The human is awake!!! Let’s go out, human!!!! Let’s eat fooodddd!!! Let’s go patrol our territory!!!! Let’s eat food again!!!
Wait, why are you just standing there?
Oh no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no, dont’… don’t switch on the camera until you’re outside!!
Hmmmppfff, humans! You never listen, do you?
I’m sitting on my hip because I know we’re not going anyway. Boo you!
Human’s note: I have no defence, sleepwalked, took photos, crept back to bed. ZZzzz …
For 24 weeks, weliveinaflat will post photos taken for a specific hour in that week.
We will cover 24 hours in 24 weeks.
More about the 1 Day 1 World Project here.
Although after a while, most of them appeared to be more interested in being outside than inside. Haha!
Let us out so we can go to our humans!
Donna wasn’t in there for a few reasons:
She would keep badgering them to play with her, even if they don’t want to and keep avoiding her.
She doesn’t like to be air lifted by humans, so I wasn’t about to dump her over the play pen.
She is wary of the noise by the unfamiliar movable “unstable” playpens, and hence hesitant to approach to walk in there by herself.
So she could only stand outside and look in at them.
Well, technically, I think she was thinking about food in this picture, hence the drool – –
Yes mostly, she’d rather spend her time productively begging for food anyway.
Ever optimistic that the human race should starve themselves and donate all their food to her.
Donna doesn’t often vocalise
She was her usual quiet self. But she did have fun playing with her Japanese Spitz friend, Kanon, and begging for food in between rounds of playing with him.
The other dogs were not so comfortable with her having only met her perhaps once or twice before.
I could see Kooky Sheltie moving out of her way every time Donna approached.
Lexie the Border Collie was also slightly nervous, but hopefully they will warm up to each other when they had more time to spend together since they are attending the same Basic Obedience Training in October.
Lucky the Yorkie spent his time chilling out on the bench when he needed space or happily scampering after his human when they take time outs away from the party. And Cobie the Pomeranian spent a lot of time being fussed over somebody’s lap, barking when another dog comes near.
But Donna had some fun playing with Kanon and Nugget the Sheltie so I thought it was a fine evening for her. Echo the Sheltie seemed to have a tendency to rush at dogs who are playing and barking at them, which sometimes break up the play. Neither Kanon or Donna reacted to Echo though, which was good.
Maybe because the dogs seemed to get along or just move on when they didn’t click, I allowed myself to get more distracted as the evening wore on.
Perhaps just like humans will get tired and grumpy, dogs could too?
Because suddenly, Donna was growling continuously away from me and I quickly went over to pull her away from the trigger. I wasn’t watching so I had no idea what led up to her growling.
Doesn’t mean I didn’t ask myself the same question, why did Donna want to eat Echo?
Perhaps Donna just got too frustrated with Echo who kept intruding when she wanted to play?
But that is just pointless conjecture which really isn’t constructive at all. I wasn’t there to observe the cues and body language that each dog was sending which ended up in the escalation.
Who knows what really happened?
I guess my key takeaways are,
no matter how tired I get, I still need to be watchful and supervise Donna’s interaction with other dogs.
And in future, I need to be mindful enough to realise that I am tired and no longer alert or sharp enough to supervise, and that at that point, Donna should be returned on the lead and stay beside me.
Cookie the Japanese Spitz certainly had more self-awareness than either Donna or myself. Towards the end of the evening, he decided he had enough and sat there whining to go home. :)
Good for you, Cookie!
Back home, Donna half-heartedly chased her bone a couple of times before deciding that she was finally tired. THAT is a GOOD doggie day, I agree, Mel.
How often do you take photos up close of your dog?
For me, not so often. Donna’s a fan of the camera, until it starts pointing at her.
Then she just looks downright grumpy, doesn’t she?
So close up photos of Donna are scarce, but here’s eight more that I’ve taken of her since this blog was first started.
I thought it’s a good time to just take stock of the photos since there’s currently a Best Close Up Contest on Instagram. @pitterpatterfurryfeet‘s Best Close Up Contest ends September 15. Each account can submit up to three photos.
Which three photos would you pick, if you were me?
Close up
In close-up shots, the subject occupies most of the frame, allowing very little observation on the environment. Close-ups are much more dramatic than long or medium shots in cinema. They are preferred when emphasizing someone’s emotion. – elements of cinema
Extreme close up
An extreme close up isolates and shows a small detail.
I do love extreme close up of her eyes.
Taking close up photos of dog
Don’t get in her face right away Let her get used to the camera before closing the distance
Make her happy Play with her, give her treats, lots of cuddles to get the right mood going!
Pick moments when she is relaxed Unless you want photos of the dog looking tense and unhappy, pick moments when she is relaxed, playful, etc to snap beautiful, happy photos of her
Be alert Sometimes, you just have that one moment to click before you miss that look on her face.
Connect with your dog Don’t just look at the dog through the lens, because that will cause her to lose interest really fast. Continue to engage her and keep her attention on you!
Share with me a close up photo of your dog in the comments below :)
Operation hours Tue – Thu: 12:00 pm – 10:00 pm Fri – Sun: 11:00 am – 11:00 pm
Call *9027 6109 / 8333 8021 / 9234 1926 – because store may sometimes be closed for private events.
Communal water bowls by the front of the shop, some merchandise – clothes, toys, collars – on the rack by the water bowls.
Why T.A.Z. Cafe is awesome-sauce
Some space for dogs to play
Bright, airy environment
Food for dogs available.
Why T.A.Z. Cafe is not so hot
Human food is average.
Donna doesn’t like the food for dogs.
Sometimes closed for private events, so best to call in advance to check if they are open.
Space management
There is a small landing area at the shop entrance before the doggie gate that keeps the dogs within the main cafe space. I love that dogs don’t get to crowd at the entrance to welcome and inadvertently block you from entering the cafe.
Donna and dachshund stuck at the doggie gate, checking out the new arrivals
There is some play space towards the front of the cafe
But the fact is the dogs will run around the centre island of chairs and tables too.
Depending on where you are seated, there will be some blind spots. So it may be hard to supervise them unless you follow your dog around.
The dog menu
Donna taste tests the Dory Fish Rice with Milk Sauce
I mixed it up because I know Donna wouldn’t eat the rice and cucumbers by themselves.
Donna picks out the cucumbers and spits it on the floor – –
She decides there’s too much rice and not enough fish to make it palatable. So she “generously” leaves it to the dachshund.
Verdict: Not the right menu for Donna! Too much carbs, too little meat. Nope, rejected.
The human menu
Menu is pretty limited. The mains we ordered are average. The starters appear slightly pricier than average.
Where to answer the call of nature
Leban Park is just opposite the shophouse where T.A.Z. Cafe & Bistro resides.
Set dog up for success so she doesn’t do it in the cafe when other patrons are eating. ;)
Our notes on this cafe for dogs
Location Easy to find. There is a Pet Lovers Centre outlet right next door so it’s very convenient to just hop over and get something in a jiffy. Pet lovers in the North will be happy to get something so accessible in the area.
Floorplan The space itself holds about 10 tables. There is enough small for small medium dogs to run around and play when we were there. But I imagine it will be cramp when all the chairs are taken. So not such a great space for big dogs perhaps.
Service & Facilities Even though the cafe was relatively empty when we got there, there didn’t appear to be service staff available. So I self-serviced, picked up the menu by the doggie gate and picked a table for Donna and I. I sat for a pretty long time perusing the menu while waiting for Mr P. He was looking for a place to park. We were able to get some service when he joined us.
When I was there, a pee tray was not immediately visible but there is a bucket and mop to the back of the shop. Somewhitecookie assures me there is a pee pan somewhere, so look for that if your dog needs it.
Communal water bowls are available.
The shop appears to offer day care services, but I didn’t ask more about it.
Service & Food Average. I probably will not order the mains the next time I come around, nor food for the dog since she didn’t enjoy it.
Socialisation There were dogs who were not comfortable with other dogs approaching them when we were there. And that’s ok because the dog was kept close to the owner, and I should do my own part and keep Donna from being overly friendly with other dogs who may not welcome it.
It is always necessary to monitor and supervise your dog even if there are no dogs appearing to be aggressive. When we were there, the dachshund did appear to pick up some bites/scratches from a dog he was playing with without the owner realising until she checked her dog later.
Hope you find this review useful. Brighten my day and leave a comment! ;P Or follow me on Facebook.
In the entertainment and shopping district of Ximending, this little dog is waiting for his human to have the giant helmet put on her so they can be photographed together.
It’s some marketing gimmic, but I imagine the resulting photo can be pretty cute ;)
Because this is a longer post, here’s the breakdown of what is being covered:
The naggy introduction :P
Dog training 101: Positive reinforcement – one of the quadrants in Skinner’s Operant Conditioning model
How do I find a basic obedience course works for me?
Who are the positive trainers in Singapore?
Three questions to ask the dog trainer
Asking ourselves the three questions
More responses from Dog trainers and a dog owner [videos]
The naggy introduction :P
When we adopted Donna, we found that she had pretty bad thunder phobia. That made the quality of life for both the humans and the dog really sub-standard. When you adopt a dog, you take on a responsibility and commitment which means you can’t throw the dog back to the shelter just like that.
But given my own temperament and shortcomings, there was no way living with a thunder phobic dog could be good for either human or dog psychologically.
The truth, at one point, Mr P did wonder if we should just return Donna back to the shelter because her thunder phobia was just taking a toll on both of us.
Now, if your dog is already pacing around, climbing furniture, fear pee-ing because the weather got her all panicky, you can’t just stop her and push her to lie flat on the floor and call it “calm submissive”. It doesn’t work that way. (Note: I didn’t do that, but I recall an episode on TV when some guy was jerking a dog on his prong collar until dog stopped prancing from separation anxiety and just stayed very still on his bed and the guy called it being “calm”. If it was Donna, I would have called it being “overwhelmed by fear”, because that’s how she reacts to anything too threatening. )
But anyway, I don’t remember the timelines well, but I do remember a time when I was still new to managing a dog and trying to understand this training method called Positive Reinforcement and how it could possibly help Donna.
Positive reinforcement – one of the quadrants in Skinner’s Operant Conditioning model
Research told me that this was proposed by this guy called Skinner. B. F. Skinner was a Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. More about Skinner.
Fun fact
During WWII, Skinner worked for the military on an experimental project to use pigeons to guide missiles. – Havard Film Archive
Pigeons playing ping pong
So anyway, Skinner’s studies resulted in the approach he called Operant Conditioning, which described the following four quadrants – Positive punishment, Negative punishment, Positive reinforcement, Negative reinforcement. More about this in A Brief Survey of Operant Behaviour.
The Four Quadrants can be used to describe any action a person/living thing takes towards another living thing – human, dog, cat, pigeons. And what Skinner did was to study the consequences on the behaviour that the action was directed towards.
In the context of dog management and training, this is what the Four Quadrants can mean:
Note: This image of Lili Chin’s is pending an update, you can see her notes on the wordings she is intending to update here on her original download page. Image is some rights reserved and can be used for non-commercial use with attribution.
How do I find a basic obedience course that works for me?
Now, I did the research and reading up on my own because frankly, I wanted to send Donna for Basic Obedience Training since quite a long time back but the prospect of finding a trainer we are comfortable with was daunting.
How do I qualify a trainer? I didn’t have the necessary knowledge to decide who is potentially good or bad for Donna. Who really knows his stuff? Who is really just gonna be giving me unsubstantiable marketing spiel about his “street cred”. Like come on, that guy on TV has tons of “street cred”, no?
But after much reading and interacting with Donna, where I arrived at today is this:
I wanted a trainer who can
read and understand Donna’s body language and behaviour
teach me to train her in a fun (for both human and dog), force-free way
correct the mistakes I am committing because much of what I am doing is based off Internet video tutorials from overseas positive trainers, so it’s really my own interpretation and I may not see my own blind spots.
I wanted it to be positive because I see it as the gentlest way of training my pet dog without causing her even more stress.
Not a trainer who requires Donna to be on a choke chain from lesson one.
Not a sometimes “positive” trainer who uses a mixed bag approach from the toolbox where it suits him.
But basically, a trainer who understands the science and the theory and who has applied it in his work and believes in it.
Because who else to learn from but someone who is truly passionate about it? Who else is better at motivating and inspiring the dog owner, than a trainer who is totally committed towards the chosen approach?
The truth,
The positive dog trainer in Singapore is a rare animal
Somehow the stars fell into place and we managed to have a group of friends come together wanting to form a private training group with a Positive Trainer.
I used “potentially” because I haven’t met with them personally and I have never worked with them in real life.
And no, they are all not AVA-accredited. So if you want to get one of these breeds in the Second Schedule, you probably have to consult with AVA if you may use non AVA-accredited trainers for the obedience training.
Jean Donaldson of The Academy For Dog Trainers noted there is a disconnect between the marketing language used by dog trainers, and what they actually do in practice… Do not trust a trainer’s marketing on websites on its own.
Exactly the same questions I had when I first started looking for a prospective trainer, how do I qualify them? Sure, the four trainers I listed above all claimed on their websites to be positive.
1. What will happen to my dog if she gets it right?
2. What will happen to my dog if she gets it wrong?
3. Are there less invasive alternatives to what you propose?
I haven’t really had the time to look at a lot of the videos yet, but the questions do help you to determine which quadrant(s) the trainer says he employs for the proposed training. The rest then lies on your own comfort level with his answers and whether you think you can work well with him.
So in case you are interested in checking out the four positive trainers listed above, these are the three questions you can consider asking them. (Besides the checks on background profile and word of mouth effectiveness that we are likely to do when looking to hire somebody.)
So what do we do with Donna?
So after more than a year since we adopted Donna, we are finally enrolling in Basic Obedience Training. The training is positive, and we take it to mean force-free.
We haven’t really asked our trainer those three questions ourselves, haha! But in our conversations we understand she may use the following:
Positive reinforcement to reward desired behaviour
Negative punishment which means the dog is not rewarded because he did not perform the desired behaviour or action.
She won’t use the following:
Negative reinforcement can mean taking away a variable that could be distracting or “punishing” your dog in some way and so prevents him from the desirable behaviour.
Note, in some cases Negative reinforcement can be considered as undesirable. So do pay attention to what the trainer says in his answers to questions, and always ask when he uses jargon/terms that you don’t understand. Ask him to explain until you do.
But it is not all bad e.g. when Donna perceives a broom or mop leaning against a wall near her, she is more likely to be apprehensive and distracted and not respond to a command. This is because she worries that the “unstable” object will fall on her. Once the object is removed, she is no longer distracted and happier to sit, etc on command.
But what I would avoid are trainers who say they are “balanced trainers” and may use tactics from all four quadrants, particularly Positive punishment.
Positive punishment means the dog is punished when he does not perform the desired action or behaviour.
I say so because I already know the consequences I could get with Donna after more than a year of living with her. Note: This is my dog. Every dog is an individual, so what works with my dog may/ may not apply to yours.
So out of fun, here’s my own answers as a pet owner to the three questions:
1. What will happen to my dog if she gets it right?
She gets rewarded with a treat (positive reinforcement) so she knows this behaviour is encouraged and that she will get rewarded if/when she repeats. And she is generally happy to repeat.
2. What will happen to my dog if she gets it wrong? I tend to turn a blind eye when she gets it wrong. And wait to reward her when she gets it right.
I am aware that taking too long to reward or taking away the reward can cause her to show signs that she feels frustration. Depending on the context, the training may or may not engage her because of the frustration that is allowed to build.
So I try to avoid that to some degree, and make sure the frustration doesn’t build up to make it an entirely disagreeable experience for Donna nowadays. A lot of things are not life and death for her to learn right away. So when we get stuck, we try doing something else, and coming back to this at a later time.
Learning to set her up for success is an ongoing process. I have found it helpful to keep training sessions short so we can end on a positive note without her feeling bored or worse frustrated from it.
Sometimes I need to figure out how to distract her from the undesired behaviour or to lure her into performing the behaviour I want in order to capture it and reward her.
My experience is that if Donna perceives herself as being positively punished or forced into doing something, she cowers and shrinks back in fear.
She becomes hesitant to respond and so she does not learn as fast as she could have had she felt confident and encouraged to test and learn what works to get her more treats. So when I say “No”, she listens too well. She stops trying altogether. So I consciously try not to positively punish her in that way.
3. Are there less invasive alternatives to what you propose? I am a dog owner with only a year’s experience, so I’m definitely not an expert, so I have to agree with Eileen from Eileen and dogs!
I will get a better trainer than I am, and that is exactly why we are attending a Basic Obedience Course in October, more than a year after adopting Donna.
Sure Donna already knows her basic obedience stuff, but she’s not perfect and I’m looking forward to the new things we may learn together in a high distraction environment with other dogs.
1) For beginners wondering what a positive trainer’s approach to training is,
I’m not familiar with this trainer, but his video is very easy to watch and understand compared to the others.
2) For dog owners who already have a basic understanding of positive training and some knowledge of what is *BAT (Behavioural Adjustment Training),
this video by Grisha Stewart from Ahimsa Dog Training in Seattle may be interesting. *You can learn more about BAT here, there is also a Bat seminar coming up in Singapore in November that you can check out here.
3) For dog owners who already have a basic understanding of positive training
This video is softer in volume so it may be harder to catch what she is saying, but a fair bit of what I learn about fearful dogs and dog training actually comes from dog owner and blogger Eileen and Dogs, among others like Ahimsa mentioned above.
I found the videos via My imperfect dog who did a great job of narrowing them down for us on her post What happens if the dog gets it wrong. The comments on raising criteria are as interesting as the post so go take a look if you want to know more about the topic. :)
Here’s a video from Pup Pup n Away in Singapore.
Note: Skinner’s original operant conditioning model, when applied to dog training can be somewhat confusing because of the terms used, and how trainers interpret them. If you find I am mistaken or inaccurate in any way, I would very much like to be advised on the inaccuracies. Thanks!
[Updated 21 Aug 2016] It’s that time of the year again when kids look forward to lantern parades and adults try out the latest mooncake flavours. And our ever greedy canine friends are not left out. Mooncakes for dogs are not new in the market. What choices do we have for the mooncake festival this month? Come check it out! ;)
Today, pet blogs that are interested in the topic of Positive Training can submit their blog links to the Positive Training Blog Hop.
This is so that we create an interest group around the topic and hopefully, help to spread wider awareness of Positive Training and how it can help pets, particularly sensitive ones that are quick to react in fear like Donna.
What exactly is Positive Training?
I’m testing myself here by typing out what I understand by the term. So please do feel free to correct me if I am wrong and set me right. :D
Positive training refers to training where the dog is not forced or coerced in anyway to perform a particular behaviour.
Rewards are an important part of positive training. Rewards…
1) make the training fun so that the dog is motivated to focus on the training.
2) encourages the dog to replicate the desired behaviour or trick in order to be rewarded.
3) helps dog look forward to future training sessions
Training is positive when…
1) dog is having fun with the training, with the appropriate relaxed body language
2) dog volunteers the behaviour or trick being trained because he wants the rewards
3) dog does not show signs of fear or distress, such as tensed body, ears pinned back against the head, tensed, closed mouth, whale eyes, looking away repeatedly and for long periods of time
4) dog does not offer the behaviour or trick being trained because he is forced to e.g. pushed on the rump to sit, pulled by the collar to correct barking, grabbed by the muzzle to stop growling. He does not offer the behaviour or trick because he wants to avoid punishment e.g. tug on the collar, a kick, being pushed down to lie flat on the floor
Looking at the above, I have to conclude that positive training is grounded in an understanding of dog behaviour and body language.
If a person is unable to tell if a dog is relaxed and happy versus tense and upset, if a person is unable to tell when a dog is being pushed to far that he will lash back or pull back into himself and become unresponsive, the person will find it hard to positive train a dog effectively.
I do think that the more I work at this, the better I get at reading and reacting to her body language.
Particularly when I film Donna on video, I am sometimes disturbed that I continue to stress her for too long, despite her repeatedly looking away and liplicking. Honestly, without the videos, I may not even be as aware of what I am doing. That’s one of the reasons why I love to video what we do as much as I can. Although that can be hard without a helper.
So, here’s a quick run through of what I have been doing with Donna in the past weeks using positive training:
Urban agility and Balancing skills
Urban Agility is a method of exercising your dog using public structural components and park furniture. Training with your dog to sit, trot along or jump over obstacles found in the urban environment helps with improving the dog’s agility and providing positive mental stimulation for the dog. When trained positively, the dog should gain greater confidence with navigating these obstacles.Click to read full article.
Are forcing the dog to balance things on her head?
Sometimes in social media, we see pictures of dogs who don’t look like happy campers balancing objects on their heads. They typically show pinned back ears, whale eyes, tense closed mouths, etc. How can we teach this trick to a dog positively so the pictures show a happy, smiling dog instead?Click to read full article
House manners: How does dog react to people at the door?
If your dog jumps at you, take a step back so the dog lands on the floor missing you. This is a no contact, force free method that ensures safety for both the human and the dog. But what if your house guests are afraid of dogs or just annoyed by what they perceive as a badly behaved dog? Guests don’t know how to manage the dog appropriately like you, so it makes a better experience for all if you train the dog how to behave in advance. Click to read full article
Sometimes, I bring down some fresh boiled meat and feed the pieces alternately to the street cats and Donna. Cat gets more the nearer he steps towards Donna. I’m trying to positively reinforce the kitties to see come over the dark side and see Donna friend! :P Click to read full article.
Wave left, wave right
Resuming teaching the training trick after we left off of it from last year. Last year, I was still not good at managing and more often than not can push her too far until it stops being fun. This year, I have become much better at breaking it up into small fun sessions.
weliveinaflat health articles get the added insight from our vet partner, the lovely Dr Jo from Creature Clinic, so you may be sure what we say is credible. ;)