We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

singapore dog blog adopt dog adoption

Tag: dog video

Surrender that burger, human! – begging dog

Give up that burger, human!Sometimes, the more the treasure looks out of reach, the more precious it seems.

Over the Chinese New Year, we visited Gentle Paws the shelter that Donna came from and one of the people there said that they liked the Donna videos. So I’ve dug out an older video taken the same time as this photo to share.

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Will you play with me?

This girl is dead serious playful.

Will you play with me? from weliveinaflat on Vimeo.

We didn’t train her to do this but perhaps because she knows she is not allowed in the bedroom, so she stepped into the room to deliver her toy as a play invitation before stepping back to sit “respectfully” outside the door.

I was quite amused when she did that. XD She doesn’t always do it of course. :P

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