We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Tag: flowers

Weekly Phoneography: Flowers in the sky

When I was a child, my dream was to go to university. If you think about it, it would make sense, wouldn’t it? After a few years of working, I longed for a job closer to nature (out of the office) and wondered how one could become a landscape architect. My friend laughed and said it must be the hay fever speaking. It was too late. As adults, we have too many other worries. A few years ago, I met a lady travelling in Canada. She must have been a number of years older than me and she was a landscape architect; it was a mid-career change. I have often wondered, if mid-career changes are just easier to engineer in another country other than Singapore.

Flowers in the Sky

I found a mirror in my iPhone,
an app that worked magic.
It made a scrap of nature symmetrical,
look unnatural, less organic.

Weekly Phoneography: Nature [challenge details here]
Apps used: Gorillacam, Camera360, Snapseed, Camera+
App effects: There is a mix of filtered and unfiltered photos here.

I played with this,
creating arrangements that decorate.
A virtual landscaping tool;
it does not propagate.


For every bloom that unfurls in the sky,
every leaf that uncurls unseen by man,
every cell resounding the cry of nature:
every beginning foreshadows every end.

Every blossom drying out,
every petal a recital
of every falling back to the earth,
an unending cycle.

Close up

And so in the best way they know how
each photographer’s eye will capture,
the essence of life, no different from
the tiniest purveyor of nectar.


And if the weed goes unseen
It will not matter,
Nature’s serendipity gets discovered,
sooner or later.

Though often overshadowed
by sculptural bits of plant matter
nurtured by human design
to impress and to flatter.

P/S: I thought it was time for a bit of bad poetry to pop out :P

Bougainvillea in late afternoon light

We visited the Gardens by the Bay in the late afternoon. Very lucky because there was a very short stretch of time where the plants were bathed in dancing light. I have always loved the interplay between light and shadow, though I am too lazy to go out of my way to capture it. :P

I have never liked the bougainvillea. It is a very common roadside plant, often in its many gaudy colours. Deep bright fuchsia horrors. I was never fond of fuchsia. And because it is by the roadside, it is inevitably dusty and tattered, sometimes dry and twiggy.

But see it in a different light, pink veins lining the delicate paper-like petals. These I quite admire.

I even wrote bad poetry for it, titled “Bougainvillae”

Had to power up my dusty OmmWriter to find the haiku within! :P Donna had one for Ku too! You should go see it on Ku’s blog at Haiku by Ku! ;)

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