Welcome to nara deer park
In this park there are many deer
Buy a pack of deer biscuits and the biscuit seller will tell you - you bow and then you feed.
You know what that's about cute deer?
well, here goes nothing...
the deer started bowing and they didn't stop
see me bow too, said the deer

You see how amazing this place is?

Just one line from the deer biscuit seller and you’ve got busloads of tourists unknowingly reinforcing the deer for bowing for their treat!

But there are some problems with this system as well, I’ll show you more in tomorrow’s black and white post. ; )

Ending this post with awful blurry pictures of this deer that strongly reminded us of Donna!!

Yeah, I want the biscuit but I'm too comfortable to move.
deer bowing while laying on the ground
huh suckers, said the deer.

About positive reinforcement training
Rewarding your dog immediately for the good behaviour he displayed, encourages him to repeat the desired behaviour. Consistent reforcement helps to form the desired behaviour into a habit for the dog.

About Nara Park
This was a day trip we made to the Nara Deer Park, when we visited Kyoto, Japan. It’s a large park dotted with various temples across the wooded landscape. As tourists make their way from one pit stop to another, they have lots of opportunities to meet and feed the deer.
– http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nara_Park
official webpage in japanese
