Look! It’s durian cookies!! Open it, mom!
Donna got up again when I took out the phone so I had to ask her to go back to the same position she offered before I started recording. :P
Durian Cookies from WoofBakery, Kuala Lumpur
Many thanks to @happybingo_jokerboys mama who ordered a whole bunch of personalised cookies for some of the IG furkids in Singapore, including Donna!

Find the durian cookie with Donna’s name!
The Durian Cookies are from WoofBakery in Kuala Lumpur. (Hold on! Don’t know what is durian? Click here to find out!)We totally love the wholesome-looking* and yummy food recipes they have in their feed! Check them out if you are looking for homecooking inspiration for yourself and dog!!

More of these here – https://www.instagram.com/woofbakery/
*Note: Gorgeous pictures copyright to woofbakery are provided here for inspirational purposes only. I think it is fun to prepare something like this now and then as a special treat for you and your dog. However, as an everyday meal, please ensure your homecooking or the commercial homecook food you buy is nutritionally balanced for your individual dogs. You can consult with a qualified nutritionist or vet expert if you are not sure. Also, as dogs may have difficulty digesting raw vegetables, you may want to think about cooking or grinding up raw vegetables to make the nutrients more bio-available for your dog.
See also All other posts on Dog Food by weliveinaflat ;)
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All of our dogs (including those gone to the bridge) enjoy organic frozen green beans direct from the freezer.
Does it give you brain freeze?? :P :P :P
No. The dogs BEG for beans. The vet says that it’s great for them. It’s a win-win (except for the bean).
what a pawesome review! You made us hungry!! DakotasDen