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Tag: versatile blogger award

Bloggers are noisy

My personal opinion only,

The ones that break through all that noise in the blogosphere to reach us are resourceful.

The ones that got us to “like” them are effective.

The ones that got us to follow them are interesting.

The ones that did all of the above and influenced our thoughts/actions are… versatile.

I had to use the word “versatile” because… you guessed it, this is yet another versatile award post! Well actually, it is a double award post.
I am sorry because award posts may be a little self-serving :( 

So who are these bloggers that have influenced this blog and its content?
(I have named some of these people many times so please bear with me! :P)


Versatile Blogger Award and My Favourite Things Award

I thank you the one(s) that,

The remaining 2 links are not blogs, but I would still like to share because I just learn better from videos where you actually see people in action and can observe the way it’s done :P

Thank you guys, you keep this blog going. A lot of the posts wouldn’t have happened if it were not for you! Hahahahaha!

weliveinaflat would like to say that there is absolutely NO obligation to receive, repost or follow any of the Versatile Blogger Award (VBA) or My Favourite Things rules listed at the end of this post. We nominate (sometimes repeatedly) because we enjoyed your blogs, totally appreciate your friendship and love to spread the word about you but we do not want to inconvenience you in any way.

Thank you Dogs N Pawz for the VBA nomination!
Thank you Ku for the My Favourite Things nomination!

Seven things about me

How to follow blogs that are not on wordpress.com via the WordPress Reader

1. I found out recently that it is possible to follow blogs that are not on WordPress.com via the WordPress Reader.

This is how you do it:

How to follow external blogs on WordPress Reader

[1] Click “Reader” tab to go to the Reader page.
[2] Click on the “Edit” button next to the “Blogs I Follow” button.
[3] The list of blogs you follow will appear. There will be a field right on top under the “Edit Blogs I Follow” title. Fill in the web address of the blog you want to follow, in this case I put in the Dogs N Pawz URL.
[4] Click “Follow”. If nothing goes wrong, you should now see the website appearing in the list with the other blogs you are following.

More details from these pages on WordPress support and WordPress blog.

I don’t know why I’ve ignored that field all along even though it sits right on top of the page there! I must have been blind. Maybe you guys knew all along and I have been the only one in the dark. D:

I do use the WordPress Reader to follow blogs, much more often than the other service Feedly that I have on my web browser. However, it seems Wordpress sometimes had a moodswing and swallowed posts at times. I know it happened to Ruby the Black Labrador and me.

Still, I am quite glad that I can add outside blogs to the reader. I’m just too lazy to use multiple readers. :P

The other six will be Six of Donna’s favourite things, to satisfy both award requirements. :P

2. the humans in the house
3. the humans in the shelter Donna came from
4. the grass outside!
5. chicken and eggs, fresh boiled ones
6. the toy of the day, but only if the human is throwing it
7. yogurt and milk, mmmm-mmmm!

Leaving you with this cute video via nodogaboutit. Both award requirements below if you are interested to respond.

Versatile Blogger Rules:

  • Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post
  • Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post.
  • Pass the award along to 15 favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.
  • Share Seven Things About Yourself:

My Favourite Things Award Rules:

1) thank the blogger who gave it to you,
2) post the award on your blog,
3) name 6 of your favorite things and finally pass it on to as many bloggers as you wish.

BUT, weliveinaflat would like to repeat that there is absolutely NO obligation to receive, repost or follow any of the above rules. We nominate because we enjoyed these blogs but we do not want to inconvenience them in any way. :P Naggy, naggy~

Previous VBA responses:

Mugshots are ugly

What is an ugly picture?

How about a mug shot? After all mugshots are pictures that possibly personify best what is ugly in human society.

mug shot of a dog

The following is a Versatile Blogger Award response masquerading as a fictitious news article. :P

Singapore – Donna the local mongrel who was previously turned in for investigation by the authorities for the first suspected unlicensed protest to be staged by a dog in this country has fled. It is rumoured that the dog police whispered in embarrassment the statement that Donna the local mongrel, made her escape when wardens let her out in the yard to read her pee-mail. The authorities do not have an answer as to why the local mongrel held in custody should have access to pee-mail or any kind of communications with the dog network. They have refused to comment for this news report.

The following are leaked documents from the authorities with regards to Donna the local mongrel while she was in custody.

When contacted about their missing dog, Mr and Mrs P said that they were very worried about their dog that went missing after she was taken into custody by the dog police.

“Do you know, we just got nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award the second time by House Full of Dogs,” Mrs P said as she wrung her hands, “how do we even receive the award if the main character has gone missing? Donna, if you are out there reading this, please come back!”

Unfortunately, it is this newspaper’s understanding that Donna the local mongrel does not know how to read.

Part of the leaked police documents revealed a list of Donna’s online friends submitted by Mr and Mrs P.

When asked about this list of friends, Mrs P said, “The authorities wanted to know Donna’s activity online and these are some of the web pages that we visited in the last 30 days. We THANK YOU House Full of Dogs for the Versatile Blogger Award nomination and in return, we would like to nominate those bloggers in the list for the same award.”

The list included, in no particular order :

[Note: Versatile Blogger Rules:

  • Add The Versatile Blogger award photo on a blog post
  • Thank the person who presented you with the award and link back to him or her in your post. 
  • Pass the award along to 15 favorite bloggers. Contact the chosen bloggers to let them know about the award.
  • Share Seven Things About Yourself:

BUT, weliveinaflat would like to say that there is absolutely NO obligation to receive, repost or follow any of the above rules. We nominate because we enjoyed these blogs but we do not want to inconvenience them in anyway.]

The canine squad is launching a nation-wide search for the missing suspect. They have issued the following 7 key characteristics of Donna the local mongrel. Citizens who should happen to see a dog answering to the following descriptions should alert the local authorities immediately:

  1. Local mongrel with distinct black and tan markings on the face and chest/fore legs.
  2. Height: 60cm
  3. Eyes: Brown but may flash green in the dark
  4. Suspect has been known to wear costume and may be in disguise.
  5. Please be alert for suspicious characters resembling Dobby with floppy ears.
  6. Please be alert for suspicious characters resembling Batman or Joker.
  7. Previous identities assumed – Inspector Grass. Suspect most likely will loiter in grassy fields. Please search grassy areas as top priority.

Authorities advise innocent passerbys to alert using the whistle-blowing number [+65-I-found-a-dog] should they encounter any suspicious four-legged canine answering to the descriptions posted above.

The story above is fictitious and Donna is not lost in anyway.

Image sources, because the following images do not belong to me and I will be obliged to take them down if requested:

– Mugshot background template – http://www.gavtrain.com/?p=2586
– image of Dobby – http://www.fanpop.com/clubs/harry-potter/images/17698382/title/dobby-photo
 image of batman – digitalspy.co.uk
– image of joker – sideshowcollectors.com

A nomination

I’ve only started this blog very recently, so I was surprised that lifeinthedoglane nominated this blog for Versatile Blogger Award. I thank you so very much lifeinthedoglane! Please go visit her.

To spread the love, I’m suppose to list 15 blogs/bloggers that I’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Hence here are my nominations.


Finally, part of the requirements include sharing a list of 7 things about myself.

  1. I largely don’t do the things I said I’ll do but I’m highly productive when it comes to spontaneous projects that were never planned and not in the list. Now you understand why there is a queue.
  2. I’m going to make a whole flask of green tea everyday and make sure Mr P drinks that rather than the chockful of sugar bottled stuff from Pokka. The next is to just see if I do do it or not. 
  3. I am pretty good at boiling and steaming things. I don’t have complicated tastebuds but I like fiction and non-fiction that talk about complicated foods like The Last Chinese Chef.
  4. Through association by marriage I have cousins going by the rather unique names – Earth and Prime.
  5. When my friend exclaimed how glad she was my dog Donna had a real name and not something like Pepsi or Hotdog, I conveniently forgot all about my imaginary Chihuahua who was unfortunately named Chicken Legs.
  6. My dog has apparently trained itself to perk up and drop toys at the study door when I am late taking her downstairs during the regular walk/ loo break time slots. And no, she still does not poop on demand. She just likes to go out.
  7. I would love to go to Norway this year but my savings is dwindling. So no.

The end.

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