Our dog’s got da groove~

Action shots are a pretty fun way to explore the form of your canine companion. I love the one in the middle.
If you have puppy who’s still growing and developing, it’s not a good idea for them to jump too much though. The same can be said of elderdogs. I guess everything in life is best done in moderation, for both dogs and humans alike!

I discovered the Facebook page of Esme the Guide Dog today. Esme is the only one of two guide dogs that are in Singapore. Esme helps her mama (who is visually impaired) move around. You can read the tribulations of Esme’s job here – https://www.facebook.com/EsmeTheGuideDog. Unfortunately, despite what the signs on some shops say, Singapore is just not a guide dog friendly country yet. Awareness and acceptance takes time, especially when people are not used to guide dogs in Singapore.