Some pet parents prefer specific brands of pet probiotic gel. I researched and found that different yogurt brands can have different sets of life cultures. So I wondered if this may be the same case for pet probiotic gel. Here’s what I found out from two different tubes of probiotic gel for pets that I got from the vet. Both dogs and cats can use these probiotic gel.
Category: Health Page 1 of 4

So you are wiping your dog after a walk or just petting your dog while watching TV, your hand brushes across your pup’s fur and then you feel it. A LUMP on the Dog.
A lump on the dog that wasn’t supposed to be there
Donna grew her first lump last year. The first time I felt it was on 10th Jan 2017. I remember the date exactly because I took pictures and sent it to friends.
“What is this?? Does it look like a tick to you?” I texted.
I’m going to talk about 2 safety harnesses for dogs today. The Sleepypod Clickit Sport Untility dog harness and the Ruffwear K-9 Float Coat. Because safety is important, and it hit me really hard when we got into an accident right before New Years eve.

Donna and Mickey in a comfort cab

5 March 2017 Update: Separate Leptospirosis Vaccine is now available at some vet clinics! Find out more here!

The leptospirosis vaccine administered to Donna contained the Leptospira Canicola – Grippotyphosa – Icterohaemorrhagiae – Pomona Bacterin, also know as lcan lgrip lict lpom. More about them below in this article.
Original article written June 7
Preface Vaccination is a confusing subject. We read on US websites like this that we should not vaccinate annually. Yet our local neighbourhood vet sends us yearly reminders to schedule Donna for her annual vaccination. And I actually didn’t even know diseases Donna was being vaccinated for until I started researching for this article.
I finally got around to speaking with three different vet clinics to get a clearer picture of vaccination that I feel more comfortable and confident to write about and share with you here. This article has also been read by Dr Joanna Paul from Creature Clinic just to make sure that I have been accurate and you can trust this article.
This article was written just weeks before a suspected lepto outbreak occurred at a local doggy swimming pool. Thereafter, news articles carried vet advice to keep pets vaccinated. Vaccination is an important topic that we should know more about, and I hope you will find this post, written from the perspective of living in Singapore useful for you.

For the past two years, Donna has undergone the titer test and missed her yearly vaccination.

The essential or Core Vaccines that used to be recommended to be administered yearly.
Core vaccines used to be recommended annually for dogs to protect them from diseases like parvovirus, distemper and adenovirus, which causes hepatitis. But the 2015 Global Veterinary Community (WSAVA) Owner/Breeder guidelines says, ‘for the core vaccines, the Vaccination Guidelines Group recommends re-vaccination at either 6 months or 1 year of age, then not more often than every 3 years’
This is because “dogs that have responded to vaccination with …core vaccines maintain a solid immunity … for many years in the absence of any repeat vaccination”. Since they can maintain immunity for 3 years or longer, our dogs don’t actually need annual vaccinations!
So if you wanted to check if your dog still has antibodies from her last vaccination booster shot to continue to give her immune protection against parvovirus, adenovirus and distemper, here are the vets where you can get it done. :)
Plain yogurt is a very yummy and useful “people” food for dog. But there are some many different brands and categories of yogurt in the supermarket aisle, sometimes I have trouble picking for for Donna and I. Here’s what I learnt and some yogurt products I now share with Donna on a regularly basis. :)
In this article, we discuss
Yoghurt is good for dogs with upset tummies
Look for yoghurt with Live and Active Cultures and the *CFU stated
Plain yogurt or plain Greek yogurt?
How much yoghurt can I give the dog?
Yoghurt vs Probiotics supplements
How short should a dog’s nails be? If you can hear your dog’s nails clicking on the floor at home, they are too long.
Nail cutting is essential because “nails that are too long and resting on the ground can affect the dog’s posture and their movement”, says Dr Leslie Woodcock DVM.
Paws up if you are a pet parent concerned about the general health and fitness of your dog! Because today, we are going to talk about how to prevent burnt paws on a hot day and the treatment if your dog has burnt paws!
And now the key points are:
Let’s dispel some food and allergy myths
I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Simon Quek BSc. BVMS MRCVS. at the Pet Expo recently. He was there to give a talk on Environmental and Food Allergies for Dogs. I am also privileged to be able to consult with Dr Joanna Paul, a small animal veterinarian in Melbourne, Australia. She runs the blog – Creature Clinic. ;)
This post is a result of talking to both of them :)