We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Author: weliveinaflat Page 36 of 41

Donna’s reaction to the Nose command

training the nose commandThe Nose Command
I’m been slipping in the nose command to Donna during walks, mealtimes and when she comes to find me after she wakes up from a nap. 

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The blog this week – Feb 20, 2014

Just a quick snapshot of the posts for the past week ;)

Mongrel Barks

Saturday  Begging, it can be pretty cute and entertaining when it’s done to family who don’t mind, or in fact find it amusing. But it can also be downright embarrassing when your dog harasses a stranger who is pointedly ignoring her. Regardless of the human’s opinions, Donna did persist in testing every family member on their propensity to dispense food when they were here over CNY. This is an older video though.

Wednesday Donna was never a dog that loves the camera. She would always look away. A treat or two who have made her less sour, but too bad, the human was pretty happy with her grumpy face that day. :P I just liked the way she was resting with one arm on her bed.

Talk to the paw, human! – she says

Photography Bytes

Tuesday Week 2’s topic of HDR has got me excited, check out the Challenge post here. We’ve got a Challenge Pinterest Board just today! I think it’s a great tool to share good photo examples for the themes and also our work. Linkytools is popular for bloghops, but the Pinterest group board shows up our photos better with its bigger thumbnails, and makes our content more shareable. :)

Monday While on staycation at W Hotel, I had the leisure to try out Mr P’s Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and its panorama function. Here are some black and white photos from it.  And if you haven’t, check out the gorgeous iPhone panoramas on Tom Palladio‘s page.

Sunday Let me take you to the night I visited Kiyomizu-dera, Kyoto. It was awfully dark and you can hardly see the people’s faces, but the temple buildings and surrounding trees were artfully lit. My camera is not great at night photography, but here are some shots from it. I probably will continue to put out the rest of my Kyoto pictures on and off.

Friday So Valentine’s day has come and gone. Here’s a last look at the Dogs of #DonnaGiveMeWings if you have not seen them yet :)

Next month is going to be exciting because this blog turns 1. And Donna turns 5 this March too. Just some random chitchat with 1stWorldDog today has got me thinking more critically about the blog content so far, and I realised that it really is still lacking in many ways!  

Some of the posts that got me thinking or cracked me up from other blogs this week:

  • The #WOOFsupport blog hop – totally in love with the concept of the hop. Blog about a challenge that you are facing/working through with your dog and get some support with the rest of the group!
  • “Touch” a must for any dog trainer – we’re a little slow, but we started training targeting yesterday. The human finds this video inspirational because the end shows what are the awesome things that can eventually be accomplished by training “nose” or “touch”! :D
  • Canine eye exam – good to know that eye health if one of the things tested to recommend for or against a dog being bred. And Melvin has such beautiful eyes.
  • Is my dog a drama queen – Zani is such a sweet little dog.
  • Going to Crufts – I really love the sheltie’s expression and how it all makes the story come to live. Great photos ; )
  • Impromptu totem pole – cool dog photo!

Talk to the Paw, human!

donna the local mongrel
Donna doesn’t feel like posing for pictures when there are no treats.

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Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge Week 2 – HDR and Saturation

Welcome back to Week 2 of the Snappy H’appy Photo Challenge hosted by weliveinaflat and firebonnet ;) This challenge asks you to (1) share a good photo that you took or edited last week, (2) run it through a photo app on your smartphone or mobile device and share with us the result. 

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Phoneography Weekly: Panorama shot using Galaxy Note 3

Just a normal shot of breakfast at The Kitchen Table, W Hotel Sentosa Cove. The panorama shot comes next. :P

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Kiyomizu-dera at night (清水寺)

Kiyomizu-dera at night

Taking a break from black and white dog photos today, and sharing some black and white photos of Kiyomizu-dera at night from my recent Kyoto trip. I’m not very good with night photos so bear with me :P

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Surrender that burger, human! – begging dog

Give up that burger, human!Sometimes, the more the treasure looks out of reach, the more precious it seems.

Over the Chinese New Year, we visited Gentle Paws the shelter that Donna came from and one of the people there said that they liked the Donna videos. So I’ve dug out an older video taken the same time as this photo to share.

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Dogs of #DonnaGiveMeWings !

dog photoHappy Valentine’s Day!
This week, I offered to edit some photos of dogs of our Instafriends to give them cupid wings since it is Valentine’s Day. Dog pictures tagged #DonnaGiveMeWings following my feeds were eligible. It took a bit of effort, but here are the Beautiful four paws of  #DonnaGiveMeWings !!

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Photographing dogs: NomadRuss Ten Tips Reinvented!

dog photograph - donna the local mongrelI read with interest the Ten Tips from NomadRuss, cultural documentary and NGO photographer, published on the Daily Post and wondered how his tips could be applied to photographing dogs. I started trawling through all the photos I had published to validate against the ten tips, just for fun. 

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