This article explores clever #interactivegrams by people on Instagram
Preface This post kicks off the new tuesdayPhotography series. I may make it another 12-week project with each week covering a different theme in Pet Photography. Pet photography doesn’t occur in a vacuum so it will be fun to also look at how it has been influenced by themes in general photography. Therefore while the focus is on dogs, you will find some pretty awesome-sauce photos from other genres in these series of posts.
Note: This article mentions double tap on images a lot. Unfortunately, double tap does not work on this blog. Clicking on any of the photos on this post will take you to the Instagram page where each photo is originally posted. I believe double tapping for the heart to appear will only work within the Instagram mobile app itself, if I am not wrong. Sorry about that! ;)
If you aren’t on Instagram, the tag #interactivegrams probably wouldn’t mean anything to you.
But if you are, you probably love to share your photos on the mobile app. You also explore photos shared by others. And you would not be a stranger to double tapping to like a photo or the white heart shape that appears in the centre of the photo when you do.
Either way, this post is loaded with dogs and clever photos so read on! :P
How many ways can you make an interactivegram featuring man’s best friend?
Here’s a quick round-up of some of the more creative or cute interactivegrams I could find, made with love by dog owners.

What’s with all that white space?
Double tap to see what Leia can balance.
A spin off on #interactivegrams, the #sit4love tag was made popular by @kodathepuggle and @maya_on_the_move in the last two weeks. Here’s some of the pooches sitting for love ;)

All the same theme and layout but not so cookie cutter, right?
Now I couldn’t stop wondering.
Who made the first interactivegram on Instagram?
It took some insta-sleauthing but I found him – David Schwen, @dschwen.
And no, the above is not @dschwen’s first interactivegram, but it rounds up the 10 creative doggy #interactivegrams showcased on this post. :P
The 1st interactivegram was so very simple!
David kindly confirmed that the first one is this simple white heart on grass posted 11 months ago. It led to other variations of the same theme.

The first 4 photos tagged #interactivegrams on Instagram, all by @dschwen
Row 1 <3 | Fill it in…
Row 2 Who tapped too hard? | #interactivegrams.
My favourite – Who tapped too hard? – Witty much?
David’s concept of Instagram’s digital heart symbol for liking something and juxtaposing it with photographs of real items made his photos different and fun.
How did he make that hole so perfectly in the biscuit? Does he like biscuits that much? :P Idle, frivolous questions surely, but nonetheless quirky and engaging.
Double tap and make the heart grow…
Perhaps people found the interplay between positive space and negative space, digital symbols and tangible items interesting. They started to create and tag their own #interactivegrams.
The concept of the interactivegram also caught the attention of Instagram three months ago and became a weekend hash tag project. The Weekend Hashtag Project is a series featuring designated themes & hashtags chosen by Instagram’s Community Team, who wrote:
By staging his photos and videos with a heart shape in the center, David (Schwen) creates an interactive experience for his followers: when they double tap his photo or video to ‘like’ it, the heart that appears on Instagram matches up with the heart in his photo or video. – from blog.instagram.com
What started as something very simple and minimalist, started to take on a more varied character. Here is a small selection of #interactivegrams – clever, gorgeous, quirky – each unique in their own way.
Before double tap
After double tap
And it’s not restricted to photos as this clever graphic shows.
@elle_nie_da’s caption: If using Instagram on computer, please double-click the left mouse button
on this picture. Otherwise just double tap to see the whole picture.
Stylistically, the interactivegram can be simple and action-driven.
Or it can be deliciously vibrant to engage the different senses.
And for @namkcaps, it is just blindingly adventurous.
Would you white out this guy?
After trawling through a dazzling array of photos tagged #interactivegrams,
I have to say the cliche is true – we are only limited by our imagination. OK, and the environment around us. :P No snow in my neighbourhood here!
@pchyburrs caption: Ouch! Watch my fingers!
The visual story told by each of these photos are stunning but incomplete. Unless you double tap to add that last element – the white heart – that only you the viewer of the image can give to the photo.
So if you’re an Instagram user, why not visit some of them?
Give them some ❤ or in @pchyburr’s case above a smashing time! :P
@chinchinn’s caption: Make the heart beat by double tapping :P
Meanwhile, I guess I’ll spend some idle thoughts on how to make a different interactivegram with Donna, since the #sit4love event is over :P
Have I missed a cool interactivegram in this post?
Comment below and share with me some of your favourites or some you have made yourself! ;)
Note on copyright and fair usage
With the exception of the last two photos in this post belonging to me, all photos on this post are copyrighted to their respective authors. The first image is derivative of all most of the represented authors, so I imagine each author would have rights to the specific portion of the image they created.
They have generously agreed for me to use their photos on this article. If you feel that I have misrepresented you in any way, please let me know and I will amend ;)
I picked the photos based on the image and concept. So it is a mix of people with different ways of creating an interactivegram. If there are any photos you perceive as not of high quality, I can only say that sometimes lofi also has its charms :P
The photographers’ Instagram user names are clearly identified on the bottom right corner of each photo so you can easily find them on Instagram. So feel free to go check out some gorgeous accounts ;)
– dschwen interview http://urbanbeancoffee.com/iheartmpls/2013/7/24/david-schwen-of-dschwen
– Instagram’s weekend hashtag project http://blog.instagram.com/post/76666947534/whp-107
I had no idea, but that’s all pretty cool.
The interactivity and the smart ideas make it pretty fun when done well :)
Thanks for the feature! Great to see some other examples as well :)
Thank you for letting me share your photo :) I think the @pchyburrs account is one of the ones that experiment more with interactivegrams imaginatively and uniquely if you are looking to explore more :)
Never heard of an intereactivegram. We are on instagram but not too much. We find working with photos on the phone to be a pain in the behind. Wish we liked it more as instagram could be fun.
I think some accounts edit the photo on their PC or apple device before transferring to a phone to upload. I do sometimes with photos I prepared for the blog, reusing it again for Instagram. It’s an extra step though. ;)
Great round up! I briefly took part in #sit4love but having just returned I had no idea that it was part of a wider #interactivegram movement… so much creativity!
Hugs, Carrie and pups x
Glad you enjoyed the photos! There’s a lot of different hash tags out there, largely lost unless you follow the account that created it, or if there’s a sudden big uptake due to an event like #sit4love or the weekend hashtag project :)
Interesting. I have Instagram but never have enough time to mess with it. I really like more realistic or movement based photos and maybe that is why. I can’t get them with a phone.
I guess I’m liking Instagram alot because the tagging makes it easy to find and view interesting pictures, versus having to browse through many different webpages to find something.
And I’m actually connecting more with local dog humans to arrange play dates for Donna. I never had such a channel before ;)
I don’t have a phone nowadays. So I mostly taken photos using my camera, transfer it to my phone and upload it from there. Haha!