The Run For Light 2017 Pre-event came and went this Saturday, 5 Nov. I was told the guide dogs will be attending so I planned to bring Donna to the walk. Unfortunately, the guide dogs were unable to show up since they are working dogs who have to work. BUT have no fear, Donna the calefare is here! 🤓🤓🤓

Not a guide dog :P
A calefare is a person who has a small and minor role in a show or movie. Also used to call someone an extra in their group/clique. – urbandictionary
Is she a guide dog?
Since Donna the calefare was the only canine on that stretch of Orchard Road that day, she found herself in much of the limelight. (There were some corgis who zoomed past real fast Donna couldn’t even sniff them very much. 😂)
Most of the questions by curious passers-by go like this:
“Is that a guide dog?”
“Does she bite?”
“Can I pet her?”
“What breed is she?”

I am Donna the mongrel or Singapore Special. I was a therapy dog for a year. But I am not a guide dog. And I don’t bite. Of course you can pet me, although I will prefer if you give me treats instead!
Run For Light 2017 pre event – Blindfold Walk
Anyway, one of the categories for Run for Light is the blindfold walk. The pre-event lets participants experience this as they walk blindfolded down Orchard Road from Mandarin Gallery to Ion and back, in support of the Guide Dogs Association of the Blind.

Two blindfolded ladies hanging onto their guide between them as they down Orchard Road.
So off we go with our balloons! Check out the video ;)
Since most participants were blindfolded, they were walking very slowly, so I had to keep telling Donna to slow down. :P But otherwise, we had no trouble walking down in a swarm of balloons and blindfolded shuffling walkers. :P
Run For Light 2017
Date: January 14, 2017
Time: 5pm – 10pm
Venue: Gardens by the Bay East
Register here
Donna is an Avenger Dog!
I hadn’t walked down Orchard Road in a while so it was fun to see that the Christmas Decorations were out, and also the various busking acts along the road.
The Mediacorp Subaru Car Challenge was also taking place in front of Takashimaya. That’s where we saw these Avengers available for photo taking with passers-by.
So after the Run For Light Event, I just had to go back there so Donna can have her once in a lifetime chance of being an Avenger dog!! 😝😝

Really mom, do I really look like I want to be an Avenger Dog????
Donna did great. Despite 1.5 hours of constant stimulation walking up and down Orchard Road, being petting and handled by strangers and getting slightly unnerved by the over-friendly Guide Dogs mascot, Donna did very well sitting and looking into the camera for this shot. You can see she was engaged and looking at me, her ears were alert and perked forward, her tail was stretched out behind her, so I don’t think she was overly stressed.
But I did think she was more comfortable being beside Captain America, because he at least looked human compared to Ironman. 😝😝
Get your own Avenger Dog!! Click to check out these dog costumes on Amazon! ;)
Back home, Donna had a balloon on her house for a little while before it ran out of gas. 😘
Thank you Guide Dogs Association of the Blind and Sherman for inviting Donna to her first walk on Orchard Road!
Come :) Follow on
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That’s a lot for a dog who isn’t used to it. Good going, Donna! I didn’t see you get any treats.