Oct 6, 2014
NGC Free Pet Shop
We went to the 2014 National Geographic (Natgeo) Free Pet Shop at the Playground at the Big Splash, East Coast Parkway on Sunday.
Address: 902 East Coast Parkway, Singapore 449874 [map]
Time: 12:00p.m. – 06:00p.m.
The National Geographic Channel’s Free Pet Shop is Singapore’s largest dog adoption drive. The event will present a total of 80 adoptable dogs each day from various shelters, so it’s a good time to check it out if you are looking to adopt a Singapore special.
We went the previous year where the event was held over a grassy area. Saturday was rainy and thunderous, so we decided to to go on Sunday thinking that it may be less muddy. Our worry was needless, since we discovered upon arrival that the event was held over a paved area this time around.

Meeting old friends
This is about the one and only occasion Donna ever gets to see the humans that used to care for her at Gentle Paws. So of course, she was totally out of control jumping around and knocking them down in her excitement to lick the familiar faces to her.

Honestly, I think my dog has more friends than I have. Haha!
It was always awkward for me though. I mean, these people are there to talk to potential adopters to rehome their dogs. So it always felt out of place for Donna to be sitting there waiting for her friends to pay her some attention and refusing to come away so we’ll stop obstructing the traffic.
But I guess, they will forgive her exuberance and excitement to see them again.
The Booths
Eventually we got away from the row of shelter rehoming booths to visit the other commercial stalls. If I remember correctly they were in this sequence
- Starhub Happy Tails Lawn (got a scarf),
- APAWZ (we already got a trainer, sorry),
- The Barkery (not into carbs),
- Therapy Dogs Singapore (already joined),
- Solid Gold (Donna doesn’t eat this),
- Furry Photos ($400 photo session) and
- Subaru (FREE Prinstagram!)
Since the human is an Instagram fan, she went to the Subaru booth to ask more about what the Prinstagram was about.

Besides free printing of your photos hash-tagged #subarumoments, there was also an artist who would draw a caricature of you and your dog for free! The waiting time was 30min because there was a queue but the human decided Donna should get her first caricature, yay! :D So we added ourselves to the waitlist.
The Lost Paws Booth was adjacent to Subaru

They asked if we wanted to take a photo with Donna. Ask and you shall receive, so we did.

Enjoying the seabreeze outside
Because the paved area got pretty hot in the afternoon heat despite the tents, we spent much of the time outside on the grass waiting to be notified for our turn at the caricature booth.
That’s where Donna met Dywane, also from Gentle Paws.

Donna wanted to play immediately, the silly girl.
Here’s a picture of her with another Gentle Paws dog. They have a few in this colour, so I’m not sure if it’s Dywane or not. I was told he is Mario. It’s just a funny photo because his paw is touching her nose, due to the camera angle. I hadn’t realised it until a Gentle Paws volunteer commented on Facebook! :O

Meeting insta-friends
Mango the Sheltie and we were making our rounds around the fair separately, so I wasn’t able to take a photo of him when I had my camera out. Besides him, we also met a few of our insta friends like samforest and pecanwoods loolim, skippy and jestasheltiex. Yes, I never took photos of all of them. Boo!
But here’s Cobie with a #dogsquish face. :P

Lemme out of this bag!
I took this just as Cobie and Mango were leaving.
Then we walked over to 7-11 to get our brainfreezed and finally, we got summoned for the caricature.
Our caricature!
Tada!! Donna says I shouldn’t have photobombed her.

Last thoughts
We went last year, and I was a little overwhelmed by the crowd and shyer about looking at the stalls, which meant I was mostly standing about the sidelines and feeling quite bored. Haha.
But this time round was really good because I was just more confident about handling Donna in a crowd. We also got to talk to one or two of the shelter volunteers who have kindly commented on our Facebook and sad, to say, I know them by their Facebook handles only. So it was definitely good to put a face to the Facebook name!
Also fun to see some of the insta-folks, even if it was more hi and bye because of the crowd and the traffic.
And last but not least, we appreciate the little mementos we get to bring home from the event both years we went – the caricature, the prinstagrams and a freebie collapsible waterdish from Subaru. Donna also got a toy Subaru toy car last year that she really liked.

Prinstagrams – one for Mr P and one for the human, perfect!
See more Singapore dog-friendly events.
May 6, 2013

Event advertising image via ngc singapore
There was an adopt a free pet event this weekend and Donna’s shelter was one of those shelters taking part in the event. The nature of an animal shelter is an interesting one, in that they exist because there are many unwanted animals. A shelter will probably never be half-full or half-empty because the demand for space exceeds the supply. If a shelter were ever half empty, it would actually be a good sign of dogs being rehomed and less dogs on the street to take in. But I suppose shelters will be heartened if they are only half-full since than they have the capacity of taking in more homeless dogs. I don’t think any shelter will ever think that they are half-empty, only that they are half-full and running out of space pretty soon.
Is the glass half-full or half-empty you ask? Doesn’t it really depend on the contents of the glass and how much you desire whatever is in it?
The crowd of people and dogs at the National Geographic Free Pet Shop event had Donna all excited. We tried to get her to sit for one minute on the Subaru challenge mat but she was too distracted to last that long :/ She jumped all over the shelter humans that she knew but hadn’t seen for quite awhile. Until they had to “dismiss” us so that they can get on with their business of finding good homes for the other dogs. But that’s ok since Donna was happy to return to her main preoccupation of inspecting the grass very insistently. Yes, not the other dogs, not the other people but the grass. The only dog she paid attention to was a brown dog Dada, whom the shelter people called her boyfriend. So it was good she found someone to play with for a while.
We were told that Donna was one of the dogs on the event advertising banner. Can you spot her?

So yah, we happily clambered onto the empty stage to take a picture to keep for posterity :P
More about the local shelters and the mongrels that they try to rescue and rehome in the brochure below. Click to see the bigger image.

Facts You Never Know brochure via huneyzworld.
We’re not really good with crowds, and since the event was at East Coast Park, we took the opportunity to check out the beach with her. She went into the water readily enough but then found it uninteresting and turned back. She seemed to prefer digging at the sand. The day’s activity knocked her out and she ignored us in favour of her bed by 7.30pm tonight.
The cup of green tea on my desk has cooled as I sit here typing out this post. I’ll say it’s half-empty, since I do not plan to drink the rest of the tea that has gone cold.