My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) – week 11
Mr P is back! Mr P is back! He played with me a while, and now he’s disappeared into the bathroom.
Tell Mr P to come out please? I haven’t seen him for a week and now he’s back!
He is taking his own sweet time, isn’t he? I’ll still be here when he comes out… zzz…ZZZ…zzz…
Guess who gave way first! Answer here.
Donna is not too impressed by moving visuals… She thinks we should spend the time playing with her rather than watching TV or pointing the phone at her to make cinemagraphs :P
Donna finds it hard to see beautiful if we are just going to sit here and do nothing D:
A new phone app that I downloaded today. It’s pretty fun, if exasperating to get to work.
I love her sleepy, expressive eyes :P
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