We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

Tag: stubborn dog

Mikki only plays with humans

Mikki isn’t comfortable with Donna and Donna can be a bit of a rascal at times in trying to get the golden retriever to play. Thankfully our mongrel knows better than to encroach too much into Mikki’s space. You can see the gap she leaves for Mikki in this picture.

I’m just fake rushing at you — is that what she could be thinking?
She made an about turn there and raced away again. 
You are not my dog buddy, says the golden retriever

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No, Donna doesn’t wanna come

Much as we love our dog… she can sometimes have her four feet planted too firmly on the ground. Particularly when she smells tuna in the kitchen. But my dear, I can be stubborn too. The tuna went into the fridge to be dished out the next day instead.

Dogs in the city need to be adaptable and independent, especially if they are re-homed with families with working adults. We’re slowly working with Donna to get used to be alone in preparation for the day I find a job. Our dog survived 8 hours alone at home yesterday. That is the longest yet, with no accidents! We’re so proud of her.

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