We are too young a blog to be nostalgic! But if you insist Weekly Photo Challenge, here are some pictures from Donna’s first home visit.

There’s her plastic basket bed with some towels from the shelter. She did not seem too attached to that though. We were advised to let her sleep in the room with us, which has its pros and cons.

Go to sleep Donna.

Think she slept?


The whole night I hear her nails clattering here and there as she couldn’t sleep and kept pacing about the room. Either that or she must be clattering in her sleep. I’ve noticed that she twitches frequently and sometimes lets out little yelps in her dreams.

I could not sleep at all. So out she goes the next night. :P

I later read that dogs are not nocturnal, but unless they are crate-trained, they are likely to wake up at several points in the night and move to different beds throughout the night. Apparently they like to have a variety of sleeping places. But if they are crate-trained, they can stay asleep in their crate for the whole night. That’s also why we made sure non-crate trained Donna has several different types of beds in the living room :D so she has options. Hah!

Although on hindsight, if you do have a new dog in the house, it would not be a bad idea to keep the dog close to you at the start. Leaving it alone for long hours may lead to mischief since the dog will be naturally curious and explore its new surroundings with happy licks and nibbles here and there. We were lucky she did not deal any significant damage to herself or to the property outside the bedroom the first home stay.

What pictures I have during the first home stay showed a very bored dog.

Because you see, we were spending time with her, versus spending time taking photographs of her. So the only time we did take pictures was when she was in repose, because we needed to send some pictures back to the shelter to show we have not murdered her! :P

But the photo challenges and just keeping this blog did encourage more interest in phoneography for me, so yay more pictures to be nostalgic about in future!