We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 17 (11-18 Dec)

My Best Photo of the Week submissions week 15

LAST WEEK’S ENTRIES: My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – WEEK 16 (04-11 Dec)

Pictures are cropped, please visit the original posts (links below) to view the full photos with the photographer’s original thoughts on them :)

Top Row, left to right: 
1) Sleeping shop kitty, @weliveinaflat on Instagram
2) Cooper, @twocats_anda_cattledog on Instagram
3) Community, looneyatoms.com

Bottom Row, left to right
4) Paws in the sand, 1stworlddog.com
7) Belle Grove First Snow 2013, lingeringvisions.wordpress.com

Thank you for sharing your photo of the week although I have not been as active as I would have liked in the past week :P Perhaps it is with the cold season for some countries, last week’s photos appear extra seasonal and in some cases snuggly!

Kicking off last week’s entries, a kitten and Copper the cattle dog making themselves comfortable where they lie. I thought the composition of both pictures are rather interesting when viewed together.

Bringing up the festive mood, looneyatoms shares with us a picture of a house all decorated and ready to celebrate. I love the sparkly feel of the photo, the colours bouncing off the road in the dark of night.

Meanwhile Dawn celebrated blue skies in by capturing Belle Grove’s first snow. Nicely captured wide shot of a house standing against the elements. First world dog pulls you in by zooming in one paw prints in the sand. A different country, a different, climate, a different mood being represented.

Go ahead and click on the links above to see the pictures in their actual scale. The photographers will have more detail what they did at the point of taking the picture and their thoughts about the photo. Thank you for sharing :)

This challenge celebrates your best picture of the week. It may be a picture which you feel shows your focus in particular types or formats of photography. It may be a simple image that shares your the first snow. It may be a new tool you are trying out. Whatever it is, it is a picture that you feel is that best/most interesting photo you have taken/edited for the week and which you would love to feature again.

Welcome to My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) Challenge – Week17

This challenge has ended and the submitted photos can be found on the Week 18 post of the MBPOTW challenge.

Note: weliveinaflat has asked permission from the featured challenge participant to repost their photos on this blog post. Copyright belongs to the author/challenge participant of the photo, please visit their blogs or contact them directly if you would like to learn about their terms on usage and limitations.



My Best Photo of the Week (MBPOTW) WEEK 16




  1. Ohh nice new blog!

  2. Yes love your new site! And always love the photos. I think the “first snow” is particularly pretty. A winter ground but looks like a summer sky! Beautiful.

  3. What an interesting comment about the composition of the cat and dog photos when looked at together. I like it! Thanks again for this challenge!

    • Thank you for joining! I did think it was interesting because of their different body posture and yet both are pretty still photos at the same time :)

  4. The cat pose brought a huge smile. For some reason cats seem to lure humans with their CUTE poses, and especially the ones where they show their vulnerability (which translates: I feel safe.). Happy holidays to Donna who is mostly CUTE.

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