With new online pet shops in the market every year, a common question is which is the cheapest Singapore pet shop for dog food and pet supplies?
Dec 30, 2017 – Amazon was my main shopping destination in the last few months for cheaper/original pet products but recently my regular purchase items no longer deliver to Singapore. #tragedy
So it’s time to price compare some Singpore pet shops online that I didn’t manage to cover in the last comparison – like Perromart – and also the new stores like – GoodDogPeople and Moby’s Petshop.
What am I shopping for?
1. Two Kong Extreme (medium) – I’ve been meaning to get more since I have The Grateful Dog cooked food which are perfect to fill ’em up with and keep Donna occupied on busy days or rainy days.
- More about how I use the Kong here
- Not in Singapore? Buy the Kong on Amazon
2. Canned food – K9 Natural 170g beef, chicken and lamb feast. These are handy for visits to grooming, to the vet, to the beach. Basically anyplace where I need high value food for counter conditioning and have no time to boil meat or cook eggs.
3. Dry food – I have a pre-determined list of dry food that I buy but I’m also open to try new products, so it really depends on what is available and on offer. Got to make that dollar stretch, yah? :P
4. Dental chews – Greenies are my go-to dental chews since they are on the VOHC list of accepted products that retard plaque and tartar for dogs.
Now, let’s look at the price comparison shall we?
Price comparison of Singapore Pet Shops to find the cheapest products
I recently learnt from a friend called Kelly, that RedMart now sells some name-brand pet products such as Wellness Core dry food and surprise! Greenies! This comparison shows that RedMart, Pet Lovers Centre and Nekojam sell them at the same price. So that’s probably the recommended retail value. The cheapest can be found at Moby’s Petshop which is having a Buy 2 get 1 free promotion for this period.

Note: Greenies cost calculated as per stick rather than per pack.
In general, it appeared that the more established stores would be selling the goods at the same price or close to a standardised price. Younger online stores like Perromart and Moby’s Petshop are more aggressive when it comes to pricing. I coloured the boxes green when their prices are lower than average.
Of the eight stores being compared, only Kohepets had the full range of products that I was looking for. However, it did not make sense for me to place 1 order with Kohepets when I can get significant savings shopping with the younger online stores for pets. So I eventually split my order into 2. Wet food with Perromart and Kong Extreme with Moby’s Pet.
Perromart for Cheapest K9 Natural Can and Castor and Pollux Organix dry food
Perromart was offering the Castor & Pollux Organix line of pet food at the discounted price of $29.90 per pack. So I decided to pick up 2 packs of different flavours, together with the canned food I was ordering.
Final bill came up to be $86.80 for six 170g cans and two 4lbs packs of food.
Moby’s Petshop for Holiday Deals and Flash Sales
I missed those days when I can get S$7 Kong Extreme and 36 Greenies at S$40 on Amazon (not including shipping). Even at 20% off, a Kong Extreme now costs $16.80… … … … 😓 (Oh man, I still bought 2. I am such a sucker ^&#%%$…).
But S$58 for 36 Greenies is a pretty good deal considering it will cost me S$87 in other shops.
Final bill $91.60 for 2 food toys and 3 packs of Greenies.
Total damage from both Singapore pet shops – $178.40 – all on one fine day in December. 😅😅😅
To be fair, my shopping list this time round is very specific and narrow. The result may be very different if I had a longer shopping list, or if the younger stores were not having holiday sales at the time.
The more established Singapore pet shops online like Nekojam and Polypet will still offer the best website experience in terms of ease of navigation and finding the product as well as time-tested delivery operations. And established stores like them still offer a wider range of products than the younger stores.
It just so happens that Perromart does stock K9 Natural 170g cans and have some decent-looking kibble on sale. If I were looking for other brands like Orijen or Acana for example, only those stores with a brick and motar shopfront like Polypet will be able to stock them.
Moby’s Petshop has the worse navigation experience because of its broad categories. And the search bar doesn’t help. It autocorrects a search for “K9 Natural” to “KG Natural”…
And GoodDogPeople simply didn’t stock any of the products I was looking for. See GoodDogPeople’s response to this post here.
The point of this update is not to belittle or offend any store. We all have to start somewhere and slowly build from there.
It is just a quick snapshot of my online shopping behaviour and my thoughts at this point in time. Perhaps it will help give potential pet adopters some general idea of how much it can potentially cost to have a pet dog. And also to give anyone interested an idea of the options available to them with regards dog products I use and also new stores that are launched now and then.
Comments are helpful. Let me know if this helps or you have other thoughts/suggestions in the comment box at the end of this article!
This is a non-biased review of selected Singapore pet online stores and is not sponsored in anyway. Purchases made through clicking on the Amazon links help earn me some affiliate income which goes back to supplementing the costs of food, treats and toys for Donna. 😝
See them for yourself, to visit the pet online stores reviewed click on the corresponding link: Redmart | GoodDogPeople | Kohepets | Moby’s Petshop | Nekojam | Perromart | Pet Lovers Centre | Polypet
To find more price comparisons of products and stores, read the 2016 review article below. :)
July 26, 2016 – Every new dog owner wants to know which Singapore pet shop to buy affordable pet supplies from. So in 2014, I scoured the web to compile a directory of Singapore’s Online Pet Shops and ended up with a list of 50 online stores. 50! You can see the full list here.
I was ranking them based on traffic to see who was more popular, but you know what? The rankings fluctuated from month to month simply because there was many small online pet supplies stores and only one major player at that time – Pet Lovers Centre. The market was very fragmented at the time and there was very little differentiation among all the little pet shops to a new dog owner like me.
So let’s do it differently today.

Many small operators result in a fragmented online store environment, where the shopping experience may not be optimal. It’s a little like Donna’s little stall here with various random products (sponsored or sent for a chance to be reviewed) for you to browse.
We visited Sun Petgamart on Saturday (23 July 2016), so based on our shopping list, I made a comparison across 9 pet shops. With the exception of Sun Petgamart, all the other pet shops in this table below has or is an online store.

Survey of Singapore pet shops based on a standard shopping list, comparing prices and availability of products.
As you can see my shopping list consisted of 2 dry food brands, a pack of dental chews, dog toothpaste, re-usable canned food lids and a toy.
1/ Singapore Pet Shop with the Best Range of Products
None of the pet shops enabled me to complete my full shopping list. However, three of the shops in the table had 5 of the 6 items I was looking for either in-store or listed on the online store.
So out of the 9 shops surveyed these three – Sun Petgamart, Polypet and Pet Lovers Centre (PLC) – had the best range.
2/ Singapore Pet Shop with the Lowest Overall Prices
See also, freeze dried raw dog food ranked from lowest to highest cost! Read now.
To say that any one pet shop has the cheapest prices is to propagate a myth. Referencing the same table, I have highlighted the cheapest price by product in Green below. What you see is that the green boxes are spread out across – Sun Petgamart, Polypet, Nekojam, and Perromart. Each online store has products that are cheaper than other stores and products that are priced higher than other stores. There is not one store that is consistently cheaper than other stores across a range of products.

Survey of Singapore pet shops based on a standard shopping list, comparing prices and availability of products.
However, if I were to compare just the shops that fulfil 5 out of 6 items on my shopping list, Sun Petgamart is definitely offering me a lower overall cost compared to Polypet and Pet Lovers Centre (PLC).
And this is the reason why, after compiling a list of 50 online pet shops two years ago, I still ended up shopping more often from a brick and mortar store. :P
We bought the Sun Petgamart membership which gave us 20% off the dry food and the toothpaste. The Greenies (6oz packs) were also cheaper because of a Buy 2 get 1 Free offer.
Of course they marked up their prices, but with the discounts, it still ended up cheaper overall than the other stores on the table.
Read more about our shopping trips to Sun Petgamart for dogs
3/ Singapore Pet Shops that offer variety with the convenience of shopping online
It’s not always we get to go to Sun Petgamart. Sometimes we just get too busy, and ordering online starts looking like a good alternative.
I order from Polypet every few months since they offer the variety I am looking for. But compiling this table showed that Polypet may or may not have slightly higher prices than Nekojam depending on what’s on your shopping list.

Survey of Singapore pet shops based on a standard shopping list, comparing prices and availability of products.
Nekojam was actually in my consideration set two years ago, but I think they didn’t support as much variety as they do today which was why I ended up shopping at Polypet. So I probably will compare between the two again before I put in my next online order.
4/ A broad range of products is more important to me than lowest price
Newcomer Perromart certainly has the lowest prices for Virbac’s CET toothpaste. However, I dislike the hassle of having multiple accounts and log-ins in order to buy the cheapest products. Besides, not having the variety also means that I am unable to chalk up the amount required for free delivery, unless I buy that one item in bulk. So I don’t really foresee myself buying from online stores that are only able to fulfill half or less of my shopping list.
Buy Virbac CET toothpaste on Amazon!
5/ This article is not conclusive
I’ve chosen to focus on price and range of products simply because these are the factors most key to me. Pet supplies shopping online is something I want to complete with the least hassle in one shop.
I’ve actually compared prices across a very small set of products, so the points above are really just preliminary conclusions. I’ll probably continue to build on this article across time with future shopping lists so more products and pet shops can be covered. Even so, the data will always only be indicative. This is because pet shops can and do adjust prices for their products across time, which I am unable to track consistently.
Read also
Looking for more options? People on my social network are recommending:
- Pet Guru – 100% of the profits go to supporting the operations of SOSD and Pet Guru.
- Ah Beng Pet Store
- KK Doggie Heaven
- Shopee
Come :) Follow weliveinaflat.com on
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Impressive research!
Thanks! It really wasn’t very thorough :P
Terry Peh
Hey there,
This is Terry from GoodDogPeople. I just want to take a few minutes to reach out and thank you for considering GDP in your latest online pet shop review. I’ll like you to know that we are looking at your feedback and working on it right now.
1. Product Range: As we speak, we have just published an incentive feature of 5% off on all unlisted items as an immediate response to your experience on our web store. GDP has been launched for 3.5 months and we are racing against time to get as many (GDP-approved) products listed at possible. As of today, we carry high quality, GDP-approved brands like Fromm Family, Stella & Chewy’s, Primal Pet Foods, Taste Of The Wild, ZiwiPeak, The Honest Kitchen, etc.
2. New Products Procurement: K9 Naturals, Greenies and KONG will be available on our web store in the next 24 hours. This is to ensure that we are able to serve your shopping needs should you consider GDP in your next purchase. That said, we understand your shopping list is not limited to these 3 brands. Feel free to ping us if we are able to procure other products for you. As of today, we have procured hamster cages, cat litter and various dog supplements like Dr Mercola, Crananimals, Lila Loves It, etc for our customers. As long as the products are GDP-approved, we take pride in procuring new, unlisted products as best as we can.
3. Price: We’re sorry that you didn’t have a chance to review any of the items with GDP. We have a best price guarantee policy on our web store so that pet owners can shop confidently with us. We also have a Puppy & Senior Privilege scheme where owners are entitled to 5% off for puppies and senior dogs.
We’re very new and feedback like these are very important to us. Being a small team right now also means we can be very agile and nimble to make quick decisions in meeting pet owners’ needs. Our 100+ 5-star reviews: https://www.facebook.com/gooddogpeople/reviews/ have demonstrated our commitment and I hope we’d be able to meet your needs better in your next purchase.
Thanks for reading up till here, and happy holidays to you and Donna!
Terry – GDP
Thanks for the quick and detailed response Terry! The only thing I have difficulty getting in Singapore, which Amazon is a godsend for, is The Honest Kitchen Preference and Kindly 3lbs base-mix. If you can stock that it will be most awesome. I don’t need 10lbs boxes and I don’t want food that has been repacked at external facilities not belonging directly to THK. :P

Terry Peh
Hey, thanks for pointing that out – it’s definitely something that we can look into. :) Might be a tall order right now but there should be a way to work around it. We will get back to you in a week’s time.
On a side note, I also like to share with you that the brands in your latest purchase are live on our web store now. The team got together today so that we could speed up our process of making these brands available on our store.
1. Greenies: https://gooddogpeople.com/collections/greenies/products/greenies-dental-dog-chews
2. K9 Natural: https://gooddogpeople.com/collections/k9-natural
3. KONG: https://gooddogpeople.com/collections/kong
Thanks again for giving us this chance to respond to your review!
Terry – GDP
I usually get most of my stuff from perromart. Love their pricing and fast delivery. Very low minimum order for free delivery is also another plus point. Sun petgamart is great for canned food if I’m not too lazy to make a trip there.
Will visit the other new ones soon. Thanks for the detailed review! It’s very helpful.
Hmm I ordered on 28 Dec (thursday) from both Perromart and Moby’s Petshop. Moby has delivered on 30 Dec (saturday). Perromart is supposed to ship 1-4 days, it is 3 Jan (Wed) and I have not heard anything from them yet… Haha, so I wouldn’t say they are fast. :P Have fun!