This year has been a year full of rain. Ever since Donna joined our family, the idea of a perfect, rainy afternoon has been turned over its head. Not one of peace, sitting clean and dry in the room listening to the pitter-patter of raindrops. No. Rainy days are days when the dog turns skittish and I try to pretend there is nothing wrong with the weather and live life as normal.

Here are some of the posts from the last few months.

Mar 29 – This is Donna worried about the thunder and refusing to leave the kitchen.

Apr 27 – The strong wind toppled the plants on our balcony. She was grinning with nervousness.

May 2 – Here am I trying to enjoy a warm coffee and a book on a rainy day while she finds some comfort using the furniture and I as the human shield.

Jun 7 – Across time, she has dealt with the rain and thunder inconsistently, sometimes better, sometimes worse. On good days, I had the leisure to contemplate the rain and the sky from the window. On bad days, I content myself with posting pointless posts on Donna’s tips for rainy days.

And after the rain which kept us in, we go out for our walk and get badgered by ants

… and other creepy crawlies.

Such is life. It’s different, but still good ;)