So Donna appeared to be finally getting the idea that great things happen when you rollover. I have to say though that her consistency to offer that behaviour is still… well not very consistent and totally mood dependent.
The first time she learnt to rollover was downstairs and I decided that we will never again do it outside because the wet wipes turned up all black when I was wiping her back at home! D:
But then the other morning we were just walking along and doing regular exercises like sit-stay, come and down, and then she took it into her head to rollover by herself. Despite the thoughts of omg, she’s gonna get all that dirt on her back again, I was also pleasantly elated. I whipped out my camera and tried to get her to stay in that laying on her back position while I try to capture a shot of her smiling into the camera.

Rollover and all hail the morning sun!

K, when is that treat coming?

Treat. Treat. Treat………

For pete’s sake, I’m begging you! Treat for the rollover dog!

K, I’m tired now. No more rollover. I’m just going to lie here and you’ll give me that chicken anyway~
Ok, so the wide smile never happened. I’m optimistic for the future. :P
Black and White Sunday is hosted by Dachshund Nola and Sugar the Golden Retriever. Go see more artistic black and white pics of man’s best friend in the blog hop here.
My little sister learned rollover. She is the only one of us that will do it. You will get the hang of it and do it with a smile.
Thank you, the human just needs to be faster with her camera and the treats! ;)
SlimDoggy (@MySlimDoggy)
Looks a little like some of my yoga postures! Stay limber Donna!
Thank you, human believes in limbering up to escape the zombies ;) although we’ve not done much yoga :D
Enduring and full of canine love.
Most dogs seem most adorable when they’re rolling around :)
I even do a little dance on my back.
You have a natural talent for it then! ;)
Susan and the gang from Life with Dogs and Cats
I love the paws in the face pic!
–Woofs (and purrs) from Life with Dogs and Cats.
Me too! Thanks for dropping by! I appreciate it. Have a great week, Susan!
M. K. Clinton
Very good work on rolling! Two treats for you! : )
Thank you! Nom nom. :P
Amy and Toby
So cute, that looks like a hard trick to learn!
The various puppies we know seem to have no problem learning that, but it was particularly difficult with Donna for me :)
Nature by Dawn
Donna, those are some super cute rollovers!!! My dogs won’t do it on the hard floor. They will only do it on carpet or in the grass.
Now Maya and Pierson are smart dogs. Who wants to roll around on a hard floor anyway?? :P
Aww, these are too cute! I’m sure you’ll get that smile picture soon. ;)
Thank you and I hope so too!!
PAWsome :-) Rollover is a FUN trick to learn. Happy Black n White Sunday. Golden Woofs
Thank you Sugar, all good thoughts for your good health and have a great week ahead! :)
Yay Donna! Good job! I can’t believe you caught such fantastic shots of her rolling over. They are awesome. Seriously awesome.
Thank you, sometimes I got lucky. And it helps that I remember to take my camera long that time too!
Tenacious Little Terrier
Those photos are precious. I don’t think we have photos of either dog doing it, just video. It’s nice that she’s offering it though. Once Onyxx learned how to roll over, he wanted to do it all the time!
Hahaha Onyxx must be entertaining you on hard days! I love these photos, definitely something you can try with both dogs in the future :)
Most of the time when my dog does something cute and I get out the camera; he stops. :) Great pictures.
Thank you :) In this case, the camera was already out and she roughly understands stay or wait… and also she doesn’t have the concept of rolling over 360 degrees… she thinkings rollover means rollover and stay on her back! :P
What a pretty girl! I’ll bet that a piece of chicken taffy from Jones Natural Chews would make her smile. ;)
Searched and found your post on the taffy, Flea. I’m kind of speechless with the chicken video… but if chickens like it… I guess Donna would too. LOL
She is just so adorable! Great shots Mrs. P! :D
Thank you, Sonel :)
Nice work! :) Mission impossible with Hanzo…