We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

The coast is clear, says Inspector Grass

During our doggy patrol, Donna reports that the the coast is clear, failing to note the Indian man right behind her!

Did I mention that my dog will look anywhere but to the front when I have my camera phone pointing at her? I’ve never been a great photographer and I overcompensate with quantity in hopes of striking quality. = = !

Today I got lucky and got a snap of her looking directly at the camera phone as she surveyed her surroundings from left to right, lip-licking tongue and all. I love the weird expression so I made it into the blog background :P. The green makes the blog look fresher doesn’t it? ;)


A nomination


Growling Mother, Snarling Child


  1. Fantastic picture! What a cutie. I’m with you on photographing the kids – they shift just as you reach for the camera… dogs, cats, gerbils….

    • Thank you! Gerbils! One would have thought maybe they would be less self-aware. Not that I have any experience with them, ahahahahaha! Have a great day, you sure made mine ;)

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