We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Category: Photography Page 6 of 21

Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 7 – Turn your photo into a Sketch

The graphite pencil has a long history and with it, the art of sketching.

Sketches can be made in any drawing medium. The term is most often applied to graphic work executed in a dry media such as silverpoint,graphite, pencil, charcoal or pastel. But it may also apply to drawings executed in pen and ink, ballpoint pen, water colour and oil paint. The latter two are generally referred to as “water colour sketches” and “oil sketches”. – wikipedia

And of course, with mobile app and digital imaging technology, we now have features in our apps that lets us turn photos into sketches. Personally, I find this very useful for blogging. Some photos that don’t work so well as photos actually don’t look half bad as a sketch! ;P

snappy happy photo challenge logo black and whiteWelcome back to Week 7 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;)

This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. We’re back to the theme of Art effects this week – Sketch effects

Most of my photos filtered with the sketch effect is done using Camera360. Whatever complaints I have with the app, the Sketch effect in it is seriously useful. The photo usually comes out looking rather refined as a black and white sketch. I love it because ugly, unwanted details in the background are usually diminished.

Camera360 photo app – Sketch effects

sketch of dog with bone
Above: Can hardly see the ugly storage boxes behind Donna, yah? ;P

Camera360 also gives a more refined black and white sketch effect. See if you can guess for the picture below, which one is the result from Camera360, and which one is not.

camera360 vs paper camera app - dog and tv sketch up

Camera360 is a free app that offers 15 categories of Multi-effects. You can access them by tapping on the Multi-effects button (screen i) after you have loaded up your photo in the app. From there, pick the Sketch option (screen 2) from the Effects menu. You then will get a choice of 9 sketch effects (screen 3). My favourites are Surreal (which is black and white) and Colour.

camera360 sketch screenshot
Screenshots from Camera360

Surreal gives you a black and white sketch like this: camera360 app - dog on floor sketch

And Colour gives you a result that is somewhat like a refined colour pencil sketch:camera360 app dog in crate sketch

I like that in both cases, the original ugly photo now looks more like a work of art.

The Sketch options in Camera360 are limited to nine filters. There is no option to tweak any of them. Just tap and apply, that’s it.  Simple to use, but doesn’t really give you any sort of experience or appreciation of the art of sketching.

Paper Camera photo app – Sketch effects

The paid app, Paper Camera, is more interesting in this respect. Offering 14* different filters, Paper Camera also gives you the option to play around and experiment with variables like – strokes, vignette, edges, contrast, brightness and lines.

*Out of the 14 filters, I only found 2 of them useful. I don’t really think I will use the other 12 that much as the styles didn’t appeal to me ;) You can see the filters in their video on their website here if you are thinking of whether you want to buy it.

paper camera app sketch up screenshot 1
paper camera app sketch up screenshot 1
Screenshots from Paper Camera. This screen shows the Sketch Up filter being applied. The slider bars under the Variables -Strokes, Vignette, Edges, Contrast, Brightness and Lines – can be adjusted to tweak the intensity of the variables.  

The result – you can create something that ends up looking more like a rough sketch, instead of a finished sketch that Camera360 always gives you.

paper camera app - dog on floor sketch up
Above: Donna on the floor using Paper Camera’s Sketch Up filter. You can control the strokes, lines and edges. It looks very much like a rough sketch, doesn’t it?

camera360 app - dog on floor sketch
Above: Donna on the floor using Camera360 Surreal Sketch effect. The sketch looks like it is coloured in and the strokes are not determinable compared to Paper Camera. 

Here’s a another result from Paper Camera Sketch Up filter. This time with the Vignette effect. I do have an issue with the vignette which did not white out the edges of the image like I expect it to.

paper camera app - shopfront sketch up
Just for fun, you may remember the original photo from last week’s photo challenge, for your reference here:
shophouse in kyoto

Paper Camera also has colour sketch filter options. I found that the filter Pastel Perfect worked well for some of my photos. Here is the same shopfront rendered with Pastel Perfect. Notice the the strokes across the photo:paper camera app - shopfront sketch pastel perfect
Compare that to the same shopfront using Camera360 Sketch effect – Colour in the photo below. The photo is outlined to look like a sketch but without the strokes. I think it looks more like an inked comic in this case, rather than a colour pencil sketch. camera360 app - shopfront sketch

Further experimentation with Paper Camera showed that it delivers well when it comes to rendering more of a vintage, stylized effect for photos of flowers.

camera360 vs paper camera app - hydrangea sketch vs pastel perfect
Paper Camera – Pastel Perfect filter (left); Comic Boom filter(right)

But because Paper Camera tries to replicate the the lines and hardness of strokes when it comes to sketching, details will be obscured like in the result below. You get the rough sketch of the shape of the dog but miss out much of the details.

paper camera app dog in crate pastel perfect

Where it comes to getting a result that looks more finished and pleasant, I definitely still do prefer Camera360. Below you an see clearly Donna’s sleepy expression and her eyes, as well as the gentle detail in the curves of her side and in her paws.

camera360 app dog in crate sketch

Get Inspired!

Go get it!
Photo apps for your mobile devices

iPhone users

Android users

  • Apps reviewed in this post – Camera360 Free, Paper Camera Paid Only
  • Sketch Guru – wrote about this in the watercolour post, it has pencil sketch filters too. 

Host Challenge Post

Photo of the Week 
hand wall vase
Hand, edited with Snapseed, VSCOcam M3 present (adapted) and Photoshop. 

App Challenge Image 
hand wall vase sketch
Hand, Paper Camera Pastel Perfect filter, using the original photo, not the edited Photo of the Week. 

Hand, Paper Camera Pastel Perfect, using the edited Photo of the Week. The hand does not stand out as cleanly from the shadow as the image filtered using the original photo. I prefer the former because of the raw quality of the sketch and because the feathered bud comes out clearer than the latter.

Now it’s your turn to share!

Create your challenge post from now until Sunday, 30 Mar end of your day. Post your Photo of the Week and your App-ed version of that photo on your blog. (You can follow my format above if you like).

Pic 1 – Your Photo of the Week can be taken with any equipment – a regular camera, a DSLR, a smartphone, hack even a pin-hole camera if you so choose!

Pic 2 – Pic 2 is optional. The theme this week is Sketch Effects, but if that is not your cup of tea, you are free to choose other app effects for your app-ed photo. In all cases, it would be helpful if you can name the app effect used so we can understand what you are doing ; )

Add the challenge badge and link your post to the host and co-host sites. Be nice and visit with some of the other challengers for this week! :) And do remember to leave me your blog post link in the comments below, in case I do not receive the pingback/trackback from your link.

For more information, you can read in detail more about the challenge and the instructions at the About page here. You can also grab the badges here.

Questions? Feel free to pose any questions in the comments below or email me at weliveinaflat@gmail.com. Next up, what happens after you have linked up? Why you start getting your challenger photo grid filled up!

Challenger Photo Grids

Every week, challenger grids get updated with the new photos! At the end, you get to grab your grid off this blog for your own pleasure. :D Meanwhile, you can view one another’s photos on the blogs by clicking on the linked numbered weeks above each challenger’s photo grid. I will try to keep it up to date as quick as I can ;)

Host| weliveinaflat.com
[ photos tagged “snappy happy” ]
weliveinaflat's Snappy H'appy Photo Grid

Host| firebonnet.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
firebonnet snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Blogagaini
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Blogagaini snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Little Dogs Laughed
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Little Dogs Laughed snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| 1stworlddog.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
1st world dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| completelydisappear.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
completelydisappear snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| LivingWithMyAncestors.wordpress.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Roxy The Traveling Dog
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Zeke’s Adventures
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Zeke's Adventures snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| ForestWoodFolkArt.wordpress.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| sassmuffins.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
sassmuffin snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Claim your photo grid, join the challenge today!

Next week, we’ll get Snappy H’appy with Mirroring effects! Thanks for checking out this Photo Challenge and making it all the way to the end of the post! ;) 

Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 6 – Colour Filter

Hi all! Really sorry for the late post this week! So I am happy to extend the deadline to the next Sunday rather than this Sunda if you need more time. Hope it helps!! Let me know if you prefer to continue with Week 7 next week or the week after. Thanks! 

One of the easiest things to do with a photo app is to apply a colour filter. Tap to apply and there you have it, a boring photo given a little extra zing. Minimal effort.

Above: Filtered App: Aviary. 

Above: unfiltered 

So why is it that some people prefer unfiltered?

Welcome back to Week 6 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. We’re back to the theme of Colour this week and we will look at Colour filters

Our awesome Snappy H’appy crew includes co-host Meghan (Firebonnet) and also Melinda (1stWorldDog)Christy (Sassmuffins)CompletelyDisappearGretchen (Zeke’s Adventures)Meg (Little Dogs Laughed)Blogagaini and Mary (RoxyTheTravelingDog).

If you didn’t join us in the last five weeks, well hurry up, because there is just 7 weeks left in the challenge! It’s not too late to join in the fun. Backdated posts for the previous weeks are optional. For more details about the challenge, check out the Photo Challenge page. Now then, let’s talk about Colour Filters.

Why indeed do some people prefer unfiltered?

1) The filters may cause you to lose detail and that may not be desirable in some cases.

Left, unfiltered. Right, filtered with EyeEm app.

Compare the photos above and it comes obvious that details in the shadowy parts under the roof is lost in the photo on the right. In this case, I do not mind the loss of detail because I prefer the focus on the flower detail decorating the roof. I also like that the loss of detail added to the depth of the photo. But depending on the photo, the loss in detail may not be desirable.

2) It makes the photo look unnatural

The filters are not custom to your photo and sometimes may give the photo an over-exposed or overly yellow, pink, green or blue tint (depending on the filter used).

Above, unfiltered.  

Above, filtered with Aviary app, with the Arizona filter to give the scene a romantic vibe. My gripe with it is that the sculpture on the right looked over-exposed so that the detail on it is largely faded out. 

Above, the Aviary filtered photo with the levels changed in Photoshop to decrease the exposure/brightness. Can easily be done within Snapseed or VSCOcam as well.   

Above, unfiltered.  

Above, applied Clyde filter in Aviary app to give it more of a warm, old world feel.  

Above, again tune down the brightness of the Clyde filtered photo. Again this can just as easily be done in Snapseed or VSCOcam.

For my two set of shopfront photos above, I do feel that the Aviary filters make my photos too over-exposed so normally I continue to adjust the photo in photoshop or Snapseed/VSCOcam on my note.

3) Counting on the filter to enhance your photos may make you a lazier photographer

Thing is, you and I are not professional photographers. And a lot of times, we take photos not because the light is perfect, the setting is just gonna give us an amazing photo, etc, etc but because we saw something that we want to take a memento of that we can share with others either immediately on a social network on the phone or later when we meet up with friends.

This means, our photos taken on the spur of the moment, usually with no luxury of time for careful consideration, will not be the greatest thing made since sliced cheese.

Above, unfiltered.  

So if adding a filter can give you a leg up, why not?

Above, Aviary app, Sentosa filter. This filter remains me of the colours used in some movies ;) 

A look at Statigr.am tells me that 76% of my Instagram photos are unfiltered. The truth is, a large number of them are processed, just not with Instagram filters. Like Instagram, the Aviary app (used for the photos above in this post) provides a selection of different cool and warm filters that can be applied to enhance your photos. However, use the same filter too often, and your photos will all turn out with the same colour tone. Consistent… but maybe a little boring after some time.

Looking for more natural colours?

So by and large unless I want to achieve a specific vibe using colour filters, I usually use Snapseed and VSCOcam to tune up my photos while keeping them closer to their natural colour.

Abouve: Unfiltered 

Abouve: Processed – App: Snapseed and VSCOcam. 

Developed by the Visual Supply Company, hence the app name, VSCOcam appears pretty popular among the photographer/designer crowd. It has editing capabilities like Snapseed and I find the two complementary to each other since they each have their own strengths.

VSCOcam offers some additional features that Snapseed does not have including fade and tinting options. You can choose to tint the photo overall or just the highlights or the shadows. You can check out the highlights tint and shadows tint tutorials on their website.

Get Inspired!

Go get it!
Photo apps for your mobile devices

iPhone users

Android Phone users

Host Challenge Post

Photo of the Week (unfiltered)
App Challenge Image (VSCOcam F2 preset) 


VSCOcam (C1 preset)

Now it’s your turn to share!

Create your challenge post from now until Sunday, 29 Mar end of your day. Post your Photo of the Week and your App-ed version of that photo on your blog. (You can follow my format above if you like).

Pic 1 – Your Photo of the Week can be taken with any equipment – a regular camera, a DSLR, a smartphone, hack even a pin-hole camera if you so choose!

Pic 2 – Pic 2 is optional. The theme this week is Colour Filters, but if that is not your cup of tea, you are free to choose other app effects for your app-ed photo. In all cases, it would be helpful if you can name the app effect used so we can understand what you are doing ; )

Add the challenge badge and link your post to the host and co-host sites. Be nice and visit with some of the other challengers for this week! :) And do remember to leave me your blog post link in the comments below, in case I do not receive the pingback/trackback from your link.

For more information, you can read in detail more about the challenge and the instructions at the About page here. You can also grab the badges here.

Questions? Feel free to pose any questions in the comments below or email me at weliveinaflat@gmail.com. Next up, what happens after you have linked up? Why you start getting your challenger photo grid filled up!

Challenger Photo Grids

Every week, challenger grids get updated with the new photos! At the end, you get to grab your grid off this blog for your own pleasure. :D Meanwhile, you can view one another’s photos on the blogs by clicking on the linked numbered weeks above each challenger’s photo grid. I will try to keep it up to date as quick as I can ;)

Host| weliveinaflat.com
[ photos tagged “snappy happy” ]
weliveinaflat's Snappy H'appy Photo Grid

Host| firebonnet.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
firebonnet snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Little Dogs Laughed
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Little Dogs Laughed snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Roxy The Traveling Dog
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| sassmuffins.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
sassmuffin snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| completelydisappear.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
completelydisappear snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Zeke’s Adventures
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Zeke's Adventures snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Blogagaini
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Blogagaini snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| 1stworlddog.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
1st world dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Claim your photo grid, join the challenge today!

Next week, we’ll get Snappy H’appy with Colour Filters! Thanks for checking out this Photo Challenge and making it all the way to the end of the post! ;) 

I am a black dog

starkly so black and white dog portrait

black and white sunday blog hop

Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 5 – Light Leak Effects

How often do you apply a light leak filter on your photos?
How many ways to Sunday can you do it?

Welcome back to Week 5 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. We’re back to the theme of Light this week and we will look at Light Leak Effects.

Our awesome Snappy H’appy crew includes co-host Meghan (Firebonnet) and also Melinda (1stWorldDog)Christy (Sassmuffins)CompletelyDisappearGretchen (Zeke’s Adventures)Meg (Little Dogs Laughed)Blogagaini and Mary (RoxyTheTravelingDog).

If you didn’t join us in the last four weeks, there are 8 weeks left in the challenge, so feel free to join in the fun. Backdated posts for the previous weeks are optional. ; ) For more details about the challenge, check out the Photo Challenge page. Now then, let’s talk about light effects.

Light Leak, what is it exactly?

A light leak is a hole or gap in the body of a camera where light is able to “leak” into the normally light-tight chamber, exposing the film or sensor with extra light. This light is diffuse, although parts within the camera may cast shadows or reflect it in a particular way. For most purposes this is considered a problem. Within the lomography movement it is seen as a positive effect, giving photos character. – wikipedia

Light leaks, especially those big stripes of red on a photo could be a little cheesy but some light leak affects can also have a dreamy, romantic feel or a dynamic city feel that this video tries to incorporate.

A Day In Surabaya from Hifatlobrain on Vimeo.

App #1 – Pixlr Express’ Leaks and Leaking Overlays

If you like simple and straight forward, Plxlr Express has Light Leak texture maps that are easily applied to the image at the tap of a finger. You can find them in the Overlay section in two categories – Leaking HD and Leaks.

Applied the Ovverride Leaking HD filter, Fade not 100%, in Pixlr.

App #2 – PicsArt Lights

PicsArt has  a selection of Lights Effect, which when set to the Screen setting can imitate the diffused light leak effect.

Under Effect > Lights, Light 18 is applied to the photo with a screen setting (see dropdown menu at the top of the screen) to create a dreamy atmosphere.

The screenshot below shows you the other controls that lets you flip, rotate and make more or less transparent the light leak or light effects being applied to the photo.

App #3 – Snapseed Retrolux

If you like slightly less control, retrolux in Snapseed has a randomize function that applies retro effects, including light leaks when you “roll the dice”. Or you can start out with a preset and customise from there. Within the different Retrolux effects offered by Snapseed, swipe your finger up or down and you will call up the menu that lets you adjust brightness, saturation, scratches, style strength and yes, light leaks within the Retrolux effect you have chosen to apply.

Image with added light leak from Retrolux in Snapseed

With a heavy hand, I repeated layering Snapseed retrolux filters and ended up with a photo that is quite different from the original, but whether it looks better or worse than the original is debatable and down to the individual.

In the instance of this cat photo, my preference is for the original without the Retrolux filter. A general rule of thumb, if it distracts from the photo’s subject and focal point, than it’s perhaps better to do without. But if it enhances the photos, achieves your motive of a cohesive vintage or lightleak inspired photo set and helps focus the eye on the subject, than why not? ;)

Light Leak photos do not have to be light and dreamy

Lomography photos can be colourful with intense lights and darks as well.

Within the Lights section of Picsart, there is a dropdown at the top of the screen that offers different blend modes. Earlier in this post, we selected the “screen” setting to create a dreamy light leak effect using one of the filters available. The dropdown has more than just Screen settings, so you can always experiment and choose the setting you prefer for a different effect.

Light 20 is applied to the photo with the overlay setting (see dropdown menu at the top of the after screen) and that created more a dynamic and colourful photo, rather than a light, dreamy look for the building interior.

So now I’ve showed you the different ways, I use the apps on my mobile device to create light leak effects on my photos. Here are ten more photos from other people to give you further inspiration!

Get inspired!

Ten Light Leak Photos –
different subject, different approach, by different authors of the images. ;)
[ Flowers 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Close ups 1 | 2 |  Scenes 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 ]

Go get it!
Photo apps for your mobile devices

iPhone users

Android Phone users

Host challenge post

My photo of the week

This are the only thriving flowering plant in the garden below the flat right now. Everything else is drying and dying as we are experiencing a dry spell at the moment.

App Challenge Image

PicsArt, Light 18, using the Overlay setting. I like how it looks kind of mystical with the tops of the foliage reaching out to the light beams shooting down. ;) I edited the original photo with Snapseed before applying the light filter in PicsArt.

Now it’s your turn to share!

Create your challenge post from now until Sunday, 16 Mar end of your day. Post your Photo of the Week and your App-ed version of that photo on your blog. (You can follow my format above if you like).

Pic 1 – Your Photo of the Week can be taken with any equipment – a regular camera, a DSLR, a smartphone, hack even a pin-hole camera if you so choose!

Pic 2 – Pic 2 is optional. The theme this week is Light Leak Effects, but if that is not your cup of tea, you are free to choose other app effects for your app-ed photo. In all cases, it would be helpful if you can name the app effect used so we can understand what you are doing ; )

Add the challenge badge and link your post to the host and co-host sites. Be nice and visit with some of the other challengers for this week! :) And do remember to leave me your blog post link in the comments below, in case I do not receive the pingback/trackback from your link.

For more information, you can read in detail more about the challenge and the instructions at the About page here. You can also grab the badges here.

Questions? Feel free to pose any questions in the comments below or email me at weliveinaflat@gmail.com. Next up, what happens after you have linked up? Why you start getting your challenger photo grid filled up!

Challenger Photo Grids

Every week, challenger grids get updated with the new photos! At the end, you get to grab your grid off this blog for your own pleasure. :D Meanwhile, you can view one another’s photos on the blogs by clicking on the linked numbered weeks above each challenger’s photo grid. I will try to keep it up to date as quick as I can ;)

Host| weliveinaflat.com
[ photos tagged “snappy happy” ]
weliveinaflat's Snappy H'appy Photo Grid

Host| firebonnet.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
firebonnet snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| 1stworlddog.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
1st world dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Little Dogs Laughed
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Little Dogs Laughed snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Roxy The Traveling Dog
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| completelydisappear.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
completelydisappear snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Zeke’s Adventures
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Zeke's Adventures snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| sassmuffins.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
sassmuffin snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Blogagaini
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Blogagaini snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Claim your photo grid, join the challenge today!

Next week, we’ll get Snappy H’appy with Colour Filters! Thanks for checking out this Photo Challenge and making it all the way to the end of the post! ;) 


Kick Monday Blues to the Curb!

So yah, the human is kicking Monday Blues to the curb by getting ahead with real life tasks and that means no more Monday posts! Not again?!!!

Does a  picture of food make you feel better? :P Fried battered soft-shell crab, Quayside Fish Bar and Bistro, Sentosa Cove, for macro Monday. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 native camera with Cameran filter.

Today’s question: Have you ever fed your dog something that’s not so healthy for him? What was it?

I bet most of you have seen the Daisy and Cooper hilarious ice cream video, but if you haven’t the link is below + some other photo posts!


For people in colder climates wanting some sun

For people in the tropics wanting to escape the heat


The Unruly Deer of Nara Park

This post is continued from yesterday’s Nara Park Deer know Postive Reinforcement too!

The deer at Nara Park have learnt from years of experience that if they bow to you, you will give them deer biscuits.

The practice of feeding the deer by tourists made the deer less shy to approach human visitors. The deer are not unlike dogs. If they smell the deer biscuit on you, they will start to trail after you in the hopes of being treated.

In fact, the deer keep their eyes peeled on the visitors in the area and will go to great lengths to follow them.

This deer struggled with crossing over the fence to get to the other side in pursuit of the lady running away.

The deer also mill around the street of shops facing the wooded areas. Deer biscuits can be bought along this street.

And when they’ve locked on their target, they can be persistent.

Besides the polite bowing, the deer have also learnt from past experience that the humans give up the biscuits when they are pursued. So these deer can be stubborn about following you about, going as far as to bite the human teasing them with the food.

It can get a little overwhelming for visitors because if there were a lot of deer around, they could swarm the visitor handing out the biscuits. And then the human surrenders the biscuit in order to distract them while they make their escape, not unlike this person in the picture.

So while the deer are positively reinforced to bow to the visitors for their biscuit, they have not been trained in any other way and are still wild animals that may hurt you.

But I suspect this happens more to people who deliberately tease them and get them riled up about the food. Mr P and I didn’t have much problems evading the more persistent ones, so it was a pretty interesting day for us, getting up close to the deer of Nara Park. :)



Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 4 – Cutouts

Welcome back to Week 4 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. This week, we are looking at Cutouts. : )

Our awesome Snappy H’appy crew includes co-host Meghan (Firebonnet) and also Melinda (1stWorldDog)Christy (Sassmuffins)CompletelyDisappearGretchen (Zeke’s Adventures)Meg (Little Dogs Laughed)Blogagaini and Mary (RoxyTheTravelingDog).

If you didn’t join us in the last three weeks, it’s not too late. :) We have 9 weeks left in the challenge and you can join us starting this week. Backdated posts for the previous weeks are optional. ; ) For more details about the challenge, check out the Photo Challenge page. Now then, let’s talk cut outs, shall we?


The Modern Dance from Rogier Wieland on Vimeo.
If you are into crafts or collages, then cutouts would not be unfamiliar to you. Cutouts can be decorative, they can also convey a message. The art of juxtaposing a cut out from a photo or picture with another different photo or picture can create some wildly imaginative scenerios, landscapes or portraits. Check out CollageArtByJesse to see what I mean.

Oddly enough, cutouts would not be a topic here, if I had not discovered this particular feature in a well used app on both my iPhone and now my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. That it works on both devices is a bonus.

I am talking about Moldiv.

How to use Moldiv for Cutouts

Commonly known as a collage app, I actually use Moldiv a lot more for its text function than for its collage options! I like to think of Moldiv as a very misunderstood app, simply because it’s creators decided to put the collage options right on the first page!

But you can pretty much use Moldiv for just 1 photo as well, just pick the 1st option like in Screen #1. The “Frame Adjust” button in the next screen takes you to a page that let’s you choose the dimensions of the photo so it does not need to be at a 1:1 square ratio, although at first glance it does create that impression.

moldiv cutout screen capture
Moldiv starting screen and stamp editing screen

The Cutout feature we shall explore today is hidden in the Stamp Editing section (screen #2). So tap on that. Then tap on the dotted line with the scissors icon (screen #3). You will be prompted to select a photo from your camera or gallery to use for your cut out. You then proceed to draw a dotted line around the object you want to cut out (screen #4). In my case, I am cutting Donna out.

moldiv cutout screen capture
Moldiv stamp editing and cutout screen

The cut out will appear as a layer on top of the photo you choose to use as the background. The cut out can be moved around and resized/rotated, as long as you are in the Stamp Editing section of the app.

Now cutouts can potentially look tacky or in bad taste.

dog peeing on birds
Rude dog, bad human
Dog cutout on birds on a ledge photo. Text on the roof using Moldiv text, the [T] icon in screen #3.

But with a little thought put into it, you can make it look as wildly imaginative or surreal as you like!

Leaping lizards! Invader alert!! Invader alert!!  
Cartoon effect in Moldiv with lizard cutouts. The [+] icon next to “cutout” in Screen #3 lets me create multiple copies of the same lizard cutout.

If you’re interested, here is a pretty comprehensive video tutorial on How to use Moldiv on Youtube.

So this week’s photo challenge asks you to get as witty or creative with your photo as you like.

On top of your good photo that you took last week, you will also need to pick some photo(s) of objects that you would want to cutout and tack onto of your photo to make a statement. Don’t worry if the cutout sticks out like a sore thumb or doesn’t seem to blend in with the rest of the scene. Cutouts are supposed to stick out, draw attention to themselves, not unlike graffiti on a wall. ; )

Meghan and I look forward to seeing your thoughts in your photos! ;)

Get inspired

Go get it!
Apps with cut out effects for mobile devices

iPhone/iPad users

Android devices

Host challenge post

My photo of the week

Birds on a rail, edited with snapseed and photoshop.

These birds, whatever they are since they didn’t stop to tell me their names :P, don’t look that remarkable with their dull plumage, but it’s the first time I’ve ever been able to take their picture. I had time for just one shot at a distance before they flew away.

App Challenge Image

Donna learns to speak bird. Edited with Snapseed, Moldiv and Toon Camera.

My Donna cutout hides the trash below the birds somewhat :P Donna’s photo has been processed in ToonCamera before it was made into a cutout in Moldiv. I was trying for a somewhat whimsical effect here.

Now it’s your turn to share!

Create your challenge post from now until Sunday, 9 Mar end of your day. Post your Photo of the Week and your App-ed version of that photo on your blog. (You can follow my format above if you like).

Pic 1 – Your Photo of the Week can be taken with any equipment – a regular camera, a DSLR, a smartphone, hack even a pin-hole camera if you so choose!

Pic 2 – Pic 2 is optional. The theme this week is Cutouts, but if that is not your cup of tea, you are free to choose other app effects for your app-ed photo. In all cases, it would be helpful if you can name the app effect used so we can understand what you are doing ; )

Add the challenge badge and link your post to the host and co-host sites. Be nice and visit with some of the other challengers for this week! :) And do remember to leave me your blog post link in the comments below, in case I do not receive the pingback/trackback from your link.

For more information, you can read in detail more about the challenge and the instructions at the About page here. You can also grab the badges here.

Questions? Feel free to pose any questions in the comments below or email me at weliveinaflat@gmail.com. Next up, what happens after you have linked up? Why you start getting your challenger photo grid filled up!

Challenger Photo Grids

Every week, challenger grids get updated with the new photos! At the end, you get to grab your grid off this blog for your own pleasure. :D Meanwhile, you can view one another’s photos on the blogs by clicking on the linked numbered weeks above each challenger’s photo grid. I will try to keep it up to date as quick as I can ;)

Host| weliveinaflat.com
[ photos tagged “snappy happy” ]
weliveinaflat's Snappy H'appy Photo Grid

Host| firebonnet.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
firebonnet snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| 1stworlddog.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
1st world dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Roxy The Traveling Dog
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Zeke’s Adventures
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Zeke's Adventures snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Little Dogs Laughed
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Little Dogs Laughed snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| sassmuffins.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
sassmuffin snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| completelydisappear.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
completelydisappear snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Blogagaini
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Blogagaini snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Claim your photo grid, join the challenge today!

Next week, we’ll get Snappy H’appy with Light effects! Thanks for checking out this Photo Challenge and making it all the way to the end of the post! ;) 

Phoneography Weekly: Sunset Cove

chrysanthemum photo with blue filter applied to itPhoneography Monday Challenge: Nature
Apps: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 native camera, unfiltered

Some random shots as we strolled along in the evening. The sunset was striking, but not so well captured by the smartphone. The captures were pretty low resolution, might have to do with the photo settings on Mr P’s phone.

This week, weliveinaflat.com turns one. I have done 11 iterations of mobile photography posts under the theme of Nature. I have grouped them here on a Pinterest board. Feel free to take look down the past 11 months with me. :)

Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 3 – Watercolour apps

snappy happy logoWelcome back to Week 3 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. This week, we are looking at Watercolour apps. : )

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