Travel is the adventure of movement.
I was clearing junk out of our cluttered study when I found blue dog.
Humans have a weird sense of humour.
Vibrant. Flavour.
This is not really where you would typically find them but red eggs are usually served during a celebration held after baby has been born for a month. Only the shell is dyed red, the egg remains white with a yellow yolk although sometimes the red dye may find its way in through cracks in the shell.
Anyway, I took this picture because I told Donna to “leave it” when she sniffed them out downstairs and she did.
LAST WEEK’S ENTRIES: My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 4 (11 – 18 Sep)
Left: Tired Paws,
Centre: Sprawl,
Right: Somewhere Over There,
We have some great pictures of dogs for last week’s entries. :D
A close up of Bodhi’s tired paws, a longer shot of Donna asleep on her cushion bed and a shot of Kookkai, a dog who resists taking pictures. It’s interesting the relationship with the dog and the camera. Some shun it. Some get used to it. Perhaps a dog is more cooperative as it gets closer to its humans. Perhaps the more exposed the dog was to the camera being where it is when one is holding it to take a shot, the easier it becomes to start taking its prescence for granted. Of course, one still needs to be quick about it before the dog loses patience with you :P
You can read more about each picture by clicking on the links above and visiting the specific pages that provide a little description of the pictures and why it is special for the authors :)
It is quite possible for time to stand still… if you capture it in a snapshot. :P And lots of things can be done with it when it comes to changing that moment to becoming something more or less than what it is. I am talking about picture editing, of course, where Donna’s shenanigans at the dog run is partaken in this picture by her photoshop clone Donna-02. :P
Roxy the Travelling Dog identified that what Donna was doing in this post – Dog Run – was called the zoomies. If you’ve not heard about it before, you’re not alone. Neither did I. :P
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