We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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How do you spend your Sundays?

Sleeping dog (black and white)
Kibble, come out! (black and white)She has to go through some effort, to get the food reward inside this toy.

Two pretty high contrast pictures that I thought suitable for black and white. I originally published them in colour on Instagram, which you can view here. How do you spend your Sundays?


Living with a dog – issue 4


Phoneography weekly: The temple at night


  1. Sunday is a day for stillness here too Donna – with minimal effort to work that kong ;)

    • Awesome! Donna says nothing is too much effort when it is enjoyable. Lying around licking at the kong is such a pleasure :D

  2. I make my way through my e-mails, and dream of earlier times when “mail” came in smaller batches, onece a day, except Sundays and holidays!

    • too bad email and the great big internet sped things up… way too overwhelmingly so… or is it the humans that sped things up… oh well :P Have a great week ahead. I haven’t sent a snail mail in years! :P

  3. Great shots! Happy b&w Sunday! w

  4. Cute pictures! We usually spend our Sundays being lazy and taking naps! Happy B&W Sunday!

  5. Looks a very fun toy. Sundays are made for playing.

  6. Love how the converted to black and white!

  7. I spend half of my sunday sleeping and studying for a freaky exam!! Why do B&W pictures always look so nice? Specially dogs? I do not know!! cute pics

    • Oh good luck for your exam! I’m not good at those X.X I suppose B&W photos have a classic look, which is why no matter how bad the picture is, it doesn’t look too bad. At least that’s what I think… and when a photo is bad, I cheat by making it a black and white so it looks better than it actually is :P Hah!

  8. Nice pictures!

  9. We’ll go hiking sometimes or do things around town. During the summer, there’s some kind of street fair or festival every weekend.

    • Wow it sounds really lively and dog-friendly where you live! :) We don’t really take Donna out to street fairs or festivals.

  10. Mel

    Absolutely for black and white Sunday. I love the Stillness. Sometimes you wonder if it will ever happen. Daisy has been very busy today.

  11. Love the stillness shot and the close up of the paw!

  12. hehehe great pictures!

  13. Our Sunday was busy as I took Frankie for a walk to the beach with a friend and her dogs before in the morning and after lunch Beryl and I had a 45 minute drive to get to a Greyhound walk. So nothing got done but I had happy dogs :) Well, they usually are happy anyway!

    • PS lovely photos of Donna!

      • Sunday sounds very productive for you where the dogs are concerned. Nothing beats seeing them happy, and it sure makes one linger during a walk or take the time out to take them places! Donna is envious Franky and Beryl had such a fun day! :D

  14. you got it right…Sunday is best to just “chill” and simply stay home. ♥ love this!

  15. Sundays tend to be filled with some fun…..thank goodness.

  16. Lazy sleepy Sundays are the best! I spent mine watching the peeps play tennis… Boringgggg! All the tennis balls and I didn’t get to fetch any…Huh!

    • Hahahahaha! Get the folks out to play with real tennis balls then! :D But yes, we are too lazy for that over here on Sundays :P

  17. Love the B&W Donna. Gorgeous photos.
    Sundays mean mum is less likely to be doing work work and more likely to be out in the garden = throw ball to Bodhi.

    • Sounds like a great day for Bodhi then :D Our “garden” is the balcony, not the best place to throw balls around :P

  18. Loving both of these photos!

  19. Ah Donna , looks like you like to chill on Sundays ! wish I did — the folks are always taking me to see art exhibitions – I do enjoy it but sometimes I don’t like the art work!!

    Miss Marple X

    • But you get to go out! :D Get the folks to take you for pre-and-post exhibition play time! And then maybe you can nap while they look at those boring artwork :P But yes, Sunday is the time for rest!

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