Mr P is back! Mr P is back! He played with me a while, and now he’s disappeared into the bathroom.
Tell Mr P to come out please? I haven’t seen him for a week and now he’s back!
He is taking his own sweet time, isn’t he? I’ll still be here when he comes out… zzz…ZZZ…zzz…
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Urban agility challenge – Last month at the park
I’m a good girl, where’s my treat??
This was about a month ago, we’re still not very good at completing hopping over the full set of park stools with speed.
LAST WEEK’S ENTRIES: My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 8 (09 – 16 Oct)
Pictures are cropped, please visit the original post (links below) to view the full pictures with the photographer’s original thoughts on them :)
Clockwise from top left:
Top Left: The changes of southerly,
Top Right: Donna is off the best friend list, said hippo,
Bottom Right: Candy,
Bottom Left: Jumping in paws first,
We had more pictures submissions for week7 than week8, but that’s fine because you can join whenever you like. Last week’s pictures are interesting.
1stworlddog and completelydisappear dabbled with image editing apps on their phone on their respective subjects and showed two very different results in terms of the tone and mood of the images.
2catsandacattledog and weliveinaflat explored pet portraiture from different ends of the animal :P Again two very different resulting images in terms of the overall mood and colour palette.
I do think that photography is a process. Through continuous experimentation, one may start to discover favourite angles, perspectives, apps and effects that over time become your personal style. Wherever you are on this photography journey, have fun :) When things get overwhelming, keep it simple. As 1stworlddog says in their latest entry: “It is family and simple things that matter.“
Please do visit and read more about each picture by clicking on the links above. The photographers have provided a little description of the pictures and why it is special for them :)
Due to some unexpected matters taking up my time today, I will only be able to publish the mbpotw post tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
Meanwhile, here’s how we get Donna to entertain herself, when we run short of time.
The same toy, the same dog, different view but almost the same pose – day vs night editing effects.
More about the Kong Genius Leo toy in our previous post here if you are interested.
The Kong Genius Leo can be found in pet shops or online pet product retailers, including Amazon.
Kong Genius Leo
Click to buy on Amazon
Nowadays, Donna and I often have our long walk in the night because it’s cooler and Donna actually bounces along in the cool air rather than drag her legs and lag further and further behind in the warm day.
Of course, I could make myself wake up extra early when the sun hasn’t risen yet and it’s still cool to walk her. But considering I sometimes am still up at 3am keeping a trembling, thunder-phobic dog company… I’ll say it’s unlikely to happen.
Have to say though, I abhor trying to pick up poo in the dark grass in the middle of the night in the dimly lit streets. Abhor! … but I still pick it up.
Here’s some of the ways we make the walk more fun :)… and by fun, I mean injecting some variety into the walk so it doesn’t get boring for me… If you don’t like training, it may not be as fun for you :P
Blank walls. Patterned floor.
Phoneography Monday Challenge: Black and White
Apps used: Camera+, Snapseed
Continuing last week’s coffee shop drinks photos, this week, let’s take a look at the interior decor of a place where these drinks are commonly enjoyed.
Food republic was the first food court in the country to open themed food courts. Subsequently, all the new food courts have caught on to the fad and come with their interiors designed according to the trends.
This photo was taken in one corner of the Malaysian Food Street at Resorts World, Sentosa, named so because the food court and food was planned to simulate that – old-school coffee shops/hawkers in Malaysia. In this case, I guess they were going for a 1960s-70s vibe. I didn’t like the tile floor in colour, but the pattern works for me in black and white :D
I was sitting at a table and simply shot upwards and downwards without moving from my seat.
Guess who gave way first! Answer here.
Welcome Friends! Today Donna will take you on a home tour!
The simple answer is, I used Photoshop.
Learning to use the software Adobe Photoshop requires another set of instructions so I’m not even going to go into that here. I am instead going to share the concept of how the image is done, and how you could possibly replicate it using the gif apps that you could download from your iTunes or Android apps store.