We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Author: weliveinaflat Page 19 of 41

Reading the PSI and PM2.5 data on Singapore haze


  1. PSI measures overall air quality and PM2.5 measures the concentration of smaller particles that can settle in the lungs.
  2. The published PSI and PM2.5 values are 24hr averages and cannot accurately predict the level of air pollution in relation to the haze for our decision making when it comes to our immediate activities.
  3. We can perhaps use the 3hr PSI averages to draw a closer inference on the extent of PM2.5 in the air.
  4. The 24hr PM2.5 report by regions can then help us identify if we are in a “safer” or less “safe” zone for outdoor activities, but should be read together with the 3hr PSI average. The PSI 3hr average (not the 24 hour PSI) gives us a closer assessment of how bad the haze is across the country.
  5. During the haze period, pets may be susceptible to respiratory problems, environment allergies, etc. Be especially careful to monitor senior pets, and pets with known heart or respiratory problems.

Updated 26 Aug 2015:
You can now find the hourly PM2.5 numbers on NEA website here and also on aqicn.org here.
You can find the 24 and 3-hr PSI charts here. You can find historical PSI readings here.

The following article explains the above points in greater detail.

Based on prior experiences with the haze, we know that there are two readings we look at when deciding when it is safe for dog to go out for a walk. These are the PSI index and the PM2.5 index.

Both are important. PSI measures overall air quality and PM2.5 measures the concentration of smaller particles that can settle in the lungs.

PM2.5 measures particles smaller than 2.5 micrometres, about 25 to 100 times thinner than human hair…. Because the PM2.5 travels deeper into the lungs AND because the PM2.5 is made up of things that are more toxic (like heavy metals and cancer causing organic compounds), PM2.5 can have worse health effects.

The NEA (National Environment Agency) has updated their webpages. What they had last year has been changed to reflect their new way of measurement this year.

With effect from 1 April 2014, Singapore will move to an integrated air quality reporting index, where PM2.5 will be incorporated into the current Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) as its sixth pollutant parameter.

PSI is computed based on 24-hour average of PM2.5 concentration levels, among other pollutants. PM2.5 is the dominant pollutant during haze episodes.

The PSI will therefore reflect a total of six pollutants – sulphur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and ozone (O3). – NEA

The thing is, based on an old channelnewsasia news report last year, we learnt that a PM2.5 value of 40 and above is not safe for dog to venture out. However, in the new computation for the PSI index that incorporates PM2.5, the break point set for the moderate range is 13-55. I suppose the range is expected to average out in the end, but I am rather uncomfortable with the idea that there is always the possibility that I might be out walking the dog in PM2.5 – 50 air. Paranoid much? :P

Now I’m no expert in the area, but since I am uncomfortable with the information I have. I thought it would be better to continue to look at PM2.5 numbers by themselves, despite their inclusion into the PSI measurement. At the same time I decided I should further verify if an average PM2.5 value of 40 is still a good benchmark, since the breakpoint for that average to occur appears to be set at 55.

So exactly what PM2.5 levels are considered safe?

Imagine my surprise when I read a 2013 Sydney Morning Herald report that says there is no such thing.

The evidence comes from 17 high-quality investigations carried out among 312,000 people in nine European countries, according to the paper in The Lancet Oncology.

Unexpectedly, the new study found a cancer risk at every level, and confirmed that the higher the level, the greater the risk.

Every increase of five microgrammes per cubic metre of PM2.5 drove the risk of lung cancer up by 18 per cent.

No safe level of air pollution, smh.com.su

But before we start to freak out, let’s remind ourselves that we are in the short term exposure category (hours and days) where haze is concerned.

Healthy children and adults have not been reported to suffer serious effects from short-term exposures, although they may experience temporary minor irritation when particle levels are elevated. – epa.gov


Air quality standards

Of course life has to gone on, so standards have been implemented as a guide as to what can be considered clean air quality for longer term exposures (years).

EU air quality standards limit … PM2.5 exposure to (a yearly average of) 25 microgrammes per cubic metre.

The UN’s World Health Organisation has guidelines recommending annual exposure limits at 10 microgrammes per cubic metre for PM2.5

Singapore‘s annual target for PM2.5 is also 10 microgrammes per cubic metre

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency‘s standards for average annual PM2.5 level is 10 to 15 microgrammes per cubic metre.


How does our air compare with the air quality standards?

Since our PSI reports are based on 24hr and 3 hr averages, let’s look at the standards for these.

Singapore follow’s WHO’s interim target for 24hr PM2.5: 25 microgrammes per cubic metre 

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency‘s standards for 24hr PM2.5 is 35  microgrammes per cubic metre 

And if we were to compare these standards to the trends monitoring the slightly hazy conditions we have been experiencing in the past week:-Graph extracted from NEA website last night and this morning – 30 Sep

24hr PM2.5 averages appear to still fall within the limits (based on the standards established by Singapore and US EPA) for all the zones except for the West regions. The air quality is described as moderate, not unhealthy, so depending on the individual you could choose to worry more or worry less.

If it were me, I would be more careful about taking the dog out for long walks during this periods, especially if I live in the West. I probably would be reluctant to take the dog out for the day if the PM2.5 goes beyond 40, and only for short walks when the PM2.5 hovers between 30 to 40 consistently like we are seeing in the west.

West regions for air quality reporting

Lim Chu Kang, Choa Chu Kang, Bukit Panjang, Tuas, Jurong East, Jurong West, Jurong Industrial Estate, Bukit Batok, Hillview, West Coast, Clementi

NEA FAQ page


The difference between the 3hr-average and the 24hr-average PSI

Bearing in mind that the PM2.5 numbers are averages of hourly readings taken over 24 hours, these are only indicative and may not be the best numbers to refer to for up to the hour decisions like “Should I take dog out to run for an hour now?

If we were to look at the 3hr PSI readings, we can see that the average hourly readings do show a greater fluctuation over time.

 And here I’ve overlapped the 24hr readings with the 3hr readings, so it’s easier to see what I am talking about. The 24 hr PSI shows stable moderate levels around the range of 70 and above for the period being monitored across the 5 zones, but the 3hr averages show that nationally there are bigger fluctuations across the day.

Particularly around the 5pm-8pm hours where dogs get their evening walks, the 3hr PSI can actually be pretty high compared to the 24hr PSI being reported by zones.


What is the implication on the 24hr PM2.5?

Extrapolating this to PM2.5 levels, which are the dominant pollutant during haze episodes, is it logical for us to infer that the PM2.5 levels could be similarly inflated if we have the corresponding 3hr readings, instead of the more stable 24hr readings?


So what can we do?

In that sense, the average PSI reading over 3 hrs would give us a more realistic assessment of air quality for decision making over our immediate activities. This is particularly in the case of senior dogs or dogs with known heart or respiratory problems like pugs and bulldogs. They have higher risks and can experience difficulties and require vet attention, even with short term exposures.

Unfortunately, the NEA haze website does not give us the 3hr view for PM2.5 broken down into different zones. So for the truly concerned, it probably makes sense to refer to both graphs now and then and make your own assumptions and conclusions from there.

The two graphs discussed are updated on this NEA page – 24hr PSI, 24hr PM2.5 readings, 3hr PSI readings Trend Graphs. This page is no longer available on NEA website.  Updated 26 Aug 2015.

Updated 26 Aug 2015:
You can now find the hourly PM2.5 numbers on NEA website here and also on aqicn.org here.
You can find the 24 and 3-hr PSI charts here. You can find historical PSI readings here.


Continue reading: Three ways to keep dog safe from haze

stay safe stay healthy


Disclaimer: I am not an expert. And I am just sharing my thought processes here as part of my trying to understand the information on the haze. I will happily be corrected if you are an expert in the area and have relevant advise for us pet owners to understand how better to react to responsible pet ownership during the haze. :)



Come :) Follow weliveinaflat.com on
Instagram @weliveinaflat |  Facebook donna.weliveinaflat |  Youtube Mutt Vlog by weliveinaflat

Calm afternoon at East Coast Park

The other day, we had a little bit of spare time in between appointments so we took Donna to East Coast Park [map].

East Coast Park is always busy, particularly on weekends. We are a small island, so it is quite typically for our beach views to be bordered by tankers in the horizon.

Popped Donna in a short stretch that is clear of humans so that I can crop out the humans later. But decided to leave the photo as is. Children building sandcastles on the left. Beach volleyball game going on on the right.

Donna in front of East Coast Beach
Donna observes beach soccer game

Donna observes the beach soccer players.

Donna dog on picnic table at East Coast Park

And finally a spot of doggy parkour on the picnic table. As I was taking this picture, I have a fellow dog owner coming up and remarking how well trained Donna is.

You could say, I had it easy because Donna is a smart dog who learns fast. Or Donna isn’t a stubborn dog. Or we are just lucky we found Donna. Or it just is easier because Donna isn’t a distracted puppy.

I adopted Donna in January 2013. It was a conscious decision to adopt an adult dog who will be calmer and easier to manage than a puppy.

It is now September 2014. That is how long it took to get to this point with the Donna you see today. Given previous experience, it’s pretty safe to say that for us the positive reinforcement needs to be consistent and continuous with her. It is an on-going process for both human and dog.

Actually Donna isn’t even particularly well-trained since her best trick is Stay and we have nothing else very spectacular to show off beyond that. HAHA!

How do I start cycling with dog?

So, after the Walk/Run/Cycle event with the Dogs of Instagram Singapore, I started thinking, what are the knowledge gaps that we have that we should have taken the time to educate ourselves on before we start cycling with dog. 

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Cycling with dog at Punggol Settlement

donna dog with bicycle Come cycling with Donna at Punggol Settlement!

Actually, the rental shops here offer more than bicycles. Some of the machines let you work out and enjoy the scenery along the Punggol Waterway at the same time. ;)

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At Sun Petgamart swimming pool for Birthday Party

So the other day, the border collies Lycan and Lexie invited Donna to their birthday party where they have prepared seafood for the kiddos.

Donna examines the packet seafood.

The party was held at Sun Petgamart’s swimming pool.

Donna, who has never really swam before, wasn’t sure what she was supposed to do here. So she wondered around and around the edge of the pool.

I don’t know all these other dogs, human. There’s not enough space to walk here with all the water…

We planned to slowly get her used to the water. The brown dawgs  advised before:

… find a banked area of a pond or lake where they can go in slowly and not jump right in. But we try to get them excited and all heated up playing and fetching around the edge of the pond and then toss the toy in the water. Not far just to the edge (hard in a pool if you can find a clean puddle, you could start there). What ever you do, do not toss or otherwise push her in. Even if she jumps in and goes under it might startle her so be prepared. It is not uncommon for it to take many trips before the dog will go all the way in the water (and some is just breeding too). Make sure it is a warm day and the water is warm….most important! Good luck!

But the occasion with so many dogs running around, just didn’t seem suitable to put the advice into action. She was just too distracted and she was never really toy motivated out of doors anyway.

So at that point in time, poor Donna hadn’t really come to love the water or to enjoy it yet. Not like Sir Toby the Golden Retriever :D Toby was definitely the perfect guest for this party.

The slippery slope that deterred him from getting out of the pool on his own was no dampener. His human slave was on hand to… well, give his less than 35kg self a hand or two.

Yup he had fun heading in, being carried out and heading in again…. Several times, repeat and rinse. :P Quite a work out for the human, no?

I thought perhaps the slope was difficult for dogs in general, but Toby’s human told me that some dogs don’t find it difficult although Toby did. Toby, whyyyyyyy? :P

Anyway, I guess Lycan and Lexie would have met all the invited dogs before, so mingling is easy for them. Toby certainly seems to be pretty happy walking in synch with Lycan there.

Clockwise from top left: 1. Toby with Lycan 2. Tugger 3. Tobby with Tugger in the foreground 4. Lexie 

Tugger the puppy not so much. He is like Donna trying to make sense of the pool and the other dogs all around. Donna tried her best to initiate play with various dogs that weren’t in the pool, without much success. She ended up persistently approaching Tugger.  Tugger did his best to avoid her so I had to reign her in after a while to avoid her stressing him out.

But not for long, because what is a birthday without cake! Donna was so excited she jumped on the bench and we had to call her off it again in case she tried to eat it all on her own. *Oops!*

Perhaps Toby thought it was his birthday?

Nope, it’s Lycan and Lexie’s.

Can I have some cake please? Cobie asked.

Not before we wish Lycan Happy Birthday again (it’s this week!) ;)

Happy Birthday, Lycan! and also Mango today!!

Lycan and Lexie’s post on the birthday party here.
Also Mango the sheltie’s post on the party here. She also made this awesome nose bump video at the party. :)

Note: The Sun Petgamart swimming pool comes equipped with taps for showering the dogs, as pictured below. 

More about Sun Petgamart

26, Seletar West Farmway 1 Singapore 798126
Phone: 6484 0709
SGD$38 for 5-year membership gives you discount on purchases and free usage of doggy pool weekends and public holidays. $10/dog on weekdays.
Sun Petgamart Facebook

See also

Come :) Follow weliveinaflat.com on
Instagram @weliveinaflat |  Facebook donna.weliveinaflat | Youtube Mutt Vlog

Checking out the Christmas party venue

dogs heading for serangoon community club dogs heading for serangoon community club dogs heading for serangoon community club

Donna and Mango heads out to secret secret Christmas party venue…

… and here we are.

Bright & Airy for Dogs to Play

We’ve booked a nice, big open-air area for the dogs to have their private, indoor dog run. Sheltered, breezy and no grass to worry about ticks. :)

serangoon community club rooftop terrace

Donna: Mango, are we in heaven?

Mango: No, it’s just the human over-exposing the photo.

Donna: Right.

So much space … all waiting to be transformed for the actual party!


For humans

  1. Photo opportunities Group/roaming photos & Photobooth. This is an Instagram party ;)
  2. A great time Party games & possibly another pet event held downstairs to visit!
  3. Ample space just for us Humans can mingle and dogs can run around, play and do dog things.
  4. Buffet It’s not a party if there’s no food!
  5. Prizes & goodie bags No dog goes home without something!
  6. Easy parking Multi-storey carpark in the next block, likely free on Sundays
  7. Amenities Water bowls, pee tray provided. Convenient toilet beside event hall for humans.

Sounds like a good way to spend a Sunday afternoon? What are you waiting for?
RSVP early and it will really help in our planning and communications with vendors and sponsors!

Thank you!

See more Event details | Sign up to attend party here (Members only, sorry!)Dogs of Instagram Christmas Party Invite

Tickets required

S$35/human S$5/dog

See more Event details | Sign up to attend party here (Members only, sorry!)

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Be a member and come Party!

Follow @dogsofinstasg on Instagram,
Join the Dogs of Instagram SG facebook group
Be active!


“I think you have just sunk to a new low, human.

Why are we taking pictures in front of chairs now?”

chairs for instagram christmas party

Hurry up and chope a seat at the Xmas party!!! LOL

See more Event details | Sign up to attend party here (Members only, sorry!)

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Membership is Free!

Follow @dogsofinstasg on Instagram,
Join the Dogs of Instagram SG facebook group
Be active!

Donna and Cookie get a room :P

So Cookie the Spitz dropped by the flat the other day.

I could hear him from outside, barking excitedly and asking to come in. Haha!


Marking and Vinegar

He remained extremely excited once inside and promptly went and peed by the wall. I cleaned up the areas he marked and doused them with white vinegar.

After your puppy has an accident in the house, he may return to the same spot to potty. Even if you clean the spot with regular soap, the dog may still smell his scent unless you also neutralize the odor. White vinegar is a chemical-free way to disinfect and neutralize the odor of urine and feces. – daily puppy

And the interesting thing is, Cookie, who actually likes the taste of vinegar went near it and perhaps it was too strong for him because he was suddenly rubbing his face on the floor continuously. Donna has never shown this sort of behaviour before. I found it funny and strange at the same time.

It seems dogs may rub their faces on the carpet/floor for the following reasons:

  • Messy face Dog feels something foreign on his face and wants to get rid of it
  • Parasites or skin disorder Fleas, canine lice and other parasites. Also skin disorders like mange, yeast infections and dry skin
  • Allergies Dog may be reacting to something in his environment or in his food
  • Discomfort May be a symptom related to infection, watch our fot discharge, swelling, ear twitching and lack of appetite
  • Harmless Dog just feels good rubbing his face on a surface

So anyway, Cookie stopped rubbing his face on the floor after a while so we guessed the discomfort caused by the vinegar had diminished.

And the other good thing is, once he figured out we wanted him to only pee on the pee tray set up in the toilet, he started doing that more consistently by the end of the day. Yay!


Donna and Cookie – Different reactions to the crate

Crate training Donna was a gradual process. Just getting her to be comfortable to go into the crate took a couple of hours over the course of a full day. Even then she was uncomfortable in it for a few weeks as she slowly got used to being inside it.

Not so with Cookie.

Cookie was not crate-trained but we had no problem luring him into the crate. He made himself at home the first time!

Of course, if we were to close the door and leave him alone there, he probably would start whining. But he certainly had more of a headstart than Donna, who could only be persuaded to stick her head in to pick at a few treats when I first started with her.

Donna says: Sheesh, human. Stop waving the treats outside the crate already and dole them out NOW. I’m not as gullible as silly Cookie.

Donna settles down for the long haul, knowing these humans and their obsession with the camera!
Cookie is still relaxed in there.

My favourite of the photos Cookie’s human was taking must be this one:

Both of them focused on the unseen treats hanging over the top of the crate. :P

I didn’t take any photos, so many thanks to somewhitecookie for the use of hers.

Donna’s Family Tree

Sep 2014 – The good Janicia of Mango the Sheltie blog recently sent to me some pictures of Donna’s parents that she had taken when she was volunteering with Gentle Paws and Friends. (Gentle Paws is the shelter we adopted Donna from.)

It appears Donna largely takes after her father, appearance-wise where it comes to facial markings.

Donna’s father and mother

donna dog's family tree

No spotty tongues in Donna’s family tree, haha!

Anyway, I guess I’m just so used to Donna’s looks by now that I personally think Denny looks extremely adorable.  Her mother, Dior, is actually noticeably larger than Donna in size. So I guess Donna inherited her small size from Denny too.


It seems most of this family of dogs have been adopted, but Denny is probably still available. So you’re thinking of adopting a dog, you can check out Denny’s profile here.

[Excerpt] I was a puppy from a breeder farm. Don’t give me that puzzled look! I’m not one of those snotty pure bred dogs. I don’t know why I was found there or what evil intentions the breeders had for me.

Florence from Gentle Paws recently sent me a preview of the 2015 calendar they are selling to raise funds for the shelter.

I’m glad Donna’s father, Denny, is one of the dogs featured in the calendar because they sure need lots of help in the adoption raffle.

I heard that people don’t like black dogs much and I’ve been reminded that black dogs stand the least chance of being adopted… I need people to look beyond my black coat to see the true dog that is in me.  I was a breeder puppy who was given a second lease of life and I’ve all the love in the world to give… if only you’d let me.
– excerpt from Denny’s profile

It’s actually quite true that black dogs don’t stand out. If you were to ask me, the only dog I remember and can pick out from the crowd at Gentle Paws is Mario the white dog! We wouldn’t have considered Donna at all if Florence had not stopped to speak with us.

Here’s another Gentle Paws black dog from the new calendar.


dooki dog calendar

Dooki, like Donna, was born at the shelter, adopted out and subsequently returned back to the shelter again.

I was returned to the shelter as my adopter had sold their flat and would be staying at a relative’s place until their new flat arrives. There was no place for me. I was devastated and cried when the volunteers locked up and left the shelter, leaving me with unfamiliar canine faces.

I was amused by this particular line on Dooki’s profile page that mentions Donna:

Instead of moping around and brooding about the past, I will take it in my stride and get over the heartbreak. If Donna can find her happiness after her long pursuit for a place called home, I’m sure my special family is also somewhere out there.

So anyway, it’s kind of hard to know what dog is available at Gentle Paws and what dog is not, if you are like me. I.e. don’t really stalk anything on facebook. Haha! So the easiest way is to just contact the shelter directly. Make a trip down like we did.



Writing this post, I did a bit of digging on Gentle Paw’s blog and guess what I found? I might be wrong, but it seems like Donna’s grandmother on her mother’s side was a brown dog!

donna dog's family tree
Note: Debbie’s picture I lifted off Gentle Paws blog. Doesn’t belong to me.
Dior and Denny’s photos are by Janicia

I found out about that titbit of information from Dior’s profile page here.

I came to the shelter as a little puppy from Debbie’s litter. I was adopted once but returned, which means I am house trained. It took a long time to get used to the shelter after experiencing the warmth of a human home. – excerpt from Dior’s profile

Is it me or is returning the dog to the shelter after adoption starting to sound like a common theme around here? People, consider carefully before you adopt! Don’t adopt to abandon… sheesh…

Anyway, I had always thought Dior and Denny were strays. I’m sure Florence gave me some background when we were there, but the shelter was a pretty overwhelming environment so you will forgive me if I was distracted and didn’t pay attention very well. :P

But now I know that Denny was a puppy in a breeder farm and Dior was quickly taken into a shelter with her mother upon her birth. So the grandmother, Debbie, was a stray, but not Donna’s parents.

I used to be a stray wandering the streets of Woodlands. Little kids used to throw rocks at me. The only reason I followed my rescuer Wee up his van was because I was pregnant at that time. I didn’t like humans but I knew what was best for my puppies was to follow the human who had been feeding us all this while up his van. This is how I found myself at the shelter all the way at the other end of Singapore. Though the humans call me the leader of the pack or an alpha female, I’m scared stiff of thunder storms. The only humans who have managed to touch me have done so during my pregnancy or during ferocious thunder storms.- excerpt from Debbie’s profile page


Guess, thunder phobia is in Donna’s genes. :(

Anyway, it seems Debbie was one of the first dogs taken in by the people from Gentle Paws. Perhaps Gentle Paws hadn’t even existed then? Anyway, you can read more about her story here.


Buy a dog calendar

Updated Sep 2015 – The Gentle Paws 2015 2016 Dog Calendar is now available for sale at S$10. How to buy.

In Gentle Paws 2016 calendar, we feature twelve of our more difficult dogs and share the stories of just how far they have come.

We are a small, privately run shelter with limited fund raising options. Our calendar sales is the main source of funds that keeps the shelter operating year on year.

Donna was adopted from Gentle Paws, so happy to help spread the word. Hop over and buy a calendar to support them if you’re so inclined ;)
More about Gentle Paws and Friends on their blog and Facebook.


Come :) Follow weliveinaflat.com on
Instagram @weliveinaflat |  Facebook donna.weliveinaflat |  Youtube Mutt Vlog by weliveinaflat



This dog inspects the goods at Wufenpu, Taipei

west highland terrier dog at wufenpu

We were crossing the junction when I spied this serious little dog sitting right in front of the clothes shop outside Wufenpu. He never moved the whole time I was there taking photos.

west highland terrier dog at wufenpu

I assumed he belonged to the shop, and perhaps his job there was to inspect the goods being delivered to the shop.

west highland terrier dog at wufenpu

Seemed to be doing a good job :P and all without moving an inch from his sit position!

west highland terrier dog at wufenpu

He’s a very solemn little boy dog, this one is.


Wufenpu & Sassy Dog

wufenpu collage

Wufenpu is another rabbit warren of alleys lined with tiny shops selling clothes and accessories. The area is a  garment wholesale paradise, stocking clothes and fashion stores in the city. So it is the place for bargain hunting tourists and locals.

The prices are low and correspondingly the quality can be rather cheap. You have to have the time and a good eye to pick up items that won’t fall apart too soon, among the chaos and poorer quality clothes within.

Me, it just gives me a headache really. So I just skim discount racks to buy wear and throw T-shirts like this one:

t-shirt from wufenpu

I also wanted to check out the store for dogs there called – Sassy Dog. It’s real small outlet and I was disappointed that they didn’t have anything in Donna’s size. This store is good for small dogs, and I guess it made sense since the Taiwanese has sometimes been described as treating their dogs as fashion accessories.

Wufenpu 五分埔

Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110 [map]

How to get there
The best way to get there is by MRT.
Take the Bannan (Banqiao-Nangang) Line to the Houshanpi Station, Exit 1.
10 minutes walk to Wufenpu: Walk straight along Zhongpo N. Rd. to the intersection of Zhongpo N. Rd. and Yongji Rd. Wufenpu starts on the left.

Operation hours
Monday-Sunday 02:00pm – 23:00pm
週一~週日 14:00-23:00


Sassy Dog

sassydog.com.tw – Facebook – Yahoo auction site

No. 26, Lane 443, Yongji Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan 110 [map]


Operation hours
Monday-Sunday 02:00pm – 23:00pm
週一~週日 14:00-23:00

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