We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Rain, rain, go away!

This year has been a year full of rain. Ever since Donna joined our family, the idea of a perfect, rainy afternoon has been turned over its head. Not one of peace, sitting clean and dry in the room listening to the pitter-patter of raindrops. No. Rainy days are days when the dog turns skittish and I try to pretend there is nothing wrong with the weather and live life as normal.

Here are some of the posts from the last few months.

Mar 29 – This is Donna worried about the thunder and refusing to leave the kitchen.

Apr 27 – The strong wind toppled the plants on our balcony. She was grinning with nervousness.

May 2 – Here am I trying to enjoy a warm coffee and a book on a rainy day while she finds some comfort using the furniture and I as the human shield.

Jun 7 – Across time, she has dealt with the rain and thunder inconsistently, sometimes better, sometimes worse. On good days, I had the leisure to contemplate the rain and the sky from the window. On bad days, I content myself with posting pointless posts on Donna’s tips for rainy days.

And after the rain which kept us in, we go out for our walk and get badgered by ants

… and other creepy crawlies.

Such is life. It’s different, but still good ;)


Donna does not like wet wipes, no.


Donna and hippo in the living room


  1. Oh Donna, yes thunder can be scary! I only experienced it once with Mama and big brother Simba. We stayed close to together and hid in a corner! Here’s to no rain! Woooooowoooooo, Ku

    • We had two bright sunny days so far, Donna wants it to continue but rain will help bring the temperature down. :P

  2. Oh, I love the rain, but soft rain and I do love lightning and thunder but Simba don’t and I don’t like heavy rainstorms because then I worry about the wild birds and monkeys. :lol:
    Simba doesn’t like the thunder and lightning as well and what works for him is the No. 6 tissue salt (Kali Phos No.6) as it calms him down and makes him sleepy and I give him 2 every 2 hours as he weighs 12kgs. He eats it just like that as it’s sweet and he knows it helps for him. Please give Donna a big hug and kiss from me. :D *hugs*

    • Living in the tropics, thunderstorms and heavy showers are very common around there. So hopefully Donna will get used to it by and by. The strangest thing is, she is absolutely happy and not affected by the weather if we are outside. It’s only at home that she starts to fret about the rain and wind and thunder. She gets lots of hugs from you ;)

  3. When Ruby first came home we had a week of storms. Every time it thundered we whooped around the house (she probably thought we were mad) getting excited. In the end she ignored us and does the same thing now. Try a little excited distraction and make a game of it?

    • We didn’t try whooping :P We did try playing more games, fetch and tug. Or we spread the treats around. Sometimes, she’s too distracted to want to play or pay attention to the treats. Sometimes, it rains the whole day and she reverts back to worrying once we stop playing. Will try whooping ;) My ideal is for her to remain calm and just sleep through the storm since there will be days when there will be nobody to play with or give treats. But that’s a long way away. She’s already good compared to the more drastic cases I’ve heard of where the dog runs and hides in the closet or the toilet in terror and refuses to budge until the rain stops. : )

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