The balcony takes up a sizeable chunk of our floor area (you can’t believe how small our bedroom is!), and we don’t spent enough time on it.

This was one of the few nights we actually just sat around on the balcony for a couple of hours doing nothing.

I’ve read that dogs see things the way humans do. I wonder if the dog comprehends the dense suburban landscape that she is looking at.

Presently she got tired of sniffing around and settled down for a spot of grooming. Looking a little too plump and round, my dear girl!

One of the rare times I caught her looking at the camera phone. She always looked away.

Ready for bedtime. She positions herself right in the middle of the balcony between Mr P and I. She is always good at placing herself in a centre location between us, so that she can keep an eye on each of us.

I wonder how she can lie with her front leg tucked beneath her body like that and not feel cramp.

Go to sleep!