with friends, be there for family or even just to turn up on social media. And these are reasons, people may not necessarily talk about or tell you. Not because they don’t think your are important and are just ghosting on you but that sometimes it’s just too painful to think or talk about them. Things like, depression, anxiety or in my case miscarriage.

This was an eventful year and not in a good way.

A lot of things were happening for us from the start of the year and Donna’s surgery was only one of them. At that time we were also going through the IVF process in hopes of a second child. I remember telling the nurse taking my blood to check if I was pregnant that I think this round will end up in failure because I was so stressed over getting a blood donor for Donna and also over Donna’s condition in general.

So you can imagine our joy when we found out that we got pregnant after all. I had still kept all of baby P’s toys and clothes, etc so I didn’t think I had that much work to prepare for Baby 2 this time round. I did order some books to prepare Baby P for the arrival of the new sibling.

And then one day in the middle of the year, I started bleeding.

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What and how to use or reuse masks during Coronavirus (Covid-19) spread

NOTE: This post is originally published April 11, 2020. It is updated Sep 10, 2021.

UPDATED: What masks to wear and how to wear them in the current Delta-variant outbreak

We collected our free masks that Temasek Foundation is giving away recently – a box of regular surgical masks and a box of N95 masks.

Photo of a box of surgical masks and a box of N95 masks. N95 masks (right) collected from one of the Fairprice outlets.
N95 masks (right) collected from one of the Fairprice outlets.

There were only 25 masks in the N95 box. Apparently it’s not for everyday use, but if we were unlucky to contract Covid 19 and self-tested positive, we should don on the N95 masks to prevent spreading to others. Then we should go see the doctor and wait to be transported to the hospital or whatever other facility the government deems we should go to. So yah, at least we know what to do when that time comes. Hah!

With the delta variant being more transmissible, the current advice out there would be to use disposable surgical masks above BFE >95% to be properly protected every time you go out.

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This tedious breastfeeding journey & how to make it better

Breastfeeding is a journey, an exhausting one with some spilled milk and quite a bit of tears. It is a journey for mothers whose high needs baby needs to nurse constantly. It is also a journey for mothers w hose babies just can’t or refuse to latch, so that exclusive pumping becomes an unavoidable option.

I didn’t intend to belabour the topic, but my fingers ran away with me over a few sessions writing this. I haven’t finished but I can see this turning out to be a long article that likely will only be of interest to a very, very small group of people. But oh well. Moving on…

Object lesson #1 Have a clear, executable idea of how to breastfeed and what to do if baby fails to latch, don’t assume it just happens

I love the intimacy of the experience when the baby latches and then falls sleep, a tiny, warm bundle in your arms. But the tedious pumping part of the journey I abhorred. And so I had always planned to just exclusively latch if I could, and do without the pumping.

But it was not to be.

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Little P’s Birth Story & Stretch Marks Products for Very Itchy Pregnancy Bellies

Since pregnancy and giving birth is a once or twice a lifetime thing, I decided my suffering and stretch marks warranted a post. HAHA.

I didn’t have morning sickness, I had heartburn and stretch marks

TV dramas seem to stereotype pregnancy morning sickness to vomiting and refusing some food. I didn’t vomit throughout my whole pregnancy but I had the most awful heartburn, also called acid reflux. I had it 24/7. Awful is too simple a word to describe it.

  • I felt that there was something stuck in my throat ALL the time
  • I had difficulty breathing when I wear a bra
  • I got breathless even when walking extremely slowly
  • I had to sleep sitting up

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