Mr P just returned from his travels. A series of haikus about homecoming and how Donna greets him at the door. There is a video too!
How do your dogs greet you when you come back home?
Mr P just returned from his travels. A series of haikus about homecoming and how Donna greets him at the door. There is a video too!
How do your dogs greet you when you come back home?
My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) – week 13
An unexpected moment when Donna decided that she would perform her wave, repeatedly, to con Mr P of his burger. I didn’t know how long she was going to keep at the begging dog act, so I had to take the picture from where I was sitting. I was glad that I could capture her expression, actions and also the food she was interested in. Mr P’s arm in the foreground is kind of distracting but this is the best shot out of the few I snapped. I had to put that line of text to balance the picture, without it, there’s just too much empty space.
Why is it that the dog always thinks that we should give up our food to her. Humans get hungry too, you know.
Last week in the comments on Donna and husky videos, Lindsay from said: “The videos made me smile :) She’s fast!”
Yah, when our local mongrel dog wants to be. Her normal walking speed is…
OK, I said walk, not stop.
Picture taken in January
She never did this before, but we had only adopted her for a short period of time when this picture was taken… it sure looks funny. She looks like a pole dancer…
So I sent the picture over and was informed that we’ve got to stop it because humping is a sign of dominance. Ooops… ok, best stop encouraging the dog just because I want to take a funny video :P
The world was ending yet again today. At least, you would think so looking at the panting dog in front of you.
The thunder this afternoon was louder than the mild grumbles of yesterday. Time to re-enact another session of please pee/poop on the new blue pee tray Donna and yay, let’s eat the yummy food when it thunders!
Back and forth, we danced from kitchen to crate, and sometimes the loo. Dog ate up a half can of wet food from yesterday and almost another can of Herbed Duck confit for today. Almost… because by 4.30, she refused another tablespoon of the mushy stuff and just lay on the floor like a stone statue.
Sort of like this stone statue from some time back.
She probably was too tired to walk back and forth any more after 2 hours of standing and walking around in agitated from the thunderstorm. I know my feet hurt! And maybe, she just had food right up to here. *gestures at the top of the throat*
Who knew the thunder-phobic dog had the amazing ability to recover and come by punctually at 8pm seeking dinner?
Dinner… human, it’s time for dinner… … old picture from Drool-worthy
I’m sorry, darling, but you had your fair share of food for the day. So, no dinner for you. :P
This was dinner on a better day.
So this is the human’s minimal effort at dressing up Donna for Halloween. I’ve been walking her with that silly bow on her head for the whole week and she’s quite used to it now ;) Of course, the first day was really fun for the human who kept laughing at how silly Donna looks with a bow on her head while sniffing, peeing and pooping. But Donna got used to it after a while and so did the human. So it stopped being so funny. Haha.
Mr P is back! Mr P is back! He played with me a while, and now he’s disappeared into the bathroom.
Tell Mr P to come out please? I haven’t seen him for a week and now he’s back!
He is taking his own sweet time, isn’t he? I’ll still be here when he comes out… zzz…ZZZ…zzz…
The other day my mom wanted to visit me but I was taking Donna out to the dog run.
And what does she do there, my mother wanted to know.
Oh, she runs around with the other dogs… you chase me… I chase you … like children.
There is a rather child-like quality about dogs that gets endearing, isn’t there?
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