Now and then we bring Donna to a dog cafe to give her more chances to socialise with other dogs outside of walks and the dog run.

III cafe

But perhaps on this day, Donna was already tired out from all that excitement at the Pet Expo, so she chose to chill out under our table at III Cafe instead as we had our lunch. (Incidentally, this month’s Pets magazine has a picture of Donna as one of the dogs in the background attending the Pets Expo agility trial lesson!! It’s tiny but we’re there! LOL)

III cafe

At least, that was what I thought at first. But she did seem happy to move around and check out any new dogs that come into the cafe.

III cafe

But pretty soon, she goes back to laying in the middle of the cafe floor like she is the queen of the place.

III cafe
III cafe
III cafe

Sure, she takes note of all the activity around, but that’s about it. Seems pretty boring to me :P

One of the cafe patrons was so impressed by her being such a good, fuss-free dog she had to take a picture of her.

III cafe

And still she laid there.

Finally up she goes to check out another dog which turns out unfruitful.

III cafe
III cafe

She finally turns to check out the little dogs milling around her that she has been ignoring the whole time!! And then turns to me as if to say, “I tried, but they all ignore me!”

III cafe

Seems like same as for humans, it can be hard for dogs to make new friends, huh?

It seems like some people like to congregate around dog cafes with other humans with the same dogs. But for Donna, she doesn’t seem to be particular about just meeting other mongrels.

Rather Donna sometimes seem to be more excited about approaching dog breeds that she had a great time playing with before such as Westies. But more than that, I am starting to think that she has a size preference when it comes to making friends. Donna seems to like to approach dogs that are closer to her size, such as Shiba Inus, Huskies, Golden Retrievers and other mongrels.

Does that make sense? Do your dogs choose who they rather play with? And do you know why?
I would love to hear!