We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Tag: dog pictures

Lazy humans, mutters the dog

So human, finally decided to get up from lazing in bed to feed your poor hungry dog breakfast, did you?, asks the mutt with the ninja tail of the #1 person in her life. The warm body attached to the hand that doles out the food ,of course!

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I said Walk, not Stop…

So we go for a walk. A walk is when you put one foot in front of the other continuously and that movement carries you away to some place else.

Lately, she has decided that a walk also requires you to stay in place for a long time. A loooonnng time. Donna decidedly enjoys just standing in one spot, sniffing the air, listening and observing passerbys.

Rooted in the same spot, observing the world go by.
This is the cute, happy face you see if you are walking towards us.

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