We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

Sleepy dog

1 Day 1 World Project: Donna at 12:00am – 01:00am

Donna watches me sleepily from her bed.

1 Day 1 World Project: Donna at 01:00am – 02:00am

I opened the bedroom door to find Donna sleeping on the floor by the door, next to her bed. She got excited and maybe thought it was morning already. I dunno :P

By the time I got the camera from the study, the excitement was gone. Yawn….

So what are we doing up in the middle of the night, human??

For 24 weeks, weliveinaflat will post photos taken for a specific hour in that week.
We will cover 24 hours in 24 weeks. (I’ve no idea how we will do the sleeping hours, lol!)
More about the 1 Day 1 World Project here.


Happy National Day, Singapore!


The Green Corridor, Singapore


  1. Such a sleepy cutie :)

  2. Stuck in the hall???

  3. So cute! I’ve thought about doing a photo documentary of what my dogs do all day, then I realized most of the photos would be of them sleeping. Yawn! :)

    • Indeed… I actually wanted to catch her sleeping but she keeps waking up when I take out the camera…. the camera clicking sound has become a cue for her… she associates it to being photographed and getting treats I think.

  4. I would have asked you the same question and just like Donna I won’t be impressed at all. LOL!

  5. Oh man, now it gets really interesting. 1am, 2am, 3am 4am wake up calls?? I might set my camera on a timer for those ;-)

  6. Are you setting an alarm? lol Donna wants to know too!

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