We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Tag: photography

Weekly phoneography: Triple exposure urban landscape

A long shot. And for the birds, how near and yet how far from the sky. And how far away are you reader from Singapore where this picture was taken?

Phoneography Monday Challenge: Black and White
Pic #1 Apps used – Camera+, Gorillacam, Snapseed
Pic #2 Apps used – Camera+, Snapseed, Blendcam, Camera360 (Jelly), HDR Art (Red October)

Pic #1

This is a scene from my mother’s neighbourhood. Keeping birds seem to be more a pastime for elderly man. The birds get to go out on their “walks” and a bit of sun when the elderly men congregate at the bird poles to socialise and enjoy their feathered friends. Perhaps hanging them up high helps the bird song weave through the atmosphere further. I can’t really say.

I took a picture because there aren’t so many of such pole-dotted landscape nowadays. I imagine it would be quite a sight and soundscape should the poles have been filled to capacity.

Pic #2 (colour version on instagram, click.)

While the clear sky showed up the bird cages on the bird poles really well, I found the surrounding trees noisy and disrupted the pattern of the poles. I decided to disrupt the image further by blending in a previous picture I had taken of clouds over the surrounding landscape of blocks of flats. What you see is a triple exposure of two images only. Perhaps the ghosts of apartment blocks predict the future removal of this public interaction space? That is not impossible.

The colour filter I used for the picture (before conversion to black and white) has a pretty distinct signature to it which I do not favor. Hence if you look carefully, a bird silhouette added in photoshop helped to shield the number “5” that comes with the filter. In my mind’s eye, I could see a swarm of ghostly bird silhouettes building into a crescendo from the poles to the sky to create a visual image of bird song. That could be cool :P

I recently created a Twitter account for this blog. I was surprised to find people using the hash tag #unfiltered for their images. This makes me wonder, do you prefer your photos clean or filtered so that they become virtual/alternate versions of what exists in reality?

Bougainvillea in late afternoon light

We visited the Gardens by the Bay in the late afternoon. Very lucky because there was a very short stretch of time where the plants were bathed in dancing light. I have always loved the interplay between light and shadow, though I am too lazy to go out of my way to capture it. :P

I have never liked the bougainvillea. It is a very common roadside plant, often in its many gaudy colours. Deep bright fuchsia horrors. I was never fond of fuchsia. And because it is by the roadside, it is inevitably dusty and tattered, sometimes dry and twiggy.

But see it in a different light, pink veins lining the delicate paper-like petals. These I quite admire.

I even wrote bad poetry for it, titled “Bougainvillae”

Had to power up my dusty OmmWriter to find the haiku within! :P Donna had one for Ku too! You should go see it on Ku’s blog at Haiku by Ku! ;)

What lies behind, what lies within the green facade

On one of those random days, I was just hanging around downstairs waiting for Mr P to come by and pick me up in his car. I had just discovered iPhoneography Monday then. So I was trigger happy and adding junk shots to my camera roll.

This is a skinny young tree right by the foot path from our block of flats. You can barely see the bark behind the green stuff growing on it.

Not unlike my dog, I wrapped myself around the tree and tap, tap, tap… and before I knew it, I was at the back of the tree and this was clinging quietly right there. To tell the truth, I almost missed it because it blended with the tree so well.

I do confess my timid heart and this was as close as I dared to go for macro. :P Yes, even if I do believe it was quite dead. Mr P said otherwise and intimated that it will jump on me at any time.

And yes, I took liberties to add mysterious purple and deep green wounds to the tree to show you the potential or imaginary poison contagion left by the spider.

And then on my way home today, I found a section of the railing removed from the fencing running along the path. If I had a toy train, I would slip it inside and pretend it was a city rail tunnel.

Yup these are my close up shots for Phoneography Monday: Macro
Apps used: Camera+, HDR Art, Blendcam, Snapseed, InstaMag, HelloCamera

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