Kittens and puppies on Instagram, you can’t get more cuteness than them. In January, I asked the Singapore Cat accounts of Instagram to share with me their cats’ adoption and rescue stories.
#AdoptDontAbandon – Cat edition
The following Singapore Cats of Instagram were adopted or rescued when they were tiny kittens. And I can’t help sharing them on my blog with you. So here goes:
1. Born under a motorcycle – Harriet the Cat
Harriet – See more of her @maxmontyharriet
Her human says, Harriet’s story starts with this black cat that I met under their block of flats. I named it Muthu (a male Indian name), and soon discovered my error when it became clear Muthu was pregnant.
Harriet was born on Good Friday, April 3 2015. I remembered it well because that was the night we found pregnant Muthu, now called Meera, missing.
The next night, Meera reappeared for dinner and we followed her to the babies. She had given birth under a motorcycle covered by a groundsheet. 🙀Luckily no one used that bike that day it seemed.
When the kittens, now named Hermione, Hector and Harriet were weaned, it was time to re-home them. I already had two cats. One of them was Max, who totally loved being a big foster-brother and couldn’t wait to play with the babies. He even let them pounce on his tail!
And so Harriet stayed to on be the third cat in the family and Max’s baby. 😻 He would groom her, and wrestle with her even when she was a kitten. They were thick as thieves, snuggling together in the afternoon and playing late at night. (That’s them in the video).
All our cats have different characters but we love them equally ❤
2. Occasionally falls off the “bed” while sleeping – Luna the Cat

Luna – See more of her @ourpetadventures
Luna and her two siblings were found abandoned at a temple when they were mere kittens. Luckily, they were rescued and Luna got a home to call her own.
Luna’s human says, since she was still a baby, it was quite easy to integrate her into our home. Litter box training was a breeze, only took one try!!
Luna turned out to be somewhat a klutz. There were occasions when she would sleep on the table or chair and then fall off the sides while napping! 😂 She ended up giving me quite a few scratches from those times when she tried to save herself. 😄 😘
Luna turned 2 in February 2017. I made a decision to adopt her when I first saw her, and I won’t ever change my mind. 💗
3 & 4. Not the male kittens you thought they were – Tom & Jerry

Tom & Jerry – See more of her @hyatttears
Here’s another case of mistaken gender. LOL :P
Their human says, Tom and Jerry are both females. I adopted them from one of the adoption drives by #catwelfaresociety in 2011. I only knew their gender when I sent them to the vet to be sterilised.
Tom warmed up to me pretty quickly in the early days and will always be there wherever I went – even to the toilet! Jerry loves attention and amuses the entire family when she runs around, tummy bouncing, during playtime.
Tom is a groomer. She constantly grooms Jerry whenever she spots the chance. Oh did I mentioned that Tom grooms me too? She licks my hand, arms and knees whenever I was spending time with her.
I just want to grow old with them and hope that they know how much I love them despite the occasional bites and scratches. I will definitely bring them with me when I move to my own place someday. They are my life, my family. ❤
5. Kitten with a soft spot for plain biscuits – Spooky the Cat

Spooky @sharec
In Feb 2009, a tiny black kitten was found crying under a plastic road barrier in front of a Bak Kut Teh store on Beach Road.
My hubs adopted her and her first meal was a paste of Marie biscuits and water. Till today she has a soft spot for plain biscuits, says Spooky’s mom. She also likes to have her humans stand behind her as she eats and she can demand for that very noisily.
Spooky had a few (mis)adventures at my parents-in-law’s home, including falling off the 2nd floor window ledge onto the roof below. In 2010, she moved into our flat on the 7th floor. In the first few months, I had many near-heart attacks whenever she sat on the window ledge. But she is a very smart cat and soon found her way around.
Than her peaceful only-cat life was turned upside down by the entry of one boisterous, noisy corgi pup. Six years on, she still slaps, hisses and chases at him. And he still sticks his nose up her ass.
6. Couch potato rescued from a construction site – Butter, previously known as Kumquat

I have made myself perfectly comfortable in my forever home! That’s me napping on MY sofa that maoma borrows when she returns from work at night, says Butter. – See more of her @i.m.waffle
I am Butter, a sweet tortie, and I just turned 1! 😸 I first met paopa and maoma at the @thecatmuseumsg one year ago during Chinese New Year! At that time, I was still named “Kumquat” as I was rescued from a construction site during the Chinese New Year period.
It was love at first sight 😻 as I settled on paopa’s lap for a nap at the kitty kindergarten.
Ever since coming home with my paopa and maoma, I have gained so much muscles (not fats). I enjoy hanging out with my bengal fur brother, Waffle. We are really close and we play catch everyday!
7 & 8. Kittens found cowering in the drain without their momma – Julius & Walter

Julius & Walter – See more of them @juliusandwalter
This is Ju and Wal. When their first arrived, our home was a foreign environment and they were inseparable even while sleeping, says their human.
Sadly, life wasn’t always so cushy for our cat brothers. A netizen found them in Dec 2014 cowering in a drain without their mommy. He was unable to rescue them, so he snapped some pics for Facebook in the hope of getting them some help 😿😢
The real heroes of this story are Georgiana and Ron, humans to @maxmontyharriet (yes, our first cat story right at the top of the post!). Upon seeing the post, they went in search of the kitties and miraculously found them! Ju and Wal were scruffy and tired, but they were now also safe and warm.
Two years have passed since we adopted Julius and Walter, and we have absolutely no regrets. Though the kitties are mischievous and laughable at times, they’ve become part of our family and we’re delighted that they now have a forever home 😸🏠😸
Many thanks to the featured cat accounts for sharing their photos and videos with me. All photos and videos are attributed to the rightful owners.
Some of the kittens in the stories above were abandoned. Do you know these consequences of abandonment?
1) When we abandon a pet, we are denying it of all the basic needs that it once relied on us for – food and water. We are expecting that a wholly domesticated pet that has no means to look for food and water in an unfamiliar environment. How different is this from starving our cat?
2) Cats are territorial. A new cat in an estate with existing community cats will need to fight for its own space, most times risking serious injuries. A cat that is used to a safe home as a pet will have a hard time surviving the unfamiliar and hostile environment where it was abandoned. You can imagine how much more difficult it will be for a kitten.
3) There are already countless strays and homeless cats, also shelter and foster cats waiting to be rehomed. Abandoning a cat will only add to the severity of the problem.
After knowing all these, what does it say about the person who abandons a newborn kitten, a sick or injured cat or gives up the cat in favour of a human baby or just because it is becoming ‘an inconvenience’?
The consequences of abandonment are adapted from the points return by @tansuelynn in support of #adoptdontabandon2017. While we know that the community for which we share our #adoptdontabandon2017 stories with are all responsible owners, we hope that somehow we can also reach out and educate people beyond the community.
Keen to commit to get a furry companion of your own?- Visit the Cat (and Kitten) Adoption Board
The cats featured in this post have found their forever homes, but there are many more cute adoptable cats and kittens waiting for the right home at the Cat Adoption Board here.
I’m leaving you with the lovely Emma Watson who tries handling kittens and questions at the same time. :P
Original video from Buzzfeed. +
A Certified Animal Safety Representative from the American Humane Association was present for all scenes that involved the participation of the kittens.
Aren’t those amazing adventures and rescues of the kittens??
Have your own cat’s adoption story to share? Drop me a line in the comments below or on Facebook!!
Come :) Follow on
Instagram @weliveinaflat | Facebook donna.weliveinaflat | Youtube Mutt Vlog
I’m not a rescue but Kaci and Kali are. We can’t have cats with 2 terriers and me.
We can’t either. I don’t mind a puppy but mom says she has her hands full with just me alone. Besides the fact that legally we are only approved to have 1 dog in the flat, and no cats. :P Mom hears birds are noise, are you?