I am a few months late sharing this Pet Hacks video. (OMG!)
Qanvast Hacks: Pet Hacks for a Happier Dog | More home reno & interior design inspiration at Qanvast.
Singapore Special mongrel dogs seem most often asked to act the role of the fierce, barking stray dog for commercials and TV shows, at least it seemed to me. So I was very happy that one media company has bucked the trend. And Donna was very lucky to be involved!
When Qanvast, an interior design and home renovation portal, asked if Donna can take part in a Pet Hacks video collaboration with them, my response was a no-brainer.

No, no, we didn’t mean Pet Hacks literally 😅😅😅
Of course!
What better way to show how adoptable and adaptable a Singapore Special dog in a flat can be than to show her in a video that talks about living in that environment?
Filming the Pet Hacks video with Qanvast
We had a fun morning with the Qanvast team filming the pet hacks video so I hope you enjoyed it as well. :)
Most of the scenes were easy for Donna since we practiced basic obedience cues very consistently everyday. So things like going to bed, going up the sofa, walking with me are just habits that she is used to.
There were 1-2 scenes where it was more difficult to lure Donna to the pose we wanted her to be in. Thankfully, the Qanvast video turned out great!
The Singapore Special – Scary, Stray, Scavenger – how about Smart & Trainable too?
Donna is a very diligent and intelligent dog. Neighbours have observed many times how well-trained and obedient she is.
But the man on the road who is less familiar with her tends to see her as just another scary, black dog that bites. It is a stereotype that persists. And unfortunately this stereotype continues to be perpetuated by the media when they have an aggressive, barking mongrel dog in the script.
So day in, day out, we have to take the good with the bad statements that random strangers make when they see our dog.
Does the Singapore Special mongrel dog suffer from prejudice more than their pure-bred cousins? I think so. And I believe mongrel owners do take more pains to try to raise awareness of these dogs as just as adoptable and trainable as any other.
This weekend is the inaugural Singapore Specials Day and the animal organisation Exclusively Mongrels has organised a “dogathon”where Singapore Specials and their owners can participate to show that these dogs can be good canine citizens too. To join with your awesome mutt, you can go check out this event and more on my Dog Events page. ;)
And hopefully in the future, our local Singapore Special mongrel dogs can have a more varied repertoire in TV dramas and commercials, other than that scary, barking dog stereotype. One can hope. :P
Got a pet hack to share? Or just a story about your Singapore Special?
Tell me about your dog or some of your home hacks for pet in the comments below!! :)
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Third Eye Dog Bakery
It’s tough when you have a dog that has a negative stereotype attached. Glad to see Donna doing her part to change that.