We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Author: weliveinaflat Page 35 of 41

Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 4 – Cutouts

Welcome back to Week 4 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. This week, we are looking at Cutouts. : )

Our awesome Snappy H’appy crew includes co-host Meghan (Firebonnet) and also Melinda (1stWorldDog)Christy (Sassmuffins)CompletelyDisappearGretchen (Zeke’s Adventures)Meg (Little Dogs Laughed)Blogagaini and Mary (RoxyTheTravelingDog).

If you didn’t join us in the last three weeks, it’s not too late. :) We have 9 weeks left in the challenge and you can join us starting this week. Backdated posts for the previous weeks are optional. ; ) For more details about the challenge, check out the Photo Challenge page. Now then, let’s talk cut outs, shall we?


The Modern Dance from Rogier Wieland on Vimeo.
If you are into crafts or collages, then cutouts would not be unfamiliar to you. Cutouts can be decorative, they can also convey a message. The art of juxtaposing a cut out from a photo or picture with another different photo or picture can create some wildly imaginative scenerios, landscapes or portraits. Check out CollageArtByJesse to see what I mean.

Oddly enough, cutouts would not be a topic here, if I had not discovered this particular feature in a well used app on both my iPhone and now my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. That it works on both devices is a bonus.

I am talking about Moldiv.

How to use Moldiv for Cutouts

Commonly known as a collage app, I actually use Moldiv a lot more for its text function than for its collage options! I like to think of Moldiv as a very misunderstood app, simply because it’s creators decided to put the collage options right on the first page!

But you can pretty much use Moldiv for just 1 photo as well, just pick the 1st option like in Screen #1. The “Frame Adjust” button in the next screen takes you to a page that let’s you choose the dimensions of the photo so it does not need to be at a 1:1 square ratio, although at first glance it does create that impression.

moldiv cutout screen capture
Moldiv starting screen and stamp editing screen

The Cutout feature we shall explore today is hidden in the Stamp Editing section (screen #2). So tap on that. Then tap on the dotted line with the scissors icon (screen #3). You will be prompted to select a photo from your camera or gallery to use for your cut out. You then proceed to draw a dotted line around the object you want to cut out (screen #4). In my case, I am cutting Donna out.

moldiv cutout screen capture
Moldiv stamp editing and cutout screen

The cut out will appear as a layer on top of the photo you choose to use as the background. The cut out can be moved around and resized/rotated, as long as you are in the Stamp Editing section of the app.

Now cutouts can potentially look tacky or in bad taste.

dog peeing on birds
Rude dog, bad human
Dog cutout on birds on a ledge photo. Text on the roof using Moldiv text, the [T] icon in screen #3.

But with a little thought put into it, you can make it look as wildly imaginative or surreal as you like!

Leaping lizards! Invader alert!! Invader alert!!  
Cartoon effect in Moldiv with lizard cutouts. The [+] icon next to “cutout” in Screen #3 lets me create multiple copies of the same lizard cutout.

If you’re interested, here is a pretty comprehensive video tutorial on How to use Moldiv on Youtube.

So this week’s photo challenge asks you to get as witty or creative with your photo as you like.

On top of your good photo that you took last week, you will also need to pick some photo(s) of objects that you would want to cutout and tack onto of your photo to make a statement. Don’t worry if the cutout sticks out like a sore thumb or doesn’t seem to blend in with the rest of the scene. Cutouts are supposed to stick out, draw attention to themselves, not unlike graffiti on a wall. ; )

Meghan and I look forward to seeing your thoughts in your photos! ;)

Get inspired

Go get it!
Apps with cut out effects for mobile devices

iPhone/iPad users

Android devices

Host challenge post

My photo of the week

Birds on a rail, edited with snapseed and photoshop.

These birds, whatever they are since they didn’t stop to tell me their names :P, don’t look that remarkable with their dull plumage, but it’s the first time I’ve ever been able to take their picture. I had time for just one shot at a distance before they flew away.

App Challenge Image

Donna learns to speak bird. Edited with Snapseed, Moldiv and Toon Camera.

My Donna cutout hides the trash below the birds somewhat :P Donna’s photo has been processed in ToonCamera before it was made into a cutout in Moldiv. I was trying for a somewhat whimsical effect here.

Now it’s your turn to share!

Create your challenge post from now until Sunday, 9 Mar end of your day. Post your Photo of the Week and your App-ed version of that photo on your blog. (You can follow my format above if you like).

Pic 1 – Your Photo of the Week can be taken with any equipment – a regular camera, a DSLR, a smartphone, hack even a pin-hole camera if you so choose!

Pic 2 – Pic 2 is optional. The theme this week is Cutouts, but if that is not your cup of tea, you are free to choose other app effects for your app-ed photo. In all cases, it would be helpful if you can name the app effect used so we can understand what you are doing ; )

Add the challenge badge and link your post to the host and co-host sites. Be nice and visit with some of the other challengers for this week! :) And do remember to leave me your blog post link in the comments below, in case I do not receive the pingback/trackback from your link.

For more information, you can read in detail more about the challenge and the instructions at the About page here. You can also grab the badges here.

Questions? Feel free to pose any questions in the comments below or email me at weliveinaflat@gmail.com. Next up, what happens after you have linked up? Why you start getting your challenger photo grid filled up!

Challenger Photo Grids

Every week, challenger grids get updated with the new photos! At the end, you get to grab your grid off this blog for your own pleasure. :D Meanwhile, you can view one another’s photos on the blogs by clicking on the linked numbered weeks above each challenger’s photo grid. I will try to keep it up to date as quick as I can ;)

Host| weliveinaflat.com
[ photos tagged “snappy happy” ]
weliveinaflat's Snappy H'appy Photo Grid

Host| firebonnet.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
firebonnet snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| 1stworlddog.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
1st world dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Roxy The Traveling Dog
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Roxy the Traveling Dog snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Zeke’s Adventures
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Zeke's Adventures snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Little Dogs Laughed
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Little Dogs Laughed snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| sassmuffins.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
sassmuffin snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| completelydisappear.com
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
completelydisappear snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Blogagaini
[week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
Blogagaini snappy happy photo challenge photo grid

Challenger| Claim your photo grid, join the challenge today!

Next week, we’ll get Snappy H’appy with Light effects! Thanks for checking out this Photo Challenge and making it all the way to the end of the post! ;) 

Phoneography Weekly: Sunset Cove

chrysanthemum photo with blue filter applied to itPhoneography Monday Challenge: Nature
Apps: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 native camera, unfiltered

Some random shots as we strolled along in the evening. The sunset was striking, but not so well captured by the smartphone. The captures were pretty low resolution, might have to do with the photo settings on Mr P’s phone.

This week, weliveinaflat.com turns one. I have done 11 iterations of mobile photography posts under the theme of Nature. I have grouped them here on a Pinterest board. Feel free to take look down the past 11 months with me. :)

Our first dog agility experience!

Donna climbing the A-ramp.Donna and I had a tiny taste of dog agility at the PetExpo Saturday morning (that’s yesterday!)

I had some difficulty trying to get Donna to weave through the poles, but Mr P says it’s because half the time I’m standing too close and blocking her from weaving. OMG!

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Target Train your dog to Touch Nose to Hand

dog does not respond correctly to Touch or Hand to Nose targeting training command

“May I gently boop your nose?”

Is nose booping something that you do?

I don’t. In fact, the word wasn’t in my vocabulary until I got that comment on Instagram!

That’s ironic because I spent the last week encouraging Donna to “boop” her nose against my two fingers by herself. We were specifically training the Nose to Hand behaviour, also called Touch, which is part of Target Training.

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The blog this week – 27 Feb, 2014

Just a quick snapshot of the posts for the past week ;)

Mongrel Barks

Saturday | Donna’s reaction to the Nose command 
The Nose to Hand command can be so practical in situations like moving the dog around without tugging on the leash and also really cool in canine freestyle. But what does Donna say?

Sunday | Keep your eyes on the rope toy, human
Four simple lessons from 1stWorldDog, that Donna shows can be universal truths. :)

Keep your eyes on the rope toy, humans!

And don’t forget to treat. ; )

Wednesday | Reinforcing Heel and why she LOVES it!
One of the things I am inconsistent about, besides training, is reinforcement and proofing. I know trained behaviours need to be continuously reinforced so that it is proofed to stick under various situations and environments, but it is yet another thing that chips away at the limited time we have. That happy face is good encouragement though. ;)

Photography Bytes

Tuesday | Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge – Watercolour
I try to fill each Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge post with relevant information that I find interesting for the Effect that we are exploring for the week. This week’s theme is Watercolor. So if you love to do more with your photos on your phone and find it relevant, click here and check it out!

Monday | The Kitchen Table
Did you ever trying styling buffet items for a food shot. Not easy, but it was fun. And the good thing about food photography is always … well, the food that you get to eat.

I thought this one came out rather interesting with the watercolor filter.

I’ve started adding some affiliate ads from Amazon to a small number of old pages on the blog, where relevant contextually. You may notice this box on the sidebar labelled “Donna uses this”, which lists a few products that have appeared on the blog before. All such ads are labelled advertisement, so you know. :) I don’t know what I’ll get out of it, if anything at all. :P

The last two days have been mildly frustrating as this blog keeps going down, something wrong with the hosting server. So I do apologise if you were unable to load the site properly, if at all, at times. I noticed I have lost a draft I was working on and that I had saved before the server problem. But after the site came back up, that saved draft was gone.

Backup is just such a pain right, but it’s absolutely essential when something like “omg the server crashed” hits you. So I’m now on VaultPress. They backup my data daily for $5/month. So, if you do more on your site than I do, e.g. you sell things or you’re liable to deliver content or numbers to an advertiser or like me, you just care deeply about every “golden” word you type :P Make sure you have backups, and that the backups include your entire database, NOT just a few templates. 

Anyway, next week Thursday is our blog anniversary, so check back here and see what else is different!  

Some of the posts that got me thinking or cracked me up from other blogs this week:

Thursday Barks and Bytes is hosted by 2browndawgs  and HeartLikeADog. 2Browndogs compares the Chesapeake Bay Retriever to the Rhodesian Ridgeback this week and Heart Like a Dog talks about a little lump on her dog Delilah.

Reinforcing Heel and why she LOVES it!

I think all of our dogs have probably made the happy face at us when they know a treat is soon to come. This is Donna working on heel and trotting along beside me with her eyes shining up towards me in anticipation. A very silly yet endearing face. I call it the Treat Face.

Of course, she has this other face that Eko is demonstrating very well over here. I call that the Pathetic Face. I’ll show you Donna’s pathetic face another time. ;) Though I think most people will prefer the Treat Face to the Pathetic Face. At least, I do :P

Got a photo of your dog/pet’s Treat face or a Pathetic face or both? Give me a link in the comments and I’ll go see. ; )

Discover new blogs and pet photos!

Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 3 – Watercolour apps

snappy happy logoWelcome back to Week 3 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. This week, we are looking at Watercolour apps. : )

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Phoneography Weekly: The Kitchen Table

chrysanthemum photo with blue filter applied to itPhoneography Monday Challenge: Food
Samsung Galaxy Note3, Snapseed, Cameran, PicsArt 

Breakfast from The Kitchen Table, W Hotel. I’m not really into photographing food, so this is the closest I’ll get to styling food. And by that I mean trying to arrange the buffet items nicely on the plate myself. :P The composition still came up lacking. ~__^ Oh well~

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Keep your eyes on the rope toy, human!

Have you ever read books or e-books written around the theme of “things my dog taught me”? The human never really did, but I’m sure there’s lots of nuggets of truth in them. The other day, our 1stworlddog friend, Bodhi, wrote a list of four things he taught his human. The human here thought it was particularly relevant for her, so we thought we’ll share it over here.

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