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My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 18 (18-25 Dec)

My Best Photo of the Week submissions week 17

LAST WEEK’S ENTRIES: My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 17 (11-18 Dec)

Pictures are cropped, please visit the original posts (links below) to view the full photos with the photographer’s original thoughts on them :)

Top Row, left to right:
1) Mountain Range near Woodstock Virgina, lingeringvisions.wordpress.com
2) Gone surfing, 1stworlddog.com

Bottom Row, left to right
3) Spire, weliveinaflat.com
2) BNW – and A touch of Green, firebonnet.com
3) Untitled, irenewaters19.com

Many apologies for the late publishing of this post. And thank for your continued interest in the challenge this last week of the year!

Last week’s entries are very much close to nature.

Night photography is hard to manage with a mobile phone, but Irene’s capture of the night sky is interesting and much better than anything I’ve ever done :P

Dawn from Lingering Visions continues to explore photography of snowy landscapes, but this time focused on a mountain range in the distance, where the skies meet the earth.

Weliveinaflat also opted to explore things in the distance but in our case, we zoomed in to discover the detail of a distant pagoda spire, and the birds interacting with it.

1stworlddog shared a sweet picture of Bodhi and the toddler looking at the sea in the distance. You know you not in the same hemisphere anymore with all the bright colour, so different from Dawn’s snowy landscape.

Finally megan from firebonnet.com shared with us a quirky juxtaposition of giant shadow “terrorising” Mr Grasshopper.

I hope you enjoy this week’s photos. Go ahead and click on the links above to see the pictures in their actual scale. The photographers will have more detail what they did at the point of taking the picture and their thoughts about the photo. Thank you for sharing :)

This challenge celebrates your best picture of the week. It may be a picture which you feel shows your focus in particular types or formats of photography. It may be a simple image that shares your the first snow. It may be a new tool you are trying out. Whatever it is, it is a picture that you feel is that best/most interesting photo you have taken/edited for the week and which you would love to feature again.

Welcome to My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – Week18. The last challenge of 2013.

This challenge has ended and you can view the submitted photos on the following MBPOTW post.

Note: weliveinaflat has asked permission from the featured challenge participant to repost their photos on this blog post. Copyright belongs to the author/challenge participant of the photo, please visit their blogs or contact them directly if you would like to learn about their terms on usage and limitations.



Christmas week, a year ago and today


Are you cooking that for me?


  1. Bravo for posting even when you were under the weather! And during the holidays as well. Once again you tied us all together seamlessly. Thank you again for this challenge!

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