So the dog had a misadventure with some dried floral arrangement in the living room that she was not supposed to sample.

The stomach of a dog often knows when something bad is inside it, and dogs are designed with a defense mechanism where they throw up repeatedly until the stomach is FOR SURE empty. So if Fido eats some yuck from the back yard, he’ll vomit 15 times over 3-4 hours until only white foam or little puddles of yellow bile are coming up, then he’ll gack a few more times, empty, just to make for SURE sure all the bad stuff is gone. –

We fasted the dog overnight, so that we don’t overburden her poor little tummy on top of the GI upset (oh my, fancy schmancy vet acronym! :P). She stared at us eating dinner, poked her nose up from under the table, decided it was hopeless and then flopped on the floor to chew on her bones.

Yup, so she was more than ready to break her fast yesterday morning. And because I actually made the effort to boil chicken early in the morning. Tada!~ This deserves a post of its own. (I don’t even boil chicken for myself when I am sick… – -)

Please get out of my kitchen, of course!

Boiled chicken with barley is temporary bland patient food which she obviously finds delish. You would think barley is bland. I expected her to finish the chicken but leave much of the barley behind. She slurped it all up.  I had the already cooked barley boiling in there with the chicken to soften it up some more so maybe it soaked up some of the chicken taste. Perhaps.

I try to boil barley every weekend. It’s an old belief that barley water is “cooling” and good for you when you are feeling “heaty“. The left over barley ends up in the dog and my tummy. It’s real filling and has many health benefits including helping to control one’s blood sugar level, reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and promote digestive tract health.

For dogs, any benefits it seems is more debatable since dogs don’t need grain. But it did not do the dog any observable harm so I add a bit of it into her regular kibble and canned food mixture now and then.

Anyway, there was no further vomiting episode after breakfast. Dinner was more of the same, except that I threw in some canned tuna in water too. And then it will be back to the regular processed food diet tomorrow so that Donna gets all the necessary nutrients that my amateur cooking and diet planning skills cannot achieve! :P