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Haiku – Get me out of here!

Donna goes to daycare and gets frightenedA series of haiku about Donna’s first day at dog daycare. The daycare centre said Donna made a few dogs angry because she kept trying to mount them. But she learnt to avoid those dogs angry at her and play with other dogs instead.

When she returned home, it seemed like dog daycare has made her more hungry than usual.

Going Cuckoo over Haiku*: Dog Daycare

Wednesday morning

Too many dogs here.
Let’s go! What do you mean – no?!
I want to go home!

Wednesday afternoon

So this is daycare.
Slept in room centre. Refreshed!
Find some dog to hump.

Wednesday night

Whine, wave and give eyes.
Dinner done; hunger bites still.
Round two, please! Please! Pleaseeee!!!

donna wants some more food; very hungry dog after daycare

Previous Haiku by day:
Monday and Tuesday | Thursday | Friday

 *Haikus are written in the 5-7-5 syllable format.


My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – week 14


Whining goes the mounting dog


  1. She will start to have more and more fun. Just like a kid at daycare.

  2. I agree with Roxy! Hopefully she is starting to warm up to the idea and enjoying playing with the dogs who want to play with her too!

  3. I only do Haiku Catchoo at Machu Picchu.

  4. The first few days can be a bit treacherous, but I’m sure she’ll fit it perfectly in no time.

  5. Apaws, apaws poetic Donna! Wooooowoooooo!

  6. She will soon have lots of fun there, I am sure. Lovely photo’s Mrs. P. *big hugs* to you and Donna. :D

  7. Very good Haiku. I hope Donna gets used to daycare soon. Not all dogs love it to begin with. Beryl would hate it, Frankie loves it.

    • She is a very social creature, albeit not so socialised, so I think she will like it, although she may be bothersome to the other dogs because of the mounting problem!! :P

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