So Donna appeared to be finally getting the idea that great things happen when you rollover. I have to say though that her consistency to offer that behaviour is still… well not very consistent and totally mood dependent.
Tag: dog photos Page 3 of 4
I’m currently having a Valentine’s Day activity on Instagram, whereby I’ll pick a few photos of dogs tagged #DonnaGiveMeWings to edit. Here’s a sneak preview in sepia of these dogs with wings.
See the actual in colour on Instagram around Feb 14!

Sniff, sniff. Nose. Scratch, scratch.
Pause. Wag. Smiling eyes. Waiting.
Lonely green field dreams.
Donna is grumpy because she thinks it should be the year of the dog, not the year of the horse!
Happy Sunday friends! Come away with me to see the black and white pet portraits we have on Instagram in the last week!
Not sure how expressive these pictures are, but can you tell what this cat and dog may be thinking?
We adopted Donna on 12th January last year. That makes it our 1st year anniversary with a dog two days ago. We didn’t rename her but she did have to adjust to a new home, a bigger space to roam in and more things to chew on that were not supposed to be discovered in the first place. Now that a year has passed,
Here’s Donna lying outside the kitchen, which is what she customarily does when the lazy human is cooking something. Hah!
So we finally made our way to the supermarket on Saturday morning to buy a slab of boneless chicken for Donna’s postphoned-due-to-illness Christmas chicken steak!!
All cut up so that she doesn’t drag it around and leave smears on the floor. Donna loves my lousy cooking! XD
No love lost between this two!
Newsflash: A re-homed local mongrel dog has been caught on camera abandoning her pre-loved toy bear. Donna the local mongrel refused to share her bed with the teddy bear, so much so that she was willing to give up the bed to the bear. When asked why she thought the bear too repulsive to be near, Donna replied that she couldn’t sleep with the bear there and the human clicking away on her phone camera on the other end. The human cannot be reached for comment.