We’ve been blowing the budget every month, what with late night visits to the vet, better food for Donna, toys to keep Donna busy and new cushion covers for Donna’s bed. That’s why wants are not needs and can be fulfilled later, not now.

Nothing to stop me from window shopping though.

What do I want? A dog back pack will be nice. Donna doesn’t really need a dog backpack since she is not very high energy, she doesn’t really need a job to centre her on walks. But there will be days when I am sick or Donna gets over-excited and that backpack could come in handy. In any case, the dog can always do her part for the earth and carry her own empty food cans to the recycling bin. :P

I have my eye on these two from the local blogshops.

The one on the left looks more sturdy but costs 4 times more than the other. The one with the nice tropical leaf design may be cheaper but may not fit was well as the sturdy one. But it doesn’t matter since I’m sitting on the purchase anyway. :D

Meanwhile, I’ll just have to carry our dog walking essentials in my shoulder bag. I carry the minimal unless we are going out for hours – treats, poop bag, zoomgroom brush, keys, wallet and phone. I had been doing well on all these until the other morning, we were walking innocently on the path that winds around the hilltop park near our block when plop! Some bird decided it needs to target its waste on my arm!!

That is when the insight that tissue paper would be handy in the bag, but as it is, good insights always come to late. That’s why the term hindsight.

Luckily, there was a middle aged couple just up ahead whom I can approach to beg for tissue :P

“Auntie, do you have tissue?”

Auntie took a look at Donna, “Your dog pooped?”

I laughed, “No la, not the dog. The bird, plop, shit on me. Look! On my arm!” I pointed as she passed me a tissue paper.

The nice lady turned and asked her husband if he had wet tissue instead. Having cleaned my arm up, I said there was no need for the wet tissue, thanked them again and left.

And now, there is a packet of wet tissue in my dog walking shoulder bag. ; ) Hooray for kind strangers!