Human in transit
The constant roar of the engine penetrated the weak barrier of classical music piped through the headphones.
To my left,
a stranger.
We ignored each other and the intimate proximity we found ourselves in. A manager had once announced to me that if we needed to travel together as part of work, it is common courtesy to keep to ourselves and respect each other’s personal space. That had put me at ease since I was not much of a conversationalist.
Mr P and I were on different flights, bound for the same city. He, for work; me just tagging along for a holiday.
The air stewardess pushed the foodcarts by. I had spent the night packing and have never been happier to get a cup of bad coffee. Scratch that.
I am always happy endless blue ocean.
when there is coffee. over the
Look! It even rhymes. Outside, up from and
voluminous clouds stood, layer upon billowing
Layer. Pristine monoliths

A different view from the prose above. These two photos are taken one after another during sunset. The difference in colour, strangely, is a result of holding the Samsung Galaxy Note vertically, and then turning it 180degrees for another portrait shot. Totally random discovery.
Donna on vacation

P/s: blogging on the samsung galaxy note is a painstaking exercise! Haha~