My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) – week 12
Look at me!!! Look at me!! I can haz moustache too! XD
When we first decided to get a pet, we debated about whether we should get a cat or a dog. Mr P suggested a cat several times because, by all accounts cats are more independent and perhaps more suitable for two busy adults.
But I wanted a pet that will get me exercising regularly. It is a commitment I wanted to make. You can walk or run with a dog, but not with a cat. (It was later that I found out some people do walk their cats on a harness :P)
So we adopted Donna. Dog walking became an everyday item on the day’s to-do list.
How many different pictures can one take of the same dog walking every day? More pictures than I would have thought.
Enjoy. Photos after the jump ;)
Donna is not too impressed by moving visuals… She thinks we should spend the time playing with her rather than watching TV or pointing the phone at her to make cinemagraphs :P
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