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Phoneography Weekly: Green Field

Green field near Singapore Yacht Club

Sniff, sniff. Nose. Scratch, scratch.
Pause. Wag. Smiling eyes. Waiting.
Lonely green field dreams.


Phoneography Monday Challenge: Nature
Apps: Snapseed, Cymera, VSCOcam, Moldiv
Until we got a dog, I have never spent so much time in fields as I do now. We dropped by Gentle Paws with Donna over the New Year since we had a rare break with no plans for one of the days. She inspected every inch of the field right outside the shelter.


donna dog at gentle paws and friends
donna dog at gentle paws and friends
Sometimes, you’d think nobody appreciates nature more than a dog.

Pic #1 Green field near Singapore Yacht Club.

Picture taken with Samsung Note 10.1 LTE tablet native camera.
Apps – Snapseed, Cymera, Moldiv

Pic #2 Donna outside Gentle Paws and Friends.

Picture taken with Samsung Galaxy Note 3 native camera, which produced a narrower image compared to the Note 10.1 LTE, I assume by default since I just point and shot, no cropping for #1 and #3. :P
Apps – Snapseed, Cymera, VSCOcam.


Where are we going on this car ride?


My Best Photo of the Week Challenge Final Photo


  1. Wonderful almost abstract capture of the green green of nature. Donna looks regal and extremely content to explore. Happy Phoneography Monday.

  2. I can’t wait for that green grass to show up again. Whatever color our grass now, it’s buried deeply under the white snow. One good thing about a dog is that you get outside every day, no matter the weather (or at least you should.)


    • Glad to bring to you a little green at the moment… even if artificially virtual :P And yes, I would not have noticed the trees and grass drying up if I weren’t outside with the dog. Boy, is the weather here hot and dry in the day time! Gets windy and cool at night.

  3. Wait-I thought we dogs were part of nature.

    • Well apparently I read that your poop are toxic to plants and you sometimes wear clothes, you even do tricks. Oh, and you live in human homes. Think you’re part of nature? :P

      • There are a lot of natural things that are toxic. I rebel at wearing clothes or doing tricks because that’s very un-Scottie like. I live in the human home but haven’t surrendered to Them.

        • I tend to think that dogs are more nurture than nature since man have tinkered with them to create the different breeds. But then again man have tinkered with plants and we still think of them as nature… so I guess you are right :)

  4. The field of green seems to invite us in to disappear down its length. Wonderful depth.

  5. Dogs really do love and appreciate the outdoors don’t they? Much more than cats ;). The capture of the field is really beautiful. Such a rich green and the trees draw your eye off into the horizon.

    • Pet cats in Singapore are indoor cats, simply because they are illegal and most owners will keep them 100% indoors. The ones outdoors are stray and even they have acclimated very well to the concrete jungle nature of our environment, do they do like hiding in the grass too. Everywhere’s a playground I guess. Is Buffy an indoor cat or does she get out?

      Amendment: The use of the word “illegal” may not be accurate. Public housing rules do not allow pet cats, but I’m not sure if its a public housing rule or it’s written somewhere in the law.

      • Both cats are allowed outside. Jack stays around the house but Buffy explores the yards in the neighboring houses. Of course it helps that she can actually jump over the 8 foot fences! lol

  6. My sapiens LOVE photography! Thank you for sharing this beauty in the green light. Post more pics please!

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