Donna? She is hiding somewhere. Can you spot her? Somewhere in the grass.

Right there. No, nevermind the topless man. Look further in front. Do you see a little bit of ear and forehead poking through the green blades, two beady eyes no doubt looking this way. We visited this park again where there is a tiny dog run.

There was already a Schnauzer there and boy did he over-react. Barking and jumping and all excited. The Indian man the dog belonged to invited us into the dog run but I had my misgivings. Donna may be bigger than the Schnauzer but she has not had much success at one of the more popular dog parks particularly with the excited dogs that rush at her and I didn’t want her to start developing a fear of entering this tinier, less popular dog run too!

Lucky for us the Indian man was gracious and vacated the dog run for us. So Donna had the time of her life galloping around off-leash like a crazy horse. Meet Donna and her photoshop clone Donna-02 again! They fly like the wind.

People do yoga in the park, sometimes they sit and reflect or relax. I have not thought much about my faith, religion or spirituality. My identity card says I think everything is free but My P thinks I lean towards atheism. When I was younger, I had faith that I can do anything, now that I am older, I harbour more doubts and disbelief.

Spirituality is a concept as alien to me as it is to Donna probably. I suppose you can say neither the dog nor I are very reflective. Perhaps we live too much in the moment?

All I know is I am most carefree when we are out and about, the sun is not too bright and hot, there is a cool breeze and there is lots of time to spare with nothing harrying on my mind. You feel like you are at one with the surroundings and there is nothing that can bring you down.

See her fly.

She had a great time, until this text message beeped in my phone at 11:15am: “Hi today got lesson 11am!” from my driving instructor.

Oh crap.