We’ve been kept indoors because of the haze and Donna is very restive. She’s a laze-about dog at home, but she does need her daily walk or she gets restless, and then she gets rough when playing or worse, she gets curious and starts doing taste -tests that are not good for her tummy.

Our other cousin Mr B told us about his girlfriend’s amazing mongrel dog who could flop and play dead every time the human goes “Bang!” That sounds pretty cool, and it’s something fun to do besides trying to get Donna to ‘walk with me’, and the other obedience behaviours that we normally train in our tiny apartment.

So here goes…

Go to your bed > Down > Stay
Come > BANG!
Wait for dog to sprawl completely on the floor
Wait for dog to keep completely still
Good Job dead dog! > treat

As you can see, we are not very good at it yet. Donna tends to go into a down position and look at me. And then I keep thumping the floor before she remembers oh yes, fall to the side. And then she’s so happy anticipating the reward (yay! kibble!), her tail keeps wagging. Harlow, how can a dead dog be wagging it’s tail?? So it takes some time before she is totally still but she’s getting it, because then she gets the treat. Still, Good Job dead dog!! :D

Perhaps if we practise more, she start flopping faster.

Meanwhile, here are some Youtube dogs that are masters at this with their unique takes on the trick: