We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

Tag: stay


So there’s hard boiled egg in the dish. And I’m ‘waiting’, see I am ‘waiting’.

What’s going to make this waiting go faster? Hmm….

… …

There I’m desperate! D: Are you happy now? Are you?

I could never see a point for the ‘wait’ command. ‘Stay’ works well enough for us and we use it when we want her to wait or to keep to one spot. And to be frank, I couldn’t for the life of me understand how people got their dog to wait anyway when there is food right in front of their nose.

But then along the way, I sort of figured out if I get her to ‘sit-stay’ at one end of our tiny galley kitchen, and place the food at the other end of the kitchen, that could help teach her to ‘wait’. So we did that every mealtime, and the word “wait” started to creep in after she got the concept that she was supposed to sit-stay and wait for me to tell her when it is OK to go eat her food. While she waits, I usually step around her to get the fish oil from the cabinet to squirt into the food. Not sure if it starts to make sense for the dog that she is waiting for fish oil to be squirted so that her food gets a fishy taste. Haha. But she waits.

And then it finally dawned on me why people like to make their dog wait for their food! Seeing drool drip from her “puss-in-boots” face is highly amusing. It made me laugh out loud. It did.

I’m sorry if that sounds sadistic. :P

Dog walking after sunset

It is dark at 7.30pm over here. I generally do not like walks in the dark. The most we do is go down for a quick pee break on the roof garden on the second floor. But there  are the few rare occasions that we do go for a walk after nightfall. And this is one of them.

Pictured left, she is impatient to go after waiting the whole day, yet patiently waiting for me to tie my laces.

Pictured right, the fitness corner on the carpark roof garden is the penultimate stop for our walks. We usually circle the area, letting her go up two stepped raised platforms, where she practices her sit-stay. The picture looks like robo-dog!

In between, we walk to a park further away, ran one round for me and inspected the grass around the perimeter of the park for her. I don’t really appreciate picking poop in the dark, but has to be done. *pouts*

Do you walk your dog at night or before sunrise when it is still dark? Do you find it boring to walk in the dark?

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