We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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spire detail of five storey pagoda in kohfukuji temple at Nara ParkSpire detail of a five-storey pagoda at Kohfukuji Temple

My best photo of last week: a moody graphic of birds hanging about a pagoda spite. I like the vibe created by the detail on the pagoda spire, the bird silhouettes in front of the brooding clouds. It’s a clean and simple image of one pagoda spire and how nature interacts with it.

I took this with my pretty old Panasonic Lumix FZ35, which has an 18x optical zoom, so it shows  what cannot be accomplished as easily with a mobile phone. In fact, I probably would have missed all this detail on the spire of the pagoda itself, if I wasn’t using my camera’s zoom feature as binoculars. :P

This is what we see from far, just to give you a context:

five-storey pagoda in kohfukuji temple at Nara Park
Five storey pagoda at Kohfukuji Temple, Nara Deer Park, Kyoto, Japan

Best photo of the week challenge logo


My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 17 (11-18 Dec)


Dog boarding Donna at Paw Planet


  1. How pretty, thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing that :-) I do all myh traveling virtually these days and I alway wanted to see the East.

  3. Oh, powerful zooming indeed. By the way, I couldn’t find the MBPOTW week 16th post so I didn’t join it. I don’t know why I couldn’t find the URL thought. Anyway, glad to see the post for 17th week. :D

    • Could be I published it rather late that day as I struggled with blogging on my Galaxy note :P and also it didn’t follow the regular format. No worries you may join or not join whenever you like ;)

  4. OMG! That’s the same camera I have. And I’ve done the same thing! Seen detail I had no idea was there as I looked though my zoom. I love the lacy detail on that spire.

    • Amazing how I just assume everyone, except me, has a DSLR nowadays, haha! But that’s a good camera to have, although I do miss the old Canon model I lost (I always lose my electronics equipment when I travel!!) The old canon one had a flip out viewer that can be twisted around so one can see even if the camera is high above the head or low on the ground.

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