We live in a flat

Many Adults, 1 Boy & 1 Dog's Montessori Life in a Singapore flat

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Food and celebration

This is not really where you would typically find them but red eggs are usually served during a celebration held after baby has been born for a month. Only the shell is dyed red, the egg remains white with a yellow yolk although sometimes the red dye may find its way in through cracks in the shell.

Anyway, I took this picture because I told Donna to “leave it” when she sniffed them out downstairs and she did.

Her reward*…

I guess for us, a celebration will invariable include food as the main theme. Of course, Donna will never disagree to that!

This dinner shot is totally set up and phony!! XD

* Rewarding good behaviour should be done immediately when the dog demonstrates the behaviour you desire from him. Rewarding later means that the dog may not connect the reward to the behaviour. Which means I will likely get no effect from the reward… well actually I just use it to reward her for other good behaviours since I boiled them already.


Photography rules


Life. Saturated.


  1. Fascinated by the red eggs, going to do a little googling to find out more. Bon appetit to the dear doggie.

    • Lots of information about those on google, definitely! They taste like normal eggs :P Thank you for dropping by and letting me know your interest in those eggs, and have a great day!

  2. I’m coming over there. Here, celebrations don’t include food so much and that’s just not right.

    • OH yes, that’s just NOT right :D When will you arrive? The doorbell is working… it’s one of those other things that are essential for entertaining the dog :P

  3. Yumyumwumwumwum!

  4. So Donna you’ve been paying attention? – nice leave it!!

  5. Donna is just so clever and good for her for being so obedient. She truly enjoys her yummy food! Great shots Mrs. P and big hugs to you and Donna. xxx

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